

Martha Maria Mischan, and José Raimundo de Souza Passos, and Sheila Zambello de Pinho, and Lídia Raquel de Carvalho
Growth functions with inflection points following a diphasic model, can be adjusted by two approaches using segmented regression or the sum of two functions. In both cases, there are two functions, one for each phase, with inflection and stability points. However, when they are summed, the result is a new function and the points of inflection and stability are different from those obtained from using each function individually. A method to determine these points in a diphasic logistics sum of fu...
關鍵字: logistic
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 0103-9016
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414215
Vera Lúcia Mores Rall, and Sebastião Timo Iaria, and Sandra Heidtmann, and Fabiana Cristina Pimenta, and Rosa Carvalho Gamba, and Débora Midori Myaki Pedroso
Aeromonas has been described as an emergent foodborne pathogen of increasing importance. In this study, we report that 48% of 50 Pintado fish samples collected at the retail market of São Paulo city were positive for Aeromonas sp, as detected by the direct plating method. When the presence/absence method was used, the positivity was 42%. A. caviae was the most frequent species, followed by A. hydrophila and A. sobria. Production of cytotoxic enterotoxin, observed in suckling mouse assay, was det...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
ISSN: 0001-3714
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414214
D. Brill, and S. M. May, and M. Engel, and M. Reyes, and A. Pint, and S. Opitz, and M. Dierick, and L. A. Gonzalo, and S. Esser, and H. Brückner
On 8 November 2013, category 5 Supertyphoon Haiyan made landfall on the Philippines. During a post-typhoon survey in February 2014, Haiyan-related sand deposition and morphological changes were documented at four severely affected sites with different exposure to the typhoon track and different geological and geomorphological settings. Onshore sand sheets reaching 100–250 m inland are restricted to coastal areas with significant inundation due to amplification of surge levels in embayments or du...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414213
Jenniffer Alejandra Castellanos, and Andrés Ricardo Tangua, and Liliana Salazar
Anisakiasis is a parasitic infection caused by larval stages of nematodes of the genus Anisakis, Pseudoterranova and Contracaecum, of the Anisakidae family. The lifecycle of these nematodes develops in aquatic organisms and their final hosts are marine mammals. However, humans can act as accidental hosts and become infected with infective stage larvae (L3) by consuming raw or undercooked fish or shellfish carrying the parasite. Of this group of parasites, the genus Anisakis is the most studied: ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2213-2244
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414212
S.Y. Thian, and C.Y. Lee
One of the main concerns in cyclic behavior of soft clay is gradual degradation with the progression of loading cycle. A series of cyclic constant-volume direct simple shear (CDSS) loading tests was performed on Malaysia offshore clay to study its undrained degradation. The testing program consists of stress-controlled tests with cyclic shear ratio ranging from 0.34 to 0.83 at different overconsolidation ratios (OCRs). For a given cyclic stress ratio in stress-controlled tests, the accumulated c...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1674-7755
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414211
I. Valiela, and J. L. Bowen, and M. L. Cole, and K. D. Kroeger, and D. Lawrence, and W. J. Pabich, and G. Tomasky, and S. Mazzilli
Some decades ago Margalef speculated that study of the exchanges across boundaries that separate different types of ecological systems would provide significant insights about properties and processes within the units that make up ecological mosaics. Although such boundaries might be difficult to define, it seemed likely that such exchanges among units would influence the function and structure of the adjoined systems. In this paper we explore exchanges across such ecological boundaries in coast...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414210
KOU Yiming, and DAI Jiawei, and LIU Shixiu, and WU Wenyan, and CHEN Jun
In order to improve the fertility of saline-alkali soil in Shanghai coastal area,and make it suitable for vegetable cultiration,in the study,the saline-alkali soil was mixed with organic fertilizer,and then sprayed with composite microbes,which have the ability of the synergistically degrading organic substrate.The results showed that the saline-alkali soil added with 5∶1 organic fertilizer can rapidly increase the utilization ability soil organic matter.The soil microbial populations and microb...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Academic Journals Center of Shanghai Normal University
ISSN: 1000-5137
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414209
June F Dias, and Wellington S Fernandez, and Thassya C.S. Schmidt
The a and b parameters of the length-weight relationship (LWR) of the form W = aLb were estimated for 71 species of Actinopterygii and 2 Elasmobranchii, caught in the coastal region and inner shelf of southeastern Brazil. Estimates of b varied from 2.151 to 3.882. For the first time LWR for eight fish species is reported. Significant differences were observed among b values obtained for the same species caught in different ecosystems. Moreover, significant different results for b were observed a...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
ISSN: 0718-560X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414208
Guoping Zhu, and Liuxiong Xu, and Yingqi Zhou, and Xinjun Chen
<abstract language="eng">Age and growth parameters were estimated for bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839 sampled from China longline fisheries in the central Atlantic Ocean from October 2002 to July 2003 and from August 2004 to March 2005. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated at L8=217.9 cm fork length, k=0.23 year-1, and t0=-0.44 year. The total mortality rate (Z) was estimated to be from 0.82 to 1.02, the fishing mortality (F) and the natural mortality were 0.54 year-1 and 0...
關鍵字: tuna
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414207
M. Hieronymi, and A. Macke, and O. Zielinski
A Monte Carlo based radiative transfer model has been developed for calculating the availability of solar radiation within the top 100 m of the ocean. The model is optimized for simulations of spatial high resolution downwelling irradiance <i>E</i><sub>d</sub> fluctuations that arise from the lensing effect of waves at the water surface. In a first step the accuracy of simulation results has been verified by measurements of the oceanic underwater light field and through intercomparison with an e...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1812-0784
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414206
Tamara Zalewska, and Michał Saniewski
The bioaccumulