

Fabiana S. Oliveira, and Márcio W. A. Mendonça, and Márcia C. S. Vidigal, and Márcia M. C. Rêgo, and Patrícia M. C. Albuquerque
Comunidade de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) em ecossistema de dunas na Praia de Panaquatira, São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Foi analisada a estrutura da comunidade de Apoidea de uma área restrita de dunas primárias em São José de Ribamar, Maranhão, Brasil. Amostragens foram realizadas quinzenalmente durante um ano com metodologia padronizada totalizando 24 coletas. As coletas ocorreram no período das 12:00 às 18:00 h no primeiro dia e das 6:00 às 12:00 h no segundo, realizadas por dois ...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0085-5626
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416867
Sajad Harounabadi, and Seyyed Khalil Shokouhi Mostafavi, and Parvaneh Eghbali Shamsabad, and Seyyed Mansour Meybodi
Introduction: Easy access and wide use of antimicrobial compounds led to the emergence of resistance among microorganisms. Therefore, screening and identifying antimicrobial compound with high effect of microorganisms in different environments is necessary and vital . Using microorganisms for biological aims change them to an important tool to control pathogens. Streptomyces griseus is one of them. The aim of this study is isolation of marine bacteria with antimicrobial effect against gram posit...
關鍵字: sea
出版: University of Isfahan
ISSN: 2322-5173
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416866
A. Wernecke, and L. Kaleschke
Leads cover only a small fraction of the Arctic sea ice but they have a dominant effect on the turbulent exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. A supervised classification of CryoSat-2 measurements is performed by a comparison with visual MODIS scenes. For several parameters thresholds are optimized and tested in order to reproduce this prior classification. The maximum power of the waveform shows the best class...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416865
A. Mouton
關鍵字: aquatic
ISSN: 1019-9128
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416864
Sung-Yong Kim, and Kyung-Mi Kim, and Jong-Chun Park, and Gyu-Mok Jeon, and Ho-Hwan Chun
Offshore substructures have been developed to support structures against complex offshore environments. The load at offshore substructures is dominated by waves, and deformation of waves caused by interactions with the current is an important phenomena. Wave load simulation of fixed offshore substructures in waves with the presence of uniform current was carried out by numerical wave tank technique using the commercial software, FLUENT. The continuity and Navier–Stokes equations were applied as ...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2092-6782
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416863
Zeenatul Basher, and Mark J. Costello
Shrimps have a widespread distribution across the shelf, slope and seamount regions of the Southern Ocean. Studies of Antarctic organisms have shown that individual species and higher taxa display different degrees of sensitivity and adaptability in response to environmental change. We use species distribution models to predict changes in the geographic range of the deep-sea Antarctic shrimp Nematocarcinus lanceopes under changing climatic conditions from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present ...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416862
Nobutaka Mukae, and Masahiro Mizoguchi, and Megumu Mori, and Kimiaki Hashiguchi, and Minako Kawaguchi, and Nobuhiro Hata, and Toshiyuki Amano, and Akira Nakamizo, and Koji Yoshimoto, and Tetsuro Sayama, and Koji Iihara, and Makoto Hashizume
Background: The utility of corticospinal tract (CST)-tractography-integrated navigation was reported for brain tumors near pyramidal tracts. However, the efficacy of arcuate fasciculus (AF)-tractography-integrated navigation is unclear. Awake craniotomy is recommended to preserve language function for glioma located near the language area, although the patients' condition can limit its application. In such cases, AF-tractography-integrated navigation may help protect neurological function. Metho...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2214-7519
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416861
Yolanda Fourie
The progress of the South African economy relies heavily on earnings from physical exports, which depend increasingly on the competitiveness in global markets of the maritime supply chains that serve the country. World best practice requires that those chains should function as entities structured to serve their logistical purpose, while the development of such structured chains requires chain leadership. Transnet fulfils a prominent role in South Africa’s maritime supply chains, but that role, ...
