

O. Raji, and L. Dezileau, and U. Von Grafenstein, and S. Niazi, and M. Snoussi, and P. Martinez
The Moroccan Mediterranean coast is located in one of the area's most vulnerable to extreme weather events or tsunami hazards. The objective of this research is to reconstruct the historical extreme submersion-event record using sea-induced deposits preserved in coastal lagoon. The Nador lagoon is the largest Moroccan lagoon (115 km<sup>2</sup>). It is located along the western Mediterranean, which has a high cyclogenetic character and is exposed to tsunamis from the Alboran Sea. The sandy barri...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414866
I. Didenkulova, and C. Anderson
We present a statistical analysis of freak waves<sup>1</sup> measured during the 203 h of observation on sea surface elevation at a location in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea (2.7 m depth) during June–July 2008. The dataset contains 97 freak waves occurring in both calm and stormy weather conditions. All of the freak waves are solitary waves, 63% of them having positive shape, 17.5% negative shape and 19.5% sign-variable shape. It is suggested that the freak waves can be divided into two gro...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414865
T. Martens, and H. Garrelts, and H. Grunenberg, and H. Lange
The likely manifestations of climate change like flood hazards are prominent topics in public communication. This can be shown by media analysis and questionnaire data. However, in the case of flood risks an information gap remains resulting in misinformed citizens who probably will not perform the necessary protective actions when an emergency occurs. This paper examines more closely a newly developed approach to flood risk communication that takes the heterogeneity of citizens into account and...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414864
P. J. Roebber, and A. A. Tsonis, and J. B. Elsner
Recently atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) forced by observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) have offered the possibility of studying climate variability over periods ranging from years to decades. Such models represent and alternative to fully coupled asynchronous atmosphere ocean models whose long term integration remains problematic. Here, the degree of the approximation represented by this approach is investigated from a conceptual point of view by comparing the dynamical prope...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1023-5809
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414863
Camila Tatiana Zanoni, and Fábio Galvão, and Alberto Cliquet Junior, and Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad
Objective: To compare the effect of aquatic and land-based physiotherapy in reducing musculoskeletal hip and lower back pain and increasing overall physical capabilities of sickle cell disease patients. Methods: Informed written consent was obtained from all volunteers who were submitted to evaluations using different functional scales: Lequesne's Algofunctional Questionnaire and Oswestry Disability Index, trunk and hip range of motion, goniometry, trunk and hip muscle strength assessment using ...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1516-8484
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414862
Lionel Cavin, and Bogdan Jurkovšek, and Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek
關鍵字: fish
出版: Geological Survey of Slovenia
ISSN: 0016-7789
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414861
Bostan Ionel, and Mates Dorel, and Hlaciuc Elena, and Grosu Veronica, and Socoliuc Marian, and Andronic Bogdan, and Ciubotariu Marius, and Apetri Anisoara, and Morosan Gheorghe, and Mihalciuc Camelia
Aquaculture is an economic sector that has rapidly grown in recent years, due to European programs and the support provided for this activity. Given this accelerated development and the attention this sector receives on an international level, this paper focuses on identifying the growth factors in the sector and highlighting certain general aspects of its development in Romania, followed by an analysis of the available data on the exploitation of fishing resources in Suceava C...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad
ISSN: 0354-4664
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414860
Cusack SL, and Minkowitz HS, and Kuss M, and Jaros M, and Hemsen L
Susan L Cusack,1 Harold S Minkowitz,2 Michael Kuss,3 Mark Jaros,4 Lisa Hemsen51Cusack Pharmaceutical Consulting, Burlington, NJ, 2Memorial Hermann Memorial City Medical Center, Houston, TX, USA; 3Premier Research Group, Austin, TX, USA; 4Summit Analytical, Denver, CO, USA; 5Innocoll Technologies, Athlone, IrelandBackground: XaraColl&amp;reg;, a collagen-based intraoperative implant that delivers bupivacaine to the site of surgical trauma, is under development for postoperative analgesia. We comp...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1178-7090
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414859
Elena V. Senko
