

Prihartini Widiyanti, and Siswanto Siswanto
<p><span style="font-family: Tribune-Bold; font-size: 10pt; color: #231f20; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;"><strong>Background: </strong><span style="font-family: Tribune-Italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #231f20; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;"><em>Brown algae is a raw material for producing natrium alginates. One type of brown algae is Sargassum sp, a </em><span style="font-family: Tribune-Italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #231f20; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal;"><em...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Universitas Airlangga
ISSN: 1978-3728
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416066
C. Hongo, and H. Kurihara, and Y. Golbuu
Tropical cyclones (TCs) and sea level rise (SLR) cause major problems including beach erosion, saltwater intrusion into groundwater, and damage to infrastructure in coastal areas. The magnitude and extent of damage is predicted to increase as a consequence of future climate change and local factors. Upward reef growth has attracted attention for its role as a natural breakwater, reducing the risks of natural disasters to coastal communities. However, projections of change in the risk to c...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416065
HE Lisi, and WANG Deyu
<b>[Objectives]</b> A Roll-on/Roll-off(Ro-Ro)ship is a modern ship type with high technology and high added value. Due to the specification of its structure,a consensus on buckling and fatigue checking for Ro-Ro ships has not been reached among the different classification societies of the world. <b>[Methods]</b> On the basis of analyzing the structural characteristics of Ro-Ro ships,the present study considers the direct calculation of buckling strength,advanced buckling analysis and fatigue an...
關鍵字: ship
出版: Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Ship Research
ISSN: 1673-3185
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416064
HUA Yifei, and LI Weibo, and FANG Xiongwei, and XU Zhihao, and XU Cong, and YUN Qinsheng
<b>[Objective]</b> In order to ensure the reliability, safety and robust operation of a ship's energy management system,higher requirements are placed on data acquisition and visual design.<b>[Methods]</b> Tilcon graphics visualization software based on VxWorks and the UDP communication scenario are used. The key techniques and implementation method of the visual technology of the network is studied and proved in engineering practice. <b>[Results]</b> This solves the matching problem between rea...
關鍵字: ship
出版: Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Ship Research
ISSN: 1673-3185
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416063
YANG Zexin, and XIAO Jianmei, and WANG Xihuai, and DENG Jun
<b>[Objectives]</b> An energy management optimization strategy is proposed which considers the limitation of a ship's power system operation and greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions.<b>[Methods]</b> This strategy uses the differential evolution algorithm and real number code to optimize the dispatching speed of the ship,start and stop state of the generators and power distribution of the generator set with minimum consumption as the goal. These three plans can ensure compliance with environmental limit...
關鍵字: ship
出版: Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Ship Research
ISSN: 1673-3185
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416062
Xinbao Zhang, and Xingchen Gu
The influences of bearing support performance which would be affected by the quality of shafting alignment apparently on the lateral vibration natural frequencies of marine propulsion shafting are analyzed in this paper. A three dimensional finite element model representing the entire propulsion shafting, including the bearings, shaft and propeller, has been developed using finite element software for lateral vibration analyses. The effects of the number of bearings, the stiffness and effective ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: JVE International
ISSN: 1392-8716
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416061
Huiyong Guo
A two-stage damage detection method based on strain energy and micro-search artificial fish swarm algorithm (MSAFSA) is presented for solving structural multi-damage problem. First, structural modal strain energy and energy dissipation process are analyzed and an improved modal strain energy dissipation ration index (IMSEDRI) is proposed to preliminarily detect suspected damage elements. Then, artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) is used to identify damage extent of suspected damage elements. ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: JVE International
ISSN: 1392-8716
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416060
Shenghong Li, and Kangkang Wang
In this paper, the chaotic motion of ship roll in stochastic beam seas, which is regarded as a bounded noise is investigated in detail. The stochastic Melnikov approach is applied to the model and the criterion for the chaos in the mean-square sense is derived. The chaotic thresholds of noise parameters obtained by means of the stochastic Melnikov process are verified by the numerical safe basin. Besides of the factors of noise disturbances, the effects of the other parameters in the system on s...