關鍵字: maritime
ISSN: 2310-8789
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416860
André Cattani, and Gisela Ribeiro, and Alberto Teodorico Correia, and Alberto Teodorico Correia, and Alberto Teodorico Correia, and Maurício Hostim-Silva
The Santa Catarina Island has a mosaic of ecosystems, with great importance for the fishes. There is the presence of estuaries, lagoons, mangroves and sandy beaches in the same island. Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the spatio and temporal fish diversity patterns in estuaries, lagoons and beach systems of Santa Catarina Island, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Fish data collected between 1983 to 2011 in the baía Norte, saco dos Limões, Itacorubi and Ratones mangroves, Conceição lagoo...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416859
Anja B. Kristoffersen, and Daniel Jimenez, and Hildegunn Viljugrein, and Randi Grøntvedt, and Audun Stien, and Peder A. Jansen
Infection by parasitic sea lice is a substantial problem in industrial scale salmon farming. To control the problem, Norwegian salmonid farms are not permitted to exceed a threshold level of infection on their fish, and farms are required to monitor and report lice levels on a weekly basis to ensure compliance with the regulation. In the present study, we combine the monitoring data with a deterministic model for salmon lice population dynamics to estimate farm production of infectious lice stag...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1755-4365
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416858
Héctor A. Vargas
A new species of Eccopsis Zeller (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from the coastal valleys of northern Chile, with the first continental record of E. galapagana Razowski & Landry. Eccopsis Zeller, 1852 is reported for the first time from Chile. Eccopsis razowskii Vargas, n. sp. is described and illustrated based on specimens reared from larvae collected on native Acacia macracantha Willd. (Fabaceae) in the coastal valleys of the northern Chilean desert. Eccopsis galapagana Razowski & Landry, 2008, pre...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0085-5626
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416857
S. Giakoumakis, and D. Alexakis, and D. Gotsis
In this work an estimation of nutrient loads (expressed as Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen and Inorganic Phosphorous) in drainage water from a coastal irrigated area, was undertaken. The procedure is based on the calculation of drainage discharge with the use of data from the drainage pumping station and then on the assessment of the concentrations of nutrients in drainage water. The case study examined is the cultivated land of Agoulinitsa (Peloponnese - Greece). Results from this study could be u...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
ISSN: 1794-6190
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416856
Stojanović Branka, and Milićević Saša, and Stanković Srđan
The subjective quality of images (human interpretation) is very important in long-range imaging systems, where the presence of haze directly influences visibility of the scene, by reducing contrast and obscuring objects. Image enhancement techniques - dehazing techniques, are usually required in such systems. This paper compares the most significant single image dehazing approaches, proposes three additional enhancement steps in dehazing algorithms, compares performance of the ...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Faculty of Technical Sciences in Cacak
ISSN: 1451-4869
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416855
Eliane Brabo de Sousa, and Vanessa Bandeira da Costa, and Luci Carneiro Cajueiro Pereira, and Rauquírio Marinho da Costa
Variações sazonal e nictemeral do microfitoplâncton foram estudadas em uma estação fixa (00º46'37,2''S-046º43'24,5''W), localizada em uma área costeira próxima à ilha Canela (Norte do Brasil), durante os meses de setembro e dezembro/2004 (período seco) e março e junho/2005 (período chuvoso). As amostras destinadas à análise qualitativa do fitoplâncton foram obtidas a partir da filtragem de 400 L de água, através de uma rede planctônica (65 μm de abertura de malha), durante marés de sizígia,...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Sociedade Botânica do Brasil
ISSN: 0102-3306
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416854
E.R. Szenttamásy, and S.M.V.B. Barbosa, and M. Oetterer, and I.A.M. Moreno
<abstract language="eng">Para o estudo da viabilidade do Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) para processamento tecnológico, foram testados os processos de defumação, salga e secagem e enlatamento. Analisou-se também a farinha dos resíduos. Utilizou-se peixes provenientes de tanques de piscicultura do município de Piracicaba-SP e o produto final foi avaliado para o consumo na merenda escolar municipal. Foram feitas análises quanto aos teores de lipídeos, umidade, proteína e cinza. Os produtos process...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 0103-9016
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416853
R. Inghilesi, and F. Catini, and G. Bellotti, and L. Franco, and A. Orasi, and S. Corsini
A coastal forecasting system was implemented to provide wind wave forecasts over the whole Mediterranean Sea area, and with the added capability to focus on selected coastal areas. The goal of the system was to achieve a representation of the small-scale coastal processes influencing the propagation of waves towards the coasts. The system was based on a chain of nested wave models and adopted the WAve Model (WAM) to analyse the large-scale, deep-sea propagation of waves; and the Simulating WAves...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416852
Stopa R.M., and Hoshino K.
