

M. L. Ponsone, and M. L. Chiotta, and M. Combina, and A. M. Dalcero, and S. N. Chulze
The aim of this work was to evaluate the fate of ochratoxin A (OTA) content from must to wine during the red wine making process in a pilot scale vinification. The study was done using musts obtained from two red grape varieties (Bonarda and Tempranillo) artificially contaminated with two OTA levels. A duplicate set of tanks of 100 l each was established for each must (Bonarda and Tempranillo). The fermentations were initiated by inoculation of two Saccharomyces spp. strains having different fer...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier España S.L.U.
ISSN: 0325-7541
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430445
Zhenhong Wang, and Zhuanxi Luo, and Yamen Yan
Little information is available on Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) behavior in different culture media for aquatic organisms. This study aimed to accurately evaluate nTiO2 dispersion and sedimentation in common freshwater algae (BG-11) and daphnia aquatic (SM7) culture media. We additionally investigated potential mechanisms of nTiO2 stability under arsenate influence. Results showed that high ionic strength in culture media was probably a key reason for the acute nTiO2 agglomeration foun...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 1745-8080
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430444
Philipp Fassbender, and Silja Bürgener, and Ali Haddad, and Marie-Therese Silvanus, and Jürgen Peters
Abstract Background Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a risk factor for perioperative complications but data on anesthesia regimen are scarce. Methods In patients with established or strongly suspected OSA, we assessed in a prospective, randomized design the effects on nocturnal apnea-hypopnea-index (AHI) and oxygen saturation (SpO2) of propofol/remifentanil or sevoflurane/remifentanil based anesthesia. Patients were selected by a history for OSA and / or a positive STOP – questionnaire and recei...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2253
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430443
Manabu Kume, and Seiichi Mori, and Jun Kitano, and Tetsuya Sumi, and Shotaro Nishida
Abstract On March 11, 2011, a large earthquake occurred, causing a tsunami which struck the Pacific coast of northeast Japan. We investigated the ecological and genetic effects of the large tsunami on the threespine stickleback (genus Gasterosteus) populations in Otsuchi Town, which was one of the most severely damaged areas after the tsunami. Our environmental surveys showed that spring water may have contributed to the habitat recovery. Morphological analysis of the stickleback before and afte...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Nature Publishing Group
ISSN: 2045-2322
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430442
Anna Niezgoda, and Andrzej Winnicki, and Tomasz Kosmalski, and Bogna Kowaliszyn, and Jerzy Krysiński, and Rafał Czajkowski
Abstract Background Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder presenting with depigmentation, the pathogenesis of which is complex but the autoimmune theory is now preferred. Multiple immunologic processes, including stimulation of the T-helper (Th)1 response, formation of autoreactive melanocyte-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes, a decrease in the blood concentration of T regulatory (Treg) cells, and an increase in interleukin (IL)-17 and interferon (IFN) concentration, have been shown to contribute to vit...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1745-6215
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430441
Francisco N. Morales-Serna, and María A. Rodríguez-Santiago, and Rolando Gelabert, and Luz M. Flores-Morales
Abstract Fish harbor a high diversity of parasites that play an important role for the ecosystem. Because these parasites have different life-cycle traits, changes in their populations or communities may provide useful information related to ecosystem health. Highly stressful conditions may reduce parasite communities or populations. However, it is not a rule since host-parasite interactions are hardly predictable. In this study, macroparasites of the fish sailfin molly (Poecilia velifera) from ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1438-387X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430440
Iria Fernandez-Silva, and James B. Henderson, and Luiz A. Rocha, and W. Brian Simison
Abstract The diversity of DNA sequencing methods and algorithms for genome assemblies presents scientists with a bewildering array of choices. Here, we construct and compare eight candidate assemblies combining overlapping shotgun read data, mate-pair and Chicago libraries and four different genome assemblers to produce a high-quality draft genome of the iconic coral reef Pearlscale Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge vrolikii (family Pomacanthidae). The best candidate assembly combined all four data ty...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Nature Publishing Group
ISSN: 2045-2322
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430439