關鍵字: ship
出版: JVE International
ISSN: 1392-8716
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416059
Liangjie Mao, and Mingjie Cai, and Yulong Yang, and Guorong Wang
A considerable number of studies for vortex induced vibration (VIV) under uniform flow have been performed. However, investigation of VIV under middle flow is scarce. An experiment for VIV under middle flow was conducted in a deep-water offshore basin. Various measurements were obtained by the fiber Bragg grating strain sensors placed on the riser, and VIV under the effect of middle flow with was investigated. Results show that the riser vibrates at different order natural frequencies along the ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: JVE International
ISSN: 1392-8716
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416058
M. Prémaillon, and V. Regard, and T. J. B. Dewez, and Y. Auda
<p>Rocky coast erosion (i.e., cliff retreat) is caused by a complex interaction of various forcings that can be marine, subaerial or due to rock mass properties. From Sunamura's seminal work in 1992, it is known that cliff retreat rates are highly variable over at least four orders of magnitude, from 1 to 10&thinsp;mm yr<sup>−1</sup>. While numerous local studies exist and explain erosion processes at specific sites, there is a lack of knowledge at the global scale. In order to quantify an...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 2196-6311
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416057
The fish assemblages of the coastal area of the promontory of Cape Milazzo (Italy, Central Mediterranean), which has been recently designated by the Italian Law to become a national marine protected area (MPA), were characterized by visual censuses carried out over different habitats (rocky algal reef, Posidonia oceanica meadow and soft bottom) and depth ranges (0-3, 4-7, 12-16 and 24-30 m) to identify areas of major concern for the MPA zoning. The study area was divided into 6 sectors to assess...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416056
Pilar Sánchez, and Paolo Sartor, and Laura Recasens, and Alessandro Ligas, and Javier Martin, and Stefano De Ranieri, and Montserrat Demestre
The study was carried out in two fishing grounds on the Mediterranean continental shelf: one in the Adriatic Sea and one in the Catalan Sea. Samplings on board otter trawlers were performed from November 2002 to December 2003 in the Catalan Sea and from February 2003 to January 2004 in the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic fishing ground was affected by high fishing intensity from January to June, while the Catalan area was highly exploited from September to February. Fishing activity in the Adriatic a...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416055
Two commercial multivalent vaccines against vibriosis, caused by Vibrio anguillarum serotype(s) and photobacteriosis, caused by Photobacterium damsela subsp. piscicida, one with oil adjuvant (AJ) and the other,being an aqueous solution (AV), and an experimental monovalent (Ph. damselae subsp. piscicida) vaccine inactivated with formalin or heat, namely EVF and EVH, were tested in laboratory trials on sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in respect to their efficacy against experimentally induced phot...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416054
Lucile Courtial, and Vincent Picco, and Gilles Pagès, and Christine Ferrier-Pagès
The extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) signalling pathway controls key cellular processes, such as cell cycle regulation, cell fate determination and the response to external stressors. Although ERK functions are well studied in a variety of living organisms ranging from yeast to mammals, its functions in corals are still poorly known. The present work aims to give practical tools to study the expression level of ERK protein and the activity of the ERK signalling pathway in cora...
關鍵字: coral
出版: F1000 Research Ltd
ISSN: 2046-1402
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416053
Anelia Dietmann, and Daniel Putzer, and Ronny Beer, and Raimund Helbok, and Bettina Pfausler, and Abdul Jalil Nordin, and Irene Virgolini, and Astrid E. Grams, and Erich Schmutzhard
Background: Tick borne encephalitis (TBE) is an acute meningoencephalitis with or without myelitis caused by an RNA virus from the flavivirus family transmitted by Ixodes spp ticks. The neurotropic TBE virus infects preferentially large neurons in basal ganglia, anterior horns, medulla oblongata, Purkinje cells and thalamus. Brain metabolic changes related to radiologic and clinical findings have not been described so far. Methods: Here we describe the clinical course of 10 consecutive TBE patie...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1201-9712
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416052
S. M. Radicella, and B. Forte
A comparison between two of the most used scintillation models and experimental data is presented. The experimental&#13; data have been derived from a GPS scintillation monitor developed at Cornell University and placed in Tucuman&#13; (Argentina), under the peak of the anomaly. The models used (GISM and WBMOD) have been run for the&#13; geophysical conditions corresponding to the measurements. The comparison is done by subdividing the information&#13; on the basis of an ionospheric grid of 5°×5...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
ISSN: 1593-5213
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416051
Rosemara Fugi, and Norma Segatti Hahn, and Edson Lourenço da Silva
Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas as variações temporais e ontogenéticas na dieta de <em>Pimelodus maculatus</em> no reservatório de Manso e na baía Sinhá Mariana, Estado do Mato Grosso. Os peixes foram coletados, mensalmente, de março/2000 a fevereiro/2001 com redes de espera e de arrasto. Foram analisados 199 conteúdos estomacais por meio do método volumétrico. No reservatório, a dieta foi composta basicamente por insetos durante todo o período analisado e independente do tamanho dos exemplares....
關鍵字: fish
出版: Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
ISSN: 1679-9283
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416050
Jelic-Mrcelic Gorana, and Sliskovic Merica
This paper offers a brief review of the impacts of fish farming on the nutrient content and chlorophyll a in Mala Lamljana Bay, Croatia. Local loading of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds in fish farms can be very significant and can represent the largest source of N and P in a given area. Low N and P concentrations, low chlorophyll a concentration and a great variety of phytoplankton species were found in the bay, despite the high nutrient loading during the long history of farming in th...
關鍵字: fish
出版: University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad
ISSN: 0354-4664
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416049
R. Sommariva, and H. D. Osthoff, and S. S. Brown, and T. S. Bates, and T. Baynard, and D. Coffman, and J. A. de Gouw, and P. D. Goldan, and W. C. Kuster, and B. M. Lerner, and H. Stark, and C. Warneke, and E. J. Williams, and F. C. Fehsenfeld, and A. R. Ravishankara, and M. Trainer
This paper describes a modelling study of several HO<sub>x</sub> and NO<sub>x</sub> species (OH, HO<sub>2</sub>, organic peroxy radicals, NO<sub>3</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>) in the marine boundary layer. A model based upon the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) was constrained to observations of chemical and physical parameters made onboard the NOAA ship R/V <i>Brown</i> as part of the New England Air Quality Study (NEAQS) in the summer of 2004. The model was used to calculate [OH]...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416048
Firas Al-Niaimi, and Nisith Sheth, and Habib A Kurwa, and Raj Mallipeddi
Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma is a common cutaneous malignant tumour. Surgical excision is the "gold standard" treatment for most subtypes, with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) offering the highest cure rate. Other treatment modalities used include photodynamic therapy (PDT). Background: We aimed to study the efficacy of combining MMS with PDT to see whether this would reduce the number of stages and final defect size when compared with MMS alone. Materials and Methods: Our study was a sing...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0974-2077
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416047
Wanichapichart, P., and Ritthipairote, T., and Youravong, W.
The possibility of using a pilot plant scale microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) to clarify and reduce number of bacteria, yeast and mould of sugar palm sap was studied. The membrane used was multi channel tubular ceramic membrane (ZrO2-TiO2) with membrane pore size 0.2 and 0.1 μm and molecular weight cut off (MWCO) 300 and 50 kDa for microfiltration and ultrafiltration respectively. The experiment was carried out to investigate the rejection of the components in sugar palm sap, permea...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Prince of Songkla University
ISSN: 0125-3395
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416046
Andrius Šiaulys, and Darius Daunys, and Martynas Bučas, and Egidijus Bacevičius
This study presents a quantitative approach to mapping benthophagous fish feeding grounds. This approach combines the spatial biomass distribution of benthic prey items and their importance for the diets of predators. A point based biomass data of macrozoobenthos together with a set of environmental factors was used to develop Random Forests models that produce continuous biomass distribution layers for individual prey species. Depending on the diet composition and the importance of prey for fis...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0078-3234
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416045
Gilberto M Amado Filho, and Wolfgang C Pfeiffer
A viabilidade de utilização de macrófitas marinhas para o monitoramento da contaminação por metais pesados em ambientes costeiros foi avaliada através de análises das concentrações de alguns metais em duas espécies de algas pardas, Padina gymnospora e Sargassum stenophyllum, e numa espécie de monocotiledônea marinha, Halodule wrightii. Essas espécies foram coletadas em duas regiões do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a Baía de Sepetiba, que vem sofrendo processo de degradação ambiental crescente nas úl...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Sociedade Botânica do Brasil
ISSN: 0102-3306
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416044
Cesar Marcial Escobedo-Bonilla, and Jose Luis Ibarra Rangel
The present study evaluated the susceptibility of three different batches of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei from Mexico to an inoculum of infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV). Each of the three shrimp batches came from a different hatchery. Because of their origin, it was possible that the genetic makeup of these batches was different among each other. The three batches tested showed differences in IHHNV susceptibility. Here, susceptibility is defined as the capa...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Pensoft Publishers
ISSN: 1313-2970
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416043
Maite Vázquez-Luis, and Mercè Morató, and Juan Antonio Campillo, and Carlos Guitart, and Salud Deudero
Concentrations of metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn) in the marine bivalve Pinna nobilis at several coastal locations of Majorca and the Cabrera Islands (Mediterranean Sea) were investigated. The elevated concentrations of metals found in the soft tissues of P. nobilis indicate high bioaccumulation factors. All concentrations and the calculated metal pollution index showed significant differences between sites, with particularly high concentrations in the Cabrera Archipelago, a marine protected area...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416042