Development of global market of maritime trade reflects the principles of achieving of aggregate interests despite the institutionalization based on international maritime organizations. In these circumstances, the most important problem of the normalized national maritime transport industry is the optimal relationship of all participants in the investment process. In this article, the main components of the global maritime transport market were considered. The attention is focused on the discov...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: University of Gdansk
ISSN: 2082-677X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414858
Sarcocornia ambigua is a perennial glasswort, native of South America and a potential new seed-oil crop and forage for direct irrigation with salt water. Small seeds develop inside fertile segments of its cylindrical leafless shoots and, at the harvest, seeds are typically mixed with remnant cellulose material difficult to separate. This work evaluated different extraction methods and the composition of total esterified fatty acids in a meal of ground fertile shoots of S. ambigua, seeking for an...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Academia Brasileira de Ciências
ISSN: 0001-3765
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414857
Natalia Venturini, and Luiz Roberto Tommasi, and Márcia C. Bícego, and César C. Martins
In order to determine the sedimentological and physico-chemical characteristics of the benthic environment and also the level, distribution and probable sources of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, sediment samples were collected at 28 stations in the northeast portion of Todos os Santos Bay. The centre and the east region of the study area showed characteristics of depositional environments with the predominance of silt and clay and high percentages of TOC, nitrogen and sulphur. T...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 1679-8759
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414856
Yoshiyuki Kita, and Norihisa Soutome, and Daisuke Horie, and Ritsuko Kita, and Gaborá Hollό
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the applicability of a new optical coherence tomography parameter, the circumpapillary ganglion cell complex (cpGCC) thickness for glaucoma diagnostics. Subjects and Methods: The RS-3000 Advance SD-OCT (NIDEK, Aichi, Japan) was used to measure global and sector macular GCC (mGCC) thickness, circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (cpRNFL) thickness, cpGCC, and circumpapillary total retina (cpTR) thickness in 1 eye of 48 preperimetric/early peri...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0301-4738
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414855
Z. B. Klaić, and Z. Pasarić, and G. Beg Paklar, and P. Oddo
We investigated coastal sea responses to three, multi-day strong wind episodes that occurred in the middle Adriatic during the Target Operational Period (TOP) of the European COastal sea OPerational observing and forecasting system (ECOOP) project. A high-resolution oceanographic model (1 km horizontal, 16 σ vertical layers) based on the modified Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was applied to a highly complex domain located in the coastal area of the eastern Adriatic Sea. The oceanographic model was...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1812-0784
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414854
Marcia S. de Castro, and Ana Cristina Teixeira Bonecker, and Jean L. Valentin
Studies were carried out to find out qualitative and quantitative temporal variations in fish larvae to relate seasonal, diurnal and tidal cycles to the density of larvae. Sampling was performed at one station, during two three-day periods in September 1995 and March 1996. Samples were collected during ebb and flood tides,in oblique hauls using a bongo net of 500 µm mesh size. A total of 42 taxa were identified. The families Engraulidae (Cetengraulis edentulus, Anchoa lyolepis) and Clupeidae (Ha...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná (Tecpar)
ISSN: 1516-8913
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414853
Aarti Jagannathan, and V V Narayanan, and Isha Kulkarni, and Sonali P Jogdand, and Subramanya Pailoor, and R Nagarathna
Introduction: Diabetes is one of the major health diseases in the world today. The efficacy of Yoga in the management of type 2 diabetes is well-established. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Yoga practitioners in two districts of India (one each in West and South of India). Methodology: In this cross-sectional field study, 155 Yoga practitioners from Pune and 192 from Ernakulam districts were assessed using the diabetes risk test and fasting blood suga...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0973-6131
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414852
P. Vaattovaara, and P. E. Huttunen, and Y. J. Yoon, and Y. J. Yoon, and J. Joutsensaari, and K. E. J. Lehtinen, and C. D. O&apos;Dowd, and A. Laaksonen