In-Seon Lee, and Hubert Preissl, and Katrin Giel, and Kathrin Schag, and Paul Enck
Abstract The food-related behavior of functional dyspepsia has been attracting more interest of late. This pilot study aims to provide evidence of the physiological, emotional, and attentional aspects of food processing in functional dyspepsia patients. The study was performed in 15 functional dyspepsia patients and 17 healthy controls after a standard breakfast. We measured autonomic nervous system activity using skin conductance response and heart rate variability, emotional response using fac...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Nature Publishing Group
ISSN: 2045-2322
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430438
Xiaohui Xu, and Hui Hu, and Sandie Ha, and Daikwon Han
It is well known that the conventional, automated geocoding method based on self-reported residential addresses has many issues. We developed a smartphone-assisted aerial image-based method, which uses the Google Maps application programming interface as a spatial data collection tool during the birth registration process. In this pilot study, we have tested whether the smartphone-assisted method provides more accurate geographic information than the automated geocoding method in the scenario wh...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: PAGEPress Publications
ISSN: 1827-1987
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430437
T. Tanaya, and K. Watanabe, and S. Yamamoto, and C. Hongo, and H. Kayanne, and T. Kuwae
<p>Carbon captured by marine living organisms is called <q>blue carbon</q>, and seagrass meadows are a dominant blue carbon sink. However, our knowledge of how seagrass increases sedimentary organic carbon (OC) stocks is limited. We investigated two pathways of OC accumulation: trapping of organic matter in the water column and the direct supply of belowground seagrass detritus. We developed a new type of box corer to facilitate the retrieval of intact cores that preserve the structures of...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430436
Susana B. C. Devalle
關鍵字: shore
出版: El Colegio de México, A.C.
ISSN: 0185-0164
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430435
Tanya Seiderer, and Arthurita Venter, and Fanus van Wyk, and Anatoliy Levanets, and Anine Jordaan
The goal of revegetation of gold mine tailings storage facilities is to reduce aeolian pollution, nutrient leaching and erosion caused by exposure to wind and water. The establishment of biological soil crusts may prove to be a more cost-effective way to reach the same goal and the aim of this study was therefore to determine if it is possible to establish algae and cyanobacteria on gold mine tailings. Different treatments of Chlamydomonas, Microcoleus and Nostoc were inoculated on gold mine tai...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Academy of Science of South Africa
ISSN: 0038-2353
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430434
Ferdinand C. de Moor
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Academy of Science of South Africa
ISSN: 0038-2353
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430433
Douglas J. Crookes
South African rhinoceros (e.g. Diceros bicornis) and abalone (Haliotis midae) have in common that they both are harvested under open-access conditions, are high-value commodities and are traded illegally. The difference is that a legal market for abalone already exists. An open-access deterrence model was developed for South African abalone, using Table Mountain National Park as a case study. It was found that illegal poaching spiked following the closure of the recreational fishery. The resourc...
關鍵字: abalone
出版: Academy of Science of South Africa
ISSN: 0038-2353
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430432
Charles L. Griffiths, and Tamara B. Robinson
Numerous authors have cited numbers, or proportions, of endemic species within South(ern) African marine taxa, but comparisons between these statistics are confounded by differing definitions of regional boundaries and differences among data sets analysed. These have resulted in considerable variations in published endemicity data, even within the same taxonomic group. We tabulated and compared key endemicity statistics for regional marine taxa and explained biases in the data sets. The most com...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Academy of Science of South Africa
ISSN: 0038-2353
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430431
G. Ganapathy Selvam, and K. Sivakumar
Objective: To investigate the effect of Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer (SLF) of the red seaweed Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux (H. musciformis). on the growth, biochemical and pigment characteristics of Arachis hypogea (A. hypogea). Methods: Experiments were conducted on ground nut to study the potential red alga of H. musciformis as a biofertilizer. The seeds were sown in soil and SLF were added to soil bed in five different concentrations separately (1%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% w/v). Results: The ...