Gabi Topor, and Ionela-Alina Grosu, and Cristina Mihaela Ghiciuc, and Aurel Lulu Strat, and Cătălina Elena Lupuşoru
Background Awareness about antibiotic resistance depends on the attitudes and information about antibiotic resistance of both patients and physicians. Persons who practice self-medication are at high risk of also self-medicating with antibiotics. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the awareness about antibiotic resistance by investigating the practice in a group of self-medication users in a sample of adults in Romania and the variables associated with such practice. Material and M...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416041
Francisco Mir Calafat, and Marta Marcos Moreno
Steric sea level (SSL) computed from hydrographic observations in the Mediterranean Sea is compared against altimetric sea level anomalies (SLA) at seasonal and inter-annual time scales for the period 1993-2008. SSL (referenced to 300 m) is computed using two data sets: in situ profiles and gridded products obtained from interpolated observations. The impact of expendable/mechanical bathythermograph (XBT/MBT) biases affecting some of the in situ profiles is investigated by comparing both correct...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416040
M. Kleinherenbrink, and R. Riva, and T. Frederikse
Tide gauge (TG) records are affected by vertical land motion (VLM), causing them to observe relative instead of geocentric sea level. VLM can be estimated from global navigation satellite system (GNSS) time series, but only a few TGs are equipped with a GNSS receiver. Hence, (multiple) neighboring GNSS stations can be used to estimate VLM at the TG. This study compares eight approaches to estimate VLM trends at 570 TG stations using GNSS by taking into account all GNSS trends with an uncer...
關鍵字: tide
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1812-0784
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416039
G. Langer, and G. Nehrke, and C. Baggini, and R. Rodolfo-Metalpa, and J. M. Hall-Spencer, and J. Bijma
Specimens of the patellogastropod limpet <i>Patella caerulea</i> were collected within (pH<sub>low</sub>-shells) and outside (pH<sub>n</sub>-shells) a CO<sub>2</sub> vent site at Ischia, Italy. Four pH<sub>low</sub>-shells and four pH<sub>n</sub>-shells were sectioned transversally and scanned for polymorph distribution by means of confocal Raman microscopy. The pH<sub>low</sub>-shells displayed a twofold increase in aragonite area fraction and size-normalised aragonite area. Size-normalised cal...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416038
Nicolai A. Lund-Blix, and Kjersti S. Rønningen, and Håkon Bøås, and German Tapia, and Lene F. Andersen
Background: There is a lack of studies comparing dietary assessment methods with the biomarkers of fatty acids in children. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the suitability of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to rank young children according to their intake of dairy and fish products by comparing food frequency estimates to the plasma phospholipid fatty acids pentadecanoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Design: Cross-sectional data for the present ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Swedish Nutrition Foundation
ISSN: 1654-661X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416037
E. Christien Michael Parsons, and Andrew John Wright
關鍵字: marine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416036
Abdul Qader Khan, and Fahad Aldosari, and Sayed Musawir Hussain
This study aimed to explore fish consumption behavior and fish farming attitude of the Saudi households in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The survey was conducted in Sharurah town situated in Najran province. The data were collected through a well-structured questionnaire from 100 respondents residing in the province. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to see the significant and non-significant impact of the two variables. The results showed that majority (37%) of the respondents fell ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1658-077X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416035
Hala Yassin El-Kassas
關鍵字: marine
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1687-4285
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416034
J. Schönfeld, and W. Kuhnt, and Z. Erdem, and S. Flögel, and N. Glock, and M. Aquit, and M. Frank, and A. Holbourn
Present day oceans are well ventilated, with the exception of mid-depth oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) under high surface water productivity, regions of sluggish circulation, and restricted marginal basins. In the Mesozoic, however, entire oceanic basins transiently became dysoxic or anoxic. The Cretaceous ocean anoxic events (OAEs) were characterised by laminated organic-carbon rich shales and low-oxygen indicating trace fossils preserved in the sedimentary record. Yet assessments of the intensity...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416033
Nam-Kyun Im, and Van-Suong Nguyen
The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model has been known as one of the most effective theories for automatic ship berthing, as it has learning ability and mimics the actions of the human brain when performing the stages of ship berthing. However, existing ANN controllers can only bring a ship into a berth in a certain port, where the inputs of the ANN are the same as those of the teaching data. This means that those ANN controllers must be retrained when the ship arrives to a new port, which is ...