Newly-formed nanometer-sized particles have been observed at coastal and marine environments world wide. Organic species have so far not been detected in those newly-formed nucleation mode particles. In this study, we applied the ultrafine organic tandem differential mobility analyzer method to study the possible existence of an organic fraction in recently formed coastal nucleation mode particles (<i>d</i><20 nm) at the Mace Head research station. Furthermore, effects of those nucleation events...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414851
Geber Barbosa de A. Moura, and José Oribe Rocha de Aragão, and Francinete Francis Lacerda, and José Zanon de O. Passavante
Objetivou-se, com este estudo, relacionar a precipitação no setor leste do Nordeste do Brasil (NEB) com a Temperatura da Superfície do Mar (TSM) nos oceanos Atlântico (área do Dipolo) e Pacífico, no período de 1945 a 1985. Através dessa análise pode-se ter uma idéia de como os episódios com anomalias de TSM influenciam na pluviometria da costa leste do NEB (que se estende do Rio Grande do Norte à Bahia). Os resultados mais significativos foram os seguintes: em anos com gradiente de temperatura n...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
ISSN: 1415-4366
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414850
Fabio Matsu Hasue, and Maria José de Arruda Campos Rocha Passos, and Thaís da Cruz Alves dos Santos, and Arthur José da Silva Rocha, and Caroline Patrício Vignardi, and Priscila Verônica Sartorio, and Vicente Gomes, and Phan Van Ngan
In the environment, anthracene is characterized as being persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic to aquatic organisms. Biotransformation of xenobiotic substances, such as anthracene, produces reactive oxygen species that may induce DNA strand breaks. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the DNA damage in juvenile T. carolinus exposed to different concentrations (8, 16 and 32 µg.L-1) of anthracene for 24 h in the dark then subsequently allowed to depurate in clean water for different period...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 1679-8759
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414849
Alberto Rodríguez-Ramírez, and Jaime Garzón-Ferreira, and Angélica Batista-Morales, and Diego L. Gil, and Diana Isabel Gómez-López, and Kelly Gómez-Campo, and Tomás López-Londoño, and Raúl Navas-Camacho, and María Catalina Reyes-Nivia, and Johanna Vega-Sequeda
Few monitoring programs have simultaneously assessed the dynamics of linked marine ecosystems (coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves) to document their temporal and spatial variability. Based on CARICOMP protocol we evaluated permanent stations in coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangroves from 1993 to 2008 in Chengue Bay at the Tayrona Natural Park, Colombian Caribbean. Overall, the studied ecosystems showed a remarkable stability pattern over the monitoring period. While there were annual var...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414847
Lei Xiong, and Huahua Jian, and Yuxia Zhang, and Xiang Xiao, and Xiang Xiao
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an abundant methylated sulfur compound in deep sea ecosystems. However, the mechanism underlying DMSO-induced reduction in benthic microorganisms is unknown. Shewanella piezotolerans WP3, which was isolated from a west Pacific deep sea sediment, can utilize DMSO as the terminal electron acceptor. In this study, two putative dms gene clusters type I (dmsEFA1B1G1H1) and type II (dmsA2B2G2H2) were identified in the WP3 genome. Genetic and physiological analyses demonstr...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-302X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414846
Luke P. Miller, and Jeremy D. Long
Experimental mesocosm studies of rocky shore and estuarine intertidal systems may benefit from the application of natural tide cycles to better replicate variation in immersion time, water depth, and attendant fluctuations in abiotic and edaphic conditions. Here we describe a stand-alone microcontroller tide prediction open-source software program, coupled with a mechanical tidal elevation control system, which allows continuous adjustment of aquarium water depths in synchrony with local tide cy...
關鍵字: tide
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414845
Stephan eSchmitz-Esser, and Anneliese eMüller, and Beatrix eStessl, and Martin eWagner
The food-borne pathogen Listeria (L.) monocytogenes is often found in food production environments. Thus, controlling the occurrence of L. monocytogenes in food production is a great challenge for food safety. Among a great diversity of L. monocytogenes strains from food production, particularly strains belonging to sequence type (ST)121 are prevalent. The molecular reasons for the abundance of ST121 strains are however currently unknown. We therefore determined the genome sequences of three L. ...
關鍵字: harbor
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-302X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414844
Daniel Golani
The Indian scad, Decapterus russelli, is recorded for the first time from the Mediterranean. The presence of this Indo-Pacific species on the Mediterranean coast of Israel is evidently due to migration from the Red Sea via the Suez Canal. The collection of six specimens in the Mediterranean suggests that this species is well established in the Levant.