關鍵字: seaweed
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 2305-0500
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430430
Alinca Peres da Fonseca, and Matheus Vieira Volcan, and Luís André Sampaio, and Luís Alberto Romano, and Ricardo Berteaux Robaldo
Given the importance of knowledge of the biology of endangered species for the planning of conservation and management efforts, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of temperature on the growth of Austrolebias wolterstorffi (Ahl, 1924). To clarify the thermal influence on the growth of the species, temperatures of 16, 20, 24 , and 28°C were tested in triplicate. The present study showed that a water temperature of 28°C is detrimental to the growth of the species. Among the othe...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430429
Carlos Antonio Beserra da Silva Junior, and Maria Elisabeth de Araujo, and Caroline Vieira Feitosa
The prawn fishery produces more discards than any other type of catch and captures a large quantity of immature individuals. This research aimed to assess the sustainability of capture of fish bycatch in prawn trawling. Each species was assessed according to two groups of criteria: (1) their relative vulnerability to capture by trawl and mortality due to this fishery (2) recovery capacity of the specie after a possible collapse of the population. Within each group, each species was ranked (1-3),...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430428
S. Fenoglio, and G. Boano, and G. B. Delmastro
關鍵字: fish
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 2475-0263
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430427
P. Madeira, and S. Stefanni, and S. P. Ávila
Historically, the harvest and consumption of sea cucumbers have been largely restricted to Asian countries. Recently, however, the western world has witnessed a rapid growth of holothurian-related industries, and Holothuria mammata Grube, 1840 and H. sanctori Delle Chiaje, 1823 are now being commercially harvested in European and North African countries. The identification of holothurian species tends to be difficult and time-consuming, and in many cases needs experienced taxonomists. We suggest...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 2475-0263
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430426
Fateme Azizi Mayvan, and Mehdi Jabbari Nooghabi, and Ali Taghipour, and Mohammad Taghi Shakeri, and Mahsa Mokarram
Background: Regarding the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in pre-diabetic people, identifying pre-diabetes and determining of its risk factors seems so necessary. In this study, it is aimed to compare ordinary logistic regression and robust logistic regression models in modeling pre-diabetes risk factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and conducted on 6460 people, over 30 years old, who have participated in the screening of diabetes plan in Mashhad city that it was done b...
關鍵字: logistic
出版: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1683-1764
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430425
Giomar Helena Borrero-Pérez, and Oscar David Solano, and Milena Benavides-Serrato
關鍵字: sea
出版: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt
ISSN: 0124-5376
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430424
Aniruddha Vyas, and Yash Lokhandwala
Use of atrial pacing has been known, yet underutilized tool for effective temporary pacing whenever needed early after cardiac surgery. The reasons may be frequent failures of epicardial wires (fixed over atria intra-operative) leading to loss of capture. Endocardial atrial pacing sites for temporary pacing are unstable and hence continuous pacing with acceptable thresholds is impossible. We describe a case of ischemic cardiomyopathy and severe left ventricle systolic dysfunction who required at...
關鍵字: tide
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0019-4832
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430423
Tehranipour M, and Javadmoosavi BZ (MSc), and Kehtarpour M, and Khayyatzade J
Background and Objective: Neurons are injured under physical, chemical and pathological conditions. The effects of injuries in peripheral nervous system returns as retrograde to the cell body of neurons in central nervous system and causes brain and spinal degeneration. This study was done to evaluate the effect of aquatic extract of Cannabis sativa leaves on degeneration of alpha motoneurons in spinal cord after sciatic nerve compression in Rats. Materials and Methods: This experimental study ...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Golestan University of Medical Sciences
ISSN: 1562-4765
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430422
A. Herman
In this paper, a coupled sea ice–wave model is developed and used to analyze wave-induced stress and breaking in sea ice for a range of wave and ice conditions. The sea ice module is a discrete-element bonded-particle model, in which ice is represented as cuboid <q>grains</q> floating on the water surface that can be connected to their neighbors by elastic joints. The joints may break if instantaneous stresses acting on them exceed their strength. The wave module is based on an open-source...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430421