關鍵字: ship
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2092-6782
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416032
Sebastián Villasante, and Henrik Österblom
Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries are among the worlds' richest in marine biodiversity. Fish stocks in these regions are important for fishing communities, and fishing activities engage several million people. These fisheries depend on the natural services provided by a diverse range of marine social-ecological systems, but many LAC fisheries are in a degraded state, and concerns about overexploitation are widespread. With most fishery resources fully exploited or overexploited, oppor...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Resilience Alliance
ISSN: 1708-3087
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416031
Eva Garcia-Vazquez, and Paula Alvarez, and Placida Lopes, and Nikoletta Karaiskou, and Juliana Perez, and Ana Teia, and José L. Martinez, and Laurentina Gomes, and Costas Triantaphyllidis
Patterns of the 16S rRNA gene obtained in 8 and 12% acrylamide gels by the SSCP (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) method were different for various marine fish species (Macrorhamphosus scolopax, Scomber scombrus, Lepidorhombus boscii, L. whiffiagonis, Trachurus trachurus, T. mediterraneus, Molva molva, Merluccius merluccius). SSCP patterns of this gene were employed to successfully identify formaldehyde-fixed eggs of different species (Merluccius merluccius, Scomber scombrus, Macrorhamph...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416030
T. Bulteau, and D. Idier, and J. Lambert, and M. Garcin
The knowledge of extreme coastal water levels is useful for coastal flooding studies or the design of coastal defences. While deriving such extremes with standard analyses using tide-gauge measurements, one often needs to deal with limited effective duration of observation which can result in large statistical uncertainties. This is even truer when one faces the issue of outliers, those particularly extreme values distant from the others which increase the uncertainty on the results. In this stu...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416029
Jay Willis
There has been debate about animals’ contribution to ocean circulation, called biomixing, or biogenic mixing. The energy input of schooling fish is significant but the eddies may be too small; so energy is dissipated as heat before impacting oceanic structure. I suggest that high turbulence caused by some very large aggregations of small animals has an important impact via a more direct ecosystem feedback process than overall ocean circulation. In the model presented here, large schools exhibit ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416028
Ronaldo Sousa, and Ronaldo Sousa
Co-extinctions have received trivial consideration in discussions about the global conservation crisis, even though recent studies have emphasised their importance. This situation is even more pronounced in freshwater ecosystems where this phenomenon is largely unrecognized. In this presentation we explore the role of fish for freshwater mussels’ conservation. Freshwater mussels’ need fish as a host to complete their life cycle and given this premise is expected that changes in the fish communit...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416027
Stephen David James Archer, and Ian R McDonald, and Craig W Herbold, and Charles K. Lee, and Craig Stephen Cary
The numerous perennial meltwater ponds distributed throughout Antarctica represent diverse and productive ecosystems central to the ecological functioning of the surrounding ultra oligotrophic environment. The dominant taxa in the pond benthic communities have been well described however, little is known regarding their regional dispersal and local drivers to community structure. The benthic microbial communities of twelve meltwater ponds in the McMurdo Sound of Antarctica were investigated to e...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-302X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416026
Piero Del Boccio, PhD, and Francesca Perrotti, MD, and Claudia Rossi, PhD, and Ilaria Cicalini, MSc, and Sara Di Santo, MD, and Mirco Zucchelli, PhD, and Paolo Sacchetta, PhD, and Domenico Genovesi, MD, and Damiana Pieragostino, PhD
Purpose: Prospective detection of patients with advanced rectal cancer (LARC) who have a higher probability of responding to preoperative chemoradiotherapy (CRT) may provide individualized therapy. Lipidomics is an emerging science dedicated to the characterization of lipid fingerprint involved in different pato-physiological conditions. The purpose of this study is to highlight a typical lipid signature able to predict the tumor response to CRT. Experimental Design: A prospective global analysi...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2452-1094
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416025
Federica Semprucci, and Maria Balsamo, and Fabrizio Frontalini