關鍵字: fish
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414843
Leoni Warne
This paper reports on the findings of a Pilot Study for a longer term research project investigating organisational learning in command and control organisations in the Australian Defence Force. One of the long-term objectives of the research project is to facilitate the development of future information systems that will enable organisational learning. The aim of the Pilot Study was to determine the feasibility of observing and documenting social learning processes and to trial the use of ethno...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Australasian Association for Information Systems
ISSN: 1326-2238
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414842
P. von Dassow, and P. von Dassow, and P. von Dassow, and F. Díaz-Rosas, and F. Díaz-Rosas, and E. M. Bendif, and J.-D. Gaitán-Espitia, and D. Mella-Flores, and S. Rokitta, and U. John, and U. John, and R. Torres, and R. Torres
Marine multicellular organisms inhabiting waters with natural high fluctuations in pH appear more tolerant to acidification than conspecifics occurring in nearby stable waters, suggesting that environments of fluctuating pH hold genetic reservoirs for adaptation of key groups to ocean acidification (OA). The abundant and cosmopolitan calcifying phytoplankton <i>Emiliania huxleyi</i> exhibits a range of morphotypes with varying degrees of coccolith mineralization. We show that <i>E. huxley...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414841
C. Planche, and G. W. Mann, and K. S. Carslaw, and M. Dalvi, and J. H. Marsham, and P. R. Field
A convection-permitting limited area model with periodic lateral boundary conditions and prognostic aerosol microphysics is applied to investigate how concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the marine boundary layer are affected by high-resolution dynamical and thermodynamic fields. The high-resolution aerosol microphysics–dynamics model, which resolves differential particle growth and aerosol composition across the particle size range, is applied to a domain designed to match appr...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414840
Yeison Agudelo Arenas, and Rolando Barrera Zapata
In this contribution is reported the study and analysis of the control system (simulated) for the process of obtaining limonene epoxide. The modelling of the process at pilot scale was implemented in the software Aspen Plus from literature reports. Aspen Dynamics was used for the study of the process control. The model allows observing the behavior of the variables of interest in the process such as outflows from the distillation tower, heat duty, operating temperaturas and purity of the final p...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas
ISSN: 2248-762X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414839
R. Weller, and M. Legrand, and S. Preunkert
We measured aerosol size distributions and conducted bulk and size-segregated aerosol sampling during two summer campaigns in January 2015 and January 2016 at the continental Antarctic station Kohnen (Dronning Maud Land). Physical and chemical aerosol properties differ conspicuously during the episodic impact of a distinctive low-pressure system in 2015 (LPS15) compared to the prevailing clear sky conditions. The approximately 3-day LPS15 located in the eastern Weddell Sea was associated ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414838
H. Patton, and A. Hubbard, and T. Bradwell, and N. F. Glasser, and M. J. Hambrey, and C. D. Clark
Understanding the retreat behaviour of past marine-based ice sheets provides vital context for accurate assessments of the present stability and long-term response of contemporary polar ice sheets to climate and oceanic warming. Here new multibeam swath bathymetry data and sedimentological analysis are combined with high resolution ice-sheet modelling to reveal complex landform assemblages and process dynamics associated with deglaciation of the Celtic ice sheet within the Irish Sea Basin. Our r...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 2196-6311
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414837
Esteban eAcevedo-Trejos, and Esteban eAcevedo-Trejos, and Gunnar eBrandt, and Marco eSteinacher, and Marco eSteinacher, and Agostino eMerico, and Agostino eMerico
It is expected that climate change will have significant impacts on ecosystems. Most model projections agree that the ocean will experience stronger stratification and less nutrient supply from deep waters. These changes will likely affect marine phytoplankton communities and will thus impact on the higher trophic levels of the oceanic food web. The potential consequences of future climate change on marine microbial communities can be investigated and predicted only with the help of mathematical...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414836
Julia García Asensio, and Alexei Gómez Ruiz, and Galder Abos, and Roberto Nuño-Solinís, and Alfredo Alday, and Enrique Gutiérrez, and Ascensión Becerril, and Roberto Zapata, and Edurne Alonso Moran
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Ubiquity Press
ISSN: 1568-4156
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414835
Pierre eLeenhardt, and Pierre eLeenhardt, and Matthew eLauer, and Rakamaly eMadi Moussa, and Rakamaly eMadi Moussa, and Sally J Holbrook, and Sally J Holbrook, and Andrew eRassweiler, and Andrew eRassweiler, and Russell J Schmitt, and Russell J Schmitt, and Joachim eClaudet, and Joachim eClaudet
Coral reef fisheries support the development of local and national economies and are the basis of important cultural practices and worldviews. Transitioning economies, human development and environmental stress can harm this livelihood. Here we focus on a transitioning social-ecological system as case study (Moorea, French Polynesia). We review fishing practices and three decades of effort and landing estimates with the broader goal of informing management. Fishery activities in Moorea are quite...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414834