M. Antonellini, and M. Pandolfini, and N. Greggio, and P.N. Mollema
The coastal aquifer near Ravenna (Italy) contains a large volume of groundwater (2,5x109 m3) whose quality has been compromised by sea-water intrusion. Today, the phreatic groundwater is mostly brackish with some lenses of freshwater floating on top of more saline water. This water, although impossible to use as drink-water or for irrigation, is still important to guarantee the health of wetland habitats and especially of the roman historical and coastal pine forests of Ravenna. With the objecti...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: PAGEPress Publications
ISSN: 1828-454X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430420
M. Belharet, and C. Estournel, and S. Charmasson
Huge amounts of radionuclides, especially <sup>137</sup>Cs, were released into the western North Pacific Ocean after the Fukushima nuclear power plant (FNPP) accident that occurred on 11 March 2011, resulting in contamination of the marine biota. In this study we developed a radioecological model to estimate <sup>137</sup>Cs concentrations in phytoplankton and zooplankton populations representing the lower levels of the pelagic trophic chain. We coupled this model to a lower trophic level ecosys...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430419
Néstor E. Bosch, and Jorge M.S. Gonçalves, and Fernando Tuya, and Karim Erzini
Understanding the ecological role that artificial structures might play on nearshore fish assemblages requires the collection of accurate and reliable data through efficient sampling techniques. In this work, differences in the composition and structure of fish assemblages between the inner and outer sides of three marinas located in the temperate northern-eastern Atlantic Ocean were tested using three complementary sampling techniques: underwater visual censuses (UVC), baited cameras (BCs) and ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430418
R. K. Scharien, and K. Hochheim, and J. Landy, and D. G. Barber
Sea ice melt pond fraction (<i>f</i><sub>p</sub>), linked with lower sea ice surface albedo and increased light transmittance to the ocean, is inadequately parameterised in sea ice models due to a lack of observations. In this paper, results from a multi-scale remote-sensing program dedicated to the retrieval of level first-year sea ice (FYI) <i>f</i><sub>p</sub> from dual co- and cross-polarisation C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter are detailed. Models which utilise the dominant...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430417
Baghdad Science Journal
In this research study the effect of fish on the properties optical films thickness 1200-1800 and calculated energy gap Basra direct transport permitted and forbidden to membranes and urged decreasing values ??of Optical Energy Gap increase fish included accounts optical also calculate the constants visual as factories winding down and the refractive index and reflectivity membranes also by real part and imaginarythe dielectric constant
關鍵字: fish
出版: College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad
ISSN: 2078-8665
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430416
Baghdad Science Journal
The micronucleated erythrocytes in fish was used to detect water pollution by genotoxic agents. Fish belonging to different species were collected from three regions from Baghdad during three months (December/2000,January and February/2001 ).The micronucleated erythrocytes was observed in all the specimens. It was concluded that the genotoxic activity' in one region was less than in die other two regions.?
關鍵字: fish
出版: College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad
ISSN: 2078-8665
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430415
S. W. Fons, and S. W. Fons, and S. W. Fons, and N. T. Kurtz
<p>In this paper we develop a CryoSat-2 algorithm to retrieve the surface elevation of the air–snow interface over Antarctic sea ice. This algorithm utilizes a two-layer physical model that accounts for scattering from a snow layer atop sea ice as well as scattering from below the snow surface. The model produces waveforms that are fit to CryoSat-2 level 1B data through a bounded trust region least-squares fitting process. These fit waveforms are then used to track the air–snow interface and ret...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430414
Imanpour Namin, J., and Sharifinia, M., and Bozorgi Makrani, A.
Impacts of effluent from fish farming activities on fluvial ecosystems lead to deterioration of water quality and changes in the macroinvertebrates assemblage. In this study, the influence of fish farm effluents on water quality and macroinvertebrates communities of Tajan River was investigated to evaluate the suitability of macroinvertebrates based on biological metrics and indices. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were analyzed seasonally for a period of one year . Five sampling stati...