This study was conducted in Lake Varano (southern Italy) in order to determine the environmental parameters that influence nematode taxonomic and functional diversity and how they influence them, and to classify for the first time the ecological quality status of a transitional environment. The general composition and level of taxonomic diversity were comparable with those reported for transitional environments worldwide. Principal component analysis revealed that the main environmental factors ...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416024
J. H. Gao, and J. Jia, and Y. P. Wang, and Y. Yang, and J. Li, and F. Bai, and X. Zou, and S. Gao
In order to evaluate the impact of human activities (mainly dam building) on the Changjiang River sediment discharging into the sea, the spatial–temporal variations in the sediment load of different tributaries of the river were analyzed to reveal the quantity, grain size and composition patterns of the sediment entering the sea. The results show that the timing of reduction in the sediment load of the main stream of the Changjiang was different from those associated with downstream and upstream...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1027-5606
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416023
Burak Can Cerik, and Hyun-Kyoung Shin, and Sang-Rai Cho
This paper examines the application of structural reliability analysis to submarine pressure hulls to clarify the merits of probabilistic approach in respect thereof. Ultimate strength prediction methods which take the inelastic behavior of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells and hemispherical shells into account are reviewed. The modeling uncertainties in terms of bias and coefficient of variation for failure prediction methods in current design guidelines are defined by evaluating the compiled e...
關鍵字: submarine
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2092-6782
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416022
M. Héroux, and M. Watt, and K.A. McGuire, and J.M. Berardi
The aim of this pilot study was to examine if a personalized web-based multi-platform nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle coaching program, supported weight loss and the reduction of chronic disease risk factors in overweight or obese women. Twenty-eight women completed the program, which represented 50% of those who provided baseline data. The program consisted of a one-year curriculum with daily exercise, nutritional habits, and health behaviour lessons along with access to a one-on-one coach. ...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2214-7829
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416021
S. Ishino, and S. Hattori, and J. Savarino, and B. Jourdain, and S. Preunkert, and M. Legrand, and N. Caillon, and A. Barbero, and K. Kuribayashi, and N. Yoshida
Triple oxygen isotopic compositions (Δ<sup>17</sup>O  = <i>δ</i><sup>17</sup>O − 0.52  ×  <i>δ</i><sup>18</sup>O) of atmospheric sulfate (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2−</sup>) and nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>−</sup>) in the atmosphere reflect the relative contribution of oxidation pathways involved in their formation processes, which potentially provides information to reveal missing reactions in atmospheric chemistry models. However, there remain many theoretical assumptions for the controlling factors ...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416020
A Haner, and P Örninge, and A Khorram-Manesh
Objective: To evaluate the outcome of physician-staffed ambulances in a pilot study. Methods: All physician-staffed ambulance missions conducted in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2013 were retrospectively reviewed and evaluated for the type of missions and the need of a physician. Results: Out of 1 381 physician-staffed missions, 511 were cancelled or managed by telephone. Around 239 (17%) missions required active intervention, of which only one was considered directly life-saving. Conclusions: Most of ...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 2221-6189
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416019
Xiaojun Liu, and Junhong Xia, and Hongyan Pang, and Genhua Yue
While juvenile cannibalism plays an important role in the evolution of organisms in natural populations, it is a serious problem in aquaculture. A number of genetic and environmental factors result in different rates of cannibalism. Whether there is kin recognition in juvenile cannibalism in fish is poorly understood. We studied cannibalism and kinship recognition in juveniles of Asian seabass using molecular parentage analysis with polymorphic microsatellites. In the three mass crosses, under a...
關鍵字: fish
出版: KeAi
ISSN: 2468-550X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416018
Shihang Shen, and Haozhao Liang, and Jie Meng, and Peter Ring, and Shuangquan Zhang
The spin symmetry in the Dirac sea has been investigated with relativistic Brueckner–Hartree–Fock theory using the bare nucleon–nucleon interaction. Taking the nucleus 16O as an example and comparing the theoretical results with the data, the definition of the single-particle potential in the Dirac sea is studied in detail. It is found that if the single-particle states in the Dirac sea are treated as occupied states, the ground state properties are in better agreement with experimental data. Mo...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0370-2693
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 416017