Technical problems have hampered the study of sleep in teleosts. The electrical discharges of Gymnotus carapo L. (Gymnotidae: Gymnotiformes) were monitored to evaluate their ease and reliability as parameters to study sleep. The discharges were detected by electrodes immersed in a glass aquarium and were recorded on a conventional polygraph. G. carapo showed conspicuous signs of behavioral sleep. During these periods, opercular beat rates were counted, electric discharges recorded, and the "shar...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica
ISSN: 0100-879X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416851
URECHE Dorel, and PRICOPE Ferdinand, and BATTES Klaus Werner
As a major part of the Siret river hidrography, though less known ichthyologically, the Trotus has a series of tributaries worth mentioning for their natural sources of water pollution (the Slanic River for sodium chloride, the Tazlau River for potassium chloride and the Tazlaul Sarat for petroleum derivatives) as well as for the chemical pollution from the plants in Darmanesti and Onesti. All these in mind the impact of the pollution over the fish fauna of the above mentioned area was determine...
關鍵字: fish
出版: CITDD Publishing House
ISSN: 1842-614X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416850
Young-Joo Song, and Jong-Hun Woo, and Jong-Gye Shin
Recently, the speed of change related with enterprise management is getting faster than ever owing to the competition among companies, technique diffusion, shortening of product lifecycle, excessive supply of market. For the example, the compliance condition (such as delivery date, product quality, etc.) from the ship owner is getting complicated and the needs for the new product such as FPSO, FSRU are coming to fore. This paradigm shift emphasize the rapid response rather than the competitive p...
關鍵字: shipbuilding
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2092-6782
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416849
Rebecca Jane Lent
Protected resource economists can greatly enhance the science and conservation of marine mammals, however such contributions are often hampered by a lack of understanding of the role of natural resource economics on behalf of more traditional marine mammal scientists. The three major threats to marine mammals - fishery bycatch, increasing underwater sound, and climate change could be more effectively addressed with an interdisciplinary approach that includes the full valuation of costs and benef...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416848
Yik Yaw Neo, and Hendrik V Winter
Human activities, such as shipping and pile driving, produce substantial amounts of man-made noise underwater. The noise may negatively affect fish, causing physical injuries, hearing loss, physiological stress, acoustic masking and behavioural changes. Among these effects, behavioural changes are most problematic, but are understudied, especially under well-controlled field conditions. Moreover, man-made noise varies widely in terms of acoustic characteristics. The influence of temporal pattern...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416847
Human activities are increasingly impacting biodiversity. To improve conservation planning measures in an ecosystem-based management context, we need to explore how the effects of these activities interact with different biodiversity components. In this study, we used a semi-quantitative method to assess the cumulative impacts of human activities on three biodiversity components (species richness, phylogenetic diversity, and functional diversity) in Tunisia’s exclusive economic zone. For each of...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416846
Manuel Sardinha, and Sofia Engrola, and Paulo Gray
Earthen ponds are the main production system for European seabass (<i>Dicentrarchus labrax</i>) and gilthead seabream (<i>Sparus aurata</i>) in Portugal and in Southern Spain. Production costs in this low productivity farming system are higher compared to intensive cage farms, and its economic sustainability depends on product differentiation and optimization of production. The development of new farming protocols, to enhance productivity of ponds and lagoons, or the implementation of certificat...