關鍵字: fish
出版: University of Guilan
ISSN: 1735-3033
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430413
Sonia Munir, and Tahira Naz, and Zaib-un-nisa Burhan, and Pirzada Jamal Ahmed Siddiqui, and Steve Larry Morton
Objective: To assess the community structure, seasonal dynamics of dinoflagellates population with environmental conditions in the nutrient-rich and polluted coastal waters off, Karachi. Methods: Sampling sites were located from Karachi harbour (Station A) and Mouth of Manora Channel (Station B). Total 180 replicate samples were collected at 1-m depth through Niskin bottle sampler (1.7 L) and fixed with 2% lugol’s preservative then examined under light inverted microscopy, scanning electron...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430412
José Ricardo Baroldi Ciqueto Gargiulo, and Cacilda Thais Janson Mercante, and Ana Lucia Brandimarte, and Luciana Carvalho Bezerra de Menezes
Abastract: Aim The Billings Reservoir is the largest reservoir in the metropolitan region of São Paulo and has multiple uses, including artisanal fishing. Its surroundings present intense occupation, resulting in various environmental impacts. Although the water is degraded, affecting the composition and quality of the fish, this reservoir supports artisanal fishermen who survive through this activity. This study aimed to analyze the water quality in the main sites of artisanal fishing activity...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Associação Brasileira de Limnologia
ISSN: 2179-975X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430411
Gaia Di Castro
Some of the most promising post-Cold War developments in Marxian thought have been stimulated by problems facing Marxists in Western Europe, to that extent they all seem to lay bare, intentionally or otherwise, the lacking of qualities, of Marx’s prediction. The most significant example of the failure of Marxist theory to be realised in practice is the persistent survival of the capitalist mode of production. The inevitable crisis foreseen by Marx, which would lead to revolution, failed to ma...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Academicus
ISSN: 2079-3715
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430410
Maciej Firląg, and Maciej Kamaszewski, and Dobrochna Adamek, and Małgorzata Gajewska, and Bożena Bałasińska
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fish oil supplementation on aging in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum of rats. Results of biochemical and histological analyses of brain tissue collected from young rats (age: 2 months) prior to the experiment were compared with the results obtained from the 14-month-old animals assigned to the control and supplemented group. Total polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) composition and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBAR...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Index Copernicus International S.A.
ISSN: 0032-5449
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430409
F. Freitas, and S. Lunardi, and L. B. Souza, and J. S. C. von der Osten, and R. Arruda, and R. L. T. Andrade, and L. D. Battirola
Abstract Aquatic macrophytes have properties and mechanisms which are useful for the removal of substances in solution, commonly used in phytoremediation processes in aquatic environments. This study evaluated the performance of copper (Cu) accumulation by Salvinia biloba Raddi (Salviniaceae) in different metal concentrations (1, 3 and 5 µg mL-1), as well as the control treatment, measured at intervals of 0, 7 and 14 days under laboratory conditions, with control as to pH and luminosity. After t...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430408
Teut M, and Schnabel K, and Baur R, and Kerckhoff A, and Reese F, and Pilgram N, and Berger F, and Luedtke R, and Witt CM
Michael Teut, Katharina Schnabel, Roland Baur, Annette Kerckhoff, Frauke Reese, Niels Pilgram, Franziska Berger, Rainer Luedtke, Claudia M Witt Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charit&eacute; &ndash; Universit&auml;tsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany Background: Older adults often use complementary medicine; however, very few interventional studies have focused on them. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and to obtain preliminary data on effecti...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1176-9092
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430407
Mayara Pereira Neves, and Rosilene Luciana Delariva, and Luciano Lazzarini Wolff
This study investigated the morphological and dietary relationships of the fish assemblage in a stream with an endemic fauna and low species richness. The ichthyofauna was sampled quarterly from September 2011 to July 2012, through the electrofishing technique. The stomach contents of 419 individuals belonging to seven species were analyzed by the volumetric method, and the ecomorphological traits of 30 specimens of each species were estimated. The main food items consumed were detritus, aquatic...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430406
PF. Costa, and UH Schulz
The basin of the Sinos River, located in the northeastern part of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, has been highly impacted by industrial and urban activities. Water quality is low because of domestic and industrial sewage discharges. Most of the tributaries have suffered drastic structural interventions like canalisations and the removal of riparian vegetation. The aims of this study were to: 1) assess the diversity of fish at 34 sampling sites in twenty-four tributaries of the Sinos River basi...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430405
Douglas Fernandes Rodrigues Alves, and Samara de Paiva Barros-Alves, and Gustavo Luis Hirose, and Valter José Cobo
ABSTRACTThis contribution reviews the morphology and the main diagnostic characters of the peppermint shrimp Lysmata ankeri. Individuals were sampled by scuba divers from August 2008 to June 2013 on the subtidal rocky bottom at Couves Island, on the coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. In the laboratory, the individuals were analyzed morphologically, with emphasis on the characters used in the diagnosis of the species; measured as carapace length (CL); and photographed. Seventeen individuals of L. ...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Carcinologia
ISSN: 0104-6497
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430404
Jan Tippner, and Petr Koňas
Common parametric model of sawn wood, geometry and finite element and physical parametric model pile sawn wood and its immediate airy environment was introduced. By the help of numerical simulation with Finite Element Method utilization the description of temperature distribution, dampness and stress in wood, in dependence on temperature and moisture distribution in airy environment of sawn wood kiln was included. Discussion about problem of design model, mesh refinement and definition boundary ...