Guoo-Shyng Wang Hsu, and Chih-Wei Hsia, and Shun-Yao Hsu
Electrolyzed water is a sustainable disinfectant, which can comply with food safety regulations and is environmentally friendly. We investigated the effects of platinum plating of electrode, electrode size, cell potential, and additional stirring on electrolysis properties of deep ocean water (DOW) and DOW concentration products. We also studied the relationships between quality properties of electrolyzed DOW and their storage stability. Results indicated that concentrating DOW to 1.7 times incr...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1021-9498
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414833
Kaire Torn, and Georg Martin, and Henn Kukk, and Tiiu Trei
Charophytes constitute a group of macrophytes that usually inhabit soft bottoms with shallow water. They occur mostly in fresh-water environments but can also be found in brackish waters. Due to their requirement for clear water they are considered sensitive to eutrophication and therefore often used as an indicator for good water quality. The diverse structure of the Estonian coastline with its numerous sheltered bays and shallow, soft-bottom archipelago areas coupled with low salinity conditio...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414832
The use of free-living marine nematodes as ecological indicators (EcoInds) of human impacts has increased greatly in Italy since 1990. This paper is a summary of the Italian research experience in the study of nematode assemblages of shallow water habitats, and provides a breakdown of the most important insights that have been obtained so far. Although nematodes are among the best candidates for the Ecological Quality (EcoQ) assessment in the benthic domain, many guidelines need to be developed ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414831
A. Nauels, and A. Nauels, and M. Meinshausen, and M. Meinshausen, and M. Meinshausen, and M. Mengel, and K. Lorbacher, and T. M. L. Wigley, and T. M. L. Wigley
Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the major impacts of global warming; it will threaten coastal populations, infrastructure, and ecosystems around the globe in coming centuries. Well-constrained sea level projections are needed to estimate future losses from SLR and benefits of climate protection and adaptation. Process-based models that are designed to resolve the underlying physics of individual sea level drivers form the basis for state-of-the-art sea level projections. However, associated...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1991-959X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414830
Rodrigo de Andrade Kersten, and Marília Borgo, and Sandro Menezes Silva
The study was carried out in a 3 000m2 area of coastal Atlantic rain forest at Ilha do Mel island (25o30’’S 48o23’W), on 100 assorted trees separated into 2 meter-high strata starting from the ground. In each stratum all of the occurring epiphytic species were recorded. The sampled species were grouped into three categories: exclusive, preferential, and indifferent, according to their abundance in each strata, and selective, preferential and indifferent, according to abundance on the forophytes....
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414829
A. Stavrou, and J. A. Lawrence, and R. N. Mortimore, and W. Murphy
The present work has established a methodology that allows the user to determine areas susceptible to shoreline recession and cliff instability. This methodology includes the development of a qualitative loss estimation system which utilizes geotechnical field mapping observations and shoreline retreat predictions to estimate the exposition of critical infrastructure to hazards posed by cliff collapse and retreat. The technique identifies hazardous areas along coastal cliff environments. The ass...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414828
P. Louvat, and M. McCulloch, and P. Montagna, and A. Juillet-Leclerc, and S. Reynaud, and E. Douville, and D. Dissard
The boron isotopic composition (&delta;<sup>11</sup>B) of marine carbonates (e.g. corals) is increasingly utilised as a proxy for paleo-pH, with the strong correlation between &delta;<sup>11</sup>B of marine calcifiers and seawater pH now well documented. However, the potential roles of other environmental parameters that may also influence both the boron isotopic composition and boron concentration into coral aragonite are poorly known. To overcome this, the tropical scleractinian coral <i>Acro...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414827
Animesh Saha, and Sajal Kumar Ghosh, and Chhaya Roy, and Makhan Lal Saha, and Krishnangshu Bhanja Choudhury, and Koushik Chatterjee
Context: Established as an adjuvant chemotherapy, CapeOX has recently been shown to have radiosensitizer property in a phase I and II studies, with appreciable downstaging and tolerable toxicities. Aims: The study was designed to evaluate whether the capecitabine-oxaliplatin combination was superior to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-leucovorin as radiosensitizer for neoadjuvant chemoradiation in downstaging locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma and to compare the toxicities between the two arms. Setti...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0973-1482
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414826
E. Breitbarth, and E. P. Achterberg, and M. V. Ardelan, and A. R. Baker, and E. Bucciarelli, and F. Chever, and P. L. Croot, and S. Duggen, and M. Gledhill, and M. Hassellöv, and C. Hassler, and L. J. Hoffmann, and K. A. Hunter, and D. A. Hutchins, and J. Ingri, and T. Jickells, and M. C. Lohan, and M. C. Nielsdóttir, and G. Sarthou, and V. Schoemann, and J. M. Trapp, and D. R. Turner, and Y. Ye