關鍵字: aquaculture
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416845
Biotic indices are considered key assessment tools in most national and European policies aimed at improving the quality of coastal waters. At present, several Water Framework Directive (WFD)-compliant biotic indices based on the marine angiosperm Posidonia oceanica have been developed and applied in the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of four different P. oceanica indices (POMI, PREI, Valencian CS, and BiPo) in evaluating the ecological status of coastal wate...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416844
This synopsis focuses on the effects of climate change on Mediterranean seagrasses, and associated communities, and on the contribution of the main species, Posidonia oceanica, to the mitigation of climate change effects through its role of sequestering carbon dioxide. Whilst the regression of seagrass meadows is well documented, generally linked to anthropogenic pressures, global warming could be a cause of new significant regressions, notably linked to the introduction of exotic species, the r...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416843
Valentina Bernal-Durán, and Mauricio F. Landaeta
The majority of rocky reef fishes have complex life cycles, involving transition from a pelagic to a benthic environment. This means that as they grow, their morphology, behaviour and feeding habits must change. Therefore, shape changes occurring during early development of these fishes will be related to diet changes. The clingfish Sicyases sanguineus was selected for this study, because it displays a noticeable variation in shape from pelagic larvae to juvenile stage, and it is expected that d...
關鍵字: reef
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416842
Aida H. Shobier, and Safaa A. Abdel Ghani, and Khouloud M. Barakat
The antifungal activity and the chemical constituents of selected macroalgae collected from the Egyptian Mediterranean coast of Alexandria have been investigated. Agar well diffusion assay was used to determine the antifungal potential of the extractable matter against Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Tricoderma hamatum, Aspergillus flavipes and Candida albicans. The ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts (ULE2 and ULM5) of Ulva lactuca obtained from Al Selsela exhibited the highest activity ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1687-4285
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416841
Wen Luo, and Lin Yi, and Zhaoyuan Yu, and Hui Sun, and Linwang Yuan
Focused on the zonal and meridional response of sea level change to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, this paper retrieves the overall average, positive anomaly and negative anomaly sea surface height (SSH) series of equatorial Pacific area (EPA) from satellite altimetry data from 1993 to 2013. The barycenter method is then applied to each of the three series to get the zonal and meridional barycenter coordinates. The barycenter coordinates are then compared with the Multivariate ENSO ...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0078-3234
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416840
Pedro M. Costa, and Pedro M. Costa, and Miguel ePinto, and Ana Margarida Vicente, and Cátia eGonçalves, and Ana P. Rodrigo, and Henriqueta eLouro, and Maria H. Costa, and Sandra eCaeiro, and Sandra eCaeiro, and Sandra eCaeiro, and Maria João Silva
The application of the Comet assay in environmental monitoring remains challenging in face of the complexity of environmental stressors, e.g. when dealing with estuarine sediments, that hampers the drawing of cause-effect relationships. Although the in vitro Comet assay may circumvent confounding factors, its application in environmental risk assessment (ERA) still needs validation. As such, the present work aims at integrating genotoxicity and oxidative DNA damage induced by sediment-bound toxi...