關鍵字: deck
出版: Mendel University Press
ISSN: 1211-8516
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430403
Thaís P. Alves, and Nelson F. Fontoura
The aim of the present study was to identify the distribution patterns of migratory fishes in the Jacuí river basin (Rio Grande do Sul, South Brazil), proposing a statistical model of presumed distribution based on geomorphologic environmental data. Through maps of occurrence probability, we hope to contribute to decisions regarding basin environmental management. The analyzed species were: Salminus brasiliensis (dourado), Leporinus obtusidens (piava), Prochilodus lineatus (grumatã) and Pimelodu...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430402
Y. Hamdi, and E. Garnier, and N. Giloy, and C.-M. Duluc, and V. Rebour
<p>This paper aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a historical study devoted to French nuclear power plants (NPPs) which can be prone to extreme coastal flooding events. It has been shown in the literature that the use of historical information (HI) can significantly improve the probabilistic and statistical modeling of extreme events. There is a significant lack of historical data on coastal flooding (storms and storm surges) compared to river flooding events. To address this...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430401
Ehsani H, and Mohler MJ, and Golden T, and Toosizadeh N
Hossein Ehsani,1,2 Martha Jane Mohler,1&ndash;3 Todd Golden,2 Nima Toosizadeh1&ndash;3 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; 2Arizona Center on Aging, Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; 3Division of Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine and Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Background: Frailty can inform management approaches for individuals with COPD. However, inpatient meas...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1176-9106
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430400
E. Georgiadis, and E. Georgiadis, and J. Giraudeau, and P. Martinez, and P. Lajeunesse, and G. St-Onge, and S. Schmidt, and G. Massé
<p>A radiocarbon-dated marine sediment core retrieved in Kane Basin, central Nares Strait, was analysed to constrain the timing of the postglacial opening of this Arctic gateway and its Holocene evolution. This study is based on a set of sedimentological and geochemical proxies of changing sedimentary processes and sources that provide new insight into the evolution of ice sheet configuration in Nares Strait. Proglacial marine sedimentation at the core site initiated ca. 9.0&thinsp;cal&thinsp;ka...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1814-9324
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430399
Kasturi Awatagiri, and Durga Gadgil, and Sadhana Kannan, and Pallavi Rane, and Bhavesh Bandekar, and Nilam Sawant, and Prafulla Parikh, and Vedang Murthy
Context: Adherence to good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines by the researcher provides public confidence that the rights, safety and well-being of human participants involved in research are protected. It has been observed that researchers require basic GCP training. Considering this, we had decided to conduct a training session on overview of GCP. Aims: To strengthen the knowledge and awareness regarding GCP. Settings and Design: The design of the study was quasi-experimental one group, pre-t...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 2229-3485
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430398
A. Nikoeian
Shrimp is one of the most valuable marine products. Industrial exploitation of the Persian Gulf shrimp resources of Iran began in 1959. Long coastal areas of Iran provides half of the total shrimp stocks in the Persian Gult region. in the early years of the commercial exploitation of shrimp resources, the rich stocks supported annual catches per boat of upto 118 tons of unneaded shrimps But, the increase in industrial fishing vessels as well as in small wooden vessels has caused progrsively redu...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Iranian Fisheries Research Organization
ISSN: 1026-1354
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430397
Wessels Michael, and Geuen Dorith
The system of nursing care in Germany is currently changing. For years, a further development of cooperation in the health care sector has been discussed. And thus a change in the distribution of tasks between health care professions. In 2008, the legislature introduced the introduction of pilot projects for the transfer of medicinal tasks to nurses according to § 63 para. 3c Social Code V. The implementation is very sluggish. The aim of the study was to analyze the reasons for this sluggish imp...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Sciendo
ISSN: 2296-990X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 430396