Based on an international workshop (Gothenburg, 14–16 May 2008), this review article aims to combine interdisciplinary knowledge from coastal and open ocean research on iron biogeochemistry. The major scientific findings of the past decade are structured into sections on natural and artificial iron fertilization, iron inputs into coastal and estuarine systems, colloidal iron and organic matter, and biological processes. Potential effects of global climate change, particularly ocean acidification...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414825
Magí Farré, and Josep-Eladi Baños
Introducción: En el presente artículo describimos un estudio piloto utilizando los minicasos, conjuntamente con las clases magistrales, en la docencia de la farmacología. Material y Métodos: Se utilizaron 9 minicasos. Consistían en un texto de 5 líneas con dos preguntas, relacionadas con el tema de la clase magistral. Se entregaban al inicio de ésta y se concedía a los estudiantes 5 minutos al finalizarla para responderlas. La participación era voluntaria. Los textos se corregían y se podía obte...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1575-1813
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414824
M. M Nugues, and I Nagelkerken
In 1995, a survey of sea fan corals was conducted in Curaçao during a Caribbean-wide outbreak of the sea fan disease aspergillosis. The survey was repeated in 2005 using the same methodology and identical sites to examine changes in sea fan populations 10 years after the initial epizootic. Necrotic lesions typical of aspergillosis were present on as many sea fans in 2005 as in 1995 (mean ± SE: 52 ± 6 vs 43 ± 10%). The disease also showed no significant variation in virulence (9.6 ± 1.2 vs 8.8 ± ...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414823
Gabriel C. Blain, and Marcelo B. P. de Camargo
This study aimed to describe the probabilistic structure of the annual series of extreme daily rainfall (Preabs), available from the weather station of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil (1935-2009), by using the general distribution of extreme value (GEV). The autocorrelation function, the Mann-Kendall test, and the wavelet analysis were used in order to evaluate the presence of serial correlations, trends, and periodical components. Considering the results obtained using these three statistic...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola
ISSN: 0100-6916
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414822
Limburg Hans, and Pathak Y
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0301-4738
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414821
Lenzi M., and Renzi M.
The eutrophication of the coastal lagoon of Burano (Tuscany, Italy) produces periodic toxic-anoxic events. The possibility of mitigating eutrophication of a lagoon by resuspension of sediment was tested in a three-year field experiment conducted in 2008–2009. An unreplicated before-after control-impact (BACI) study design was used to ascertain variations in the quantity and biochemical composition of organic matter in sediment artificial...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: EDP Sciences
ISSN: 1961-9502
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414820
Elmehdawi RR, and Alshkri MM
ABSTRACTBackground: Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of three out of five conditions that are due to hyperinsulinemia: abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia (high triglycerides and/or low HDL),elevated blood pressure, and elevated plasma glucose. The syndrome is highly prevalent in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus and often precedes the onset of hyperglycemia. It has been shown thatmetabolic syndrome is an independent clinical indicator of macro- and microvascular complications in dia...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 1819-6357
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414819
Luiz Gustavo Giannecchini, and Haluko Massago, and João Batista Kochenborger Fernandes
This study investigated the effect of different photoperiods (24 h of light (L):0 h of darkness (D); 20L:4D; 16L:8D; 12L:12D; and 8L:16D) on the reproduction and growth of Betta splendens. The results showed that spawning frequency was significantly higher in couples reared under 16L:8D and 12L:12D, in comparison with other treatments. The highest number of eggs per spawn was obtained under 16L:8D (544.76±375.23) and 12L:12D (471.13±261.52), and the lowest values were detected for 24L:0D (128.55...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia
ISSN: 1516-3598
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414818
C. Henriques-de-Oliveira, and DF. Baptista, and JL. Nessimian
This study was carried out at Imboassica Lagoon, located in an urban zone in the municipality of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. This lagoon has been subject to anthropogenic impacts due to the increasing city population, such as the input of sewage. Areas of variable degree of anthropogenic influence in the lagoon were compared regarding the structure of the macroinvertebrate community associated to Typha domingensis leaves. For sampling, we used 35 x 20 cm net plastic bags, with 6.8 mm me...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414817
Marlise Capa Verde de Almeida, and Marta Regina Cezar-Vaz, and Jorgana Fernanda de Souza Soares, and Mara Regina Santos da Silva
This study identified the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among casual dockworkers. This is a retrospective and quantitative study, the data sources of which included the medical files of dockworkers from 2000 to 2009. Data were collected in a medical service for dockworkers using a previously developed form; descriptive quantitative analysis was performed. Ethical aspects were complied with. A total of 15.8% of the diagnoses identified among male workers referred to musculo...
關鍵字: dock
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 0104-1169
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414816