關鍵字: estuarine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-8021
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416839
Linda M. Barranco, and José D. Carriquiry, and Fabián A. Rodríguez-Zaragoza, and Amílcar L. Cupul-Magaña, and Julio A. Villaescusa, and Luis E. Calderón-Aguilera
Evaluating the response of coral assemblages to different disturbances is important because variations in species composition may have consequences for ecosystem functioning due to their different functional roles in coral reefs. This study evaluates changes in diversity, structure and composition of coral assemblages of the coral reefs of two national parks in the northern sector of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System spanning the period from 2006 to 2012, just after the impact of two hurrican...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416838
Lokenath Debnath, and Matiur Rahman
A theoretical study is made of the nonlinear wave loading on offshore structures using the diffraction theory of hydrodynamics. A nonlinear modification of the classical Morison equation, D≡Fℓ+FD for estimating wave forces on offshore structures is suggested in this paper. The modified equation is found in the form D≡Fℓ+Fnℓ+FD where Fnℓ≡Fd+Fw+Fq is the nonlinear contribution made up of the dynamic, waterline, and the quadratic forces associated with the irrotational-flow part of the wave loading...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Hindawi Limited
ISSN: 0161-1712
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416837
I.P. Senanayake
The government of Sri Lanka has embarked on a massive development programme of the country in all spheres of the economy, with the conclusion of war in May 2009. Sri Lanka is witnessing a new era with a rapid increase especially in infrastructure development projects. With the annihilation of the threats of terrorism, new prospects in satellite and space related technologies and their applications are flourishing. Navigation satellite (NAVSAT) technology plays the core role in a majority of the ...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1110-9823
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416836
Zohreh Moradi
Coral is one of the richest ecosystems in the world and divided into two major groups. First group consist of soft corals living in tropical and semitropical oceans and seas. People in the past used these kinds of coral to make jewelry and decorative objects. Second group contains hard coral which have been used as construction material in coastal zones. This paper presents the role of corals in art and architecture in four southern Islands (Qeshm, Hormoz, Hengam and Larak) of the Persian Gulf b...
關鍵字: coral
出版: University of Tehran
ISSN: 2322-5270
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416835
Amr Abd-EL Mooti EL Hanafy, and Yasir Anwar, and Saleh Ahmed Mohamed, and Saleh Mohamed Saleh Al-Garni, and Jamal Sabir Mohamed Sabir, and Osama Abdullah AbuZinadah, and Hussein Al Mehdar, and Abdul Wahid Alfaidi, and Mohamed Morsi Mohamed Ahmed
Twenty-three crude-oil-degrading bacteria were isolated from oil-contaminated sites near the Red Sea. Based on a high growth rate on crude oil and on hydrocarbon degradation ability, four strains were selected from the 23 isolated strains for further study. These four strains were selected on the basis of dichlorophenolindophenol assay. The nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene showed that these isolated strains belonged to genus Pseudomonas and Nitratireductor. Among the four isolates, stra...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 1310-2818
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416834
Viet-Thanh Nguyen, and Jin-hai Zheng, and Ji-sheng Zhang
The Dinh An Estuary is one of the Nine Dragon estuaries of the Mekong River. An international navigation channel was built in the estuary for vessels traveling from the South China Sea to the southwestern area of Vietnam and then to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The morphological evolution of the navigation channel is complicated and unstable. The back siltation intensity in the navigation channel has largely increased and been concentrated in the curvature segments of the channel since 1980. In this st...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1674-2370
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416833
Zhang S, and Wang X, and Yan CQ, and Hu SQ, and Huo JW, and Wang ZY, and Zhou P, and Liu CH, and Liu CZ
Shuai Zhang,1,* Xu Wang,2,* Chao-Qun Yan,1 Shang-Qing Hu,3 Jian-Wei Huo,4 Zhong-Yan Wang,4 Ping Zhou,1 Chun-Hong Liu,1 Cun-Zhi Liu3 1Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated to Capital Medical University, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 2School of Life Sciences, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 3Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Fengtai...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1178-7090
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416832
Mustafa Dihkan, and Nilgün Güneroğlu, and Abdülaziz Güneroğlu, and Fevzi Karslı
Coastal urbanization problem was emanated from willingness of coastal living. Urban sprawl is one of the most important coastal problems in Turkey as it is in Trabzon city which is known for its natural and historical assets. In order to ensure the sustainability and ecological continuity of the city, an ecosystem based coastal planning is an issue of high priority. Protection and usage balance of the coastal areas could also ensure transition of the natural values to future generations. Tra...
關鍵字: coastal
ISSN: 2148-9173
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416831
G. S. Bilokon, and O. M. Marenkov, and A. I. Dvoretskiy
Comprehensive radiation-toxicological studies of fish roe of some commercial fish of the Zaporizhya Reser-voir were conducted. It was found that the greatest number of 137Cs (4,5 Bq/kg) and 90Sr (3,2 Bq/kg) was accumu-lated by fish roe of perch. Heavy metals (cadmium, copper, zinc and lead), and natural radionuclides 226Ra and 232Th were accumulated to a greater amount of bream fish roe.
關鍵字: fish
出版: Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
ISSN: 1818-331X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416830
Ali Abbasi, and Heydar Sadeghi, and Hossein Berenjeian Tabrizi, and Kambiz Bagheri, and Alireza Ghasemizad
Introduction: Since disorders in neuromuscular performance and imbalance are the main cause of fallingamong the middle aged, their aspects including rehabilitation of balance are the main concern theresearchers attend to them. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of eight weeks aquaticbalance training (ABT) and detraining on neuromuscular performance and balance in healthy middle agedmale.Materials and Methods: Thirty adult male subjects were randomized into two groups of ABT and c...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Semnan Univeristy of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1608-7046
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416829
E. W. Blockley, and M. J. Martin, and P. Hyder
In this study, the quality of near-surface current forecasts from the FOAM ocean forecasting system is assessed using the trajectories of Lagrangian drifting buoys. A method is presented for deriving pseudo-Eulerian estimates of ocean currents from the positions of Surface Velocity Program drifters and the resulting data are compared to velocities observed by the global tropical moored buoy array. A quantitative analysis of the global FOAM velocities is performed for the period 2007 and 2008 usi...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1812-0784
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416828
J. D. Whitehead, and G. McFiggans, and M. W. Gallagher, and M. J. Flynn
Here we present the first observations of simultaneous ozone deposition fluxes and ultrafine particle emission fluxes over an extensive infra-littoral zone. Fluxes were measured by the eddy covariance technique at the Station Biologique de Roscoff, on the coast of Brittany, north-west France. This site overlooks a very wide (3 km) littoral zone controlled by very deep tides (9.6 m) exposing extensive macroalgae beds available for significant iodine mediated photochemical production of ultrafine ...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416827
Luis Amado Ayala-Pérez, and Greicy Janet Terán-González, and Domingo Flores-Hernández, and Julia Ramos-Miranda, and Atahualpa Sosa-López
La comunidad de peces en el sur del golfo de México es abundante y diversa y sus componentes se encuentran afectados por la captura incidental de la pesquería del camarón siete barbas. El presente trabajo describe y analiza los patrones de variación espacial y temporal de la abundancia y diversidad de la comunidad de peces, identificando las especies con dominio ecológico. Los muestreos se realizaron mensualmente entre febrero 2006 y enero 2007 en 37 sitios localizados desde la desembocadura del...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
ISSN: 0718-560X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416826
Giovana V. Lima, and Marcelo R. S. Soares, and Lídia M.Y. Oshiro
The aim of this work was to gain knowledge about reproductive biology of the crab Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897) from an estuarine area of the Sepetiba Bay. Samples were taken monthly from February 2003 to January 2004 in the Sahy River estuary (22º56'S; 44º01'W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The crabs were collected by hand during 15-minute catch-effort sessions conducted by two people. In the laboratory, the specimens were separated by sex, carapace width was measured and gonadal stage was checke...
關鍵字: estuarine
出版: Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul
ISSN: 0073-4721
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416825
Kelleher Colin Thomas, and Diskin Aidan
Collections of plants at the botanical gardens are storages of genetic resources. However, their genetic diversity is often limited, because there are only single or very few individual species of a plant. This study has assessed genetic material of small number of samples of Magnolia delavayi at the botanical gardens in Ireland and to establish whether they represent a single homogenous genepool or belong to distinct lineages. The results showed that specimens at the gardens contain two distinc...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Petrozavodsk State University
ISSN: 1994-3849
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416824
Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini, and Luh Putu Trisna Darmayanti
The aim of this research was to determine the effect of dietary seaweed of Caulerpa sp. and Gracilaria sp. on blood glucose levels and histological pancreas of diabetic rats. A total of 28 male Wistar rats were used in this study. Rats were divided into 4 groups and given different diets i.e. PSN, PSA, PBN and PBS. Bioassay was conducted for 30 days. The analysis conducted on the macronutrient content of the seaweed flour as well as blood glucose levels on day 0, day 1 and day 30 after alloxan i...
關鍵字: seaweed
出版: Universitas Udayana
ISSN: 2407-3814
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416823
Fernando Alves Ferreira, and Gisele Catian, and Arnildo Pott
The diaspore bank is an important component of biological diversity acting mainly as storage and source of diaspores, which also indicate dynamics and patterns of maintenance of plant diversity. We tested the hypothesis that the diaspore bank would be the responsible factor for the maintenance of the aquatic plant species, used two techniques to evaluate the diaspore bank: seedling emergence and direct counting of field samples. Density and richness of the diaspore bank were correlated with plan...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
ISSN: 1679-9283
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416822
P Ravi Shankar, and Arun K Dubey, and Atanu Nandy, and Burton L Herz, and Brian W Little
Introduction: Rural residents of the United States (US) and Canada face problems in accessing healthcare. International medical graduates (IMGs) play an important role in delivering rural healthcare. IMGs from Caribbean medical schools have the highest proportion of physicians in primary care.  Xavier University School of Medicines admits students from the US, Canada and other countries to the undergraduate medical (MD) course and also offers a premedical program. The present study was conducted...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: F1000 Research Ltd
ISSN: 2046-1402
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416821
M. -A. N. Moen, and A. P. Doulgeris, and S. N. Anfinsen, and A. H. H. Renner, and N. Hughes, and S. Gerland, and T. Eltoft
In this paper we investigate the performance of an algorithm for automatic segmentation of full polarimetric, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sea ice scenes. The algorithm uses statistical and polarimetric properties of the backscattered radar signals to segment the SAR image into a specified number of classes. This number was determined in advance from visual inspection of the SAR image and by available in situ measurements. The segmentation result was then compared to ice charts drawn by ice se...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416820
Adžić Miroljub M., and Živković Marija A., and Fotev Vasko G., and Milivojević Aleksandar M., and Adžić Vuk M.
Swirl burners are the most common type of device in wide range of applications, including gas turbine combustors. Due to their characteristics, swirl flows are extensively used in combustion systems because they enable high energy conversion in small volume with good stabilization behavior over the wide operating range. The flow and mixing process generated by the swirl afford excellent flame stability and reduced NOx emissions. Experimental investigation of NOx emission of a purposely designed ...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia
ISSN: 0367-598X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416819
Issam H. Al-Rasady, and Anesh Govender
The Present study assessed the fishery state of longnose trevally (Carangoides chrysophrys) in the North West Arabian Sea. Key population parameters were estimated, and yield and spawning stock biomass per recruit analyses were conducted. The equation presented by Alagaraja (1984) for estimating natural mortality resulted in M = 0.29 year-1 and lead to the best estimate of longevity. Hence this value was used in the yield and spawning stock biomass per recruit analyses. The total mortality (Z) w...
關鍵字: fishery
出版: Sultan Qaboos University
ISSN: 2410-1060
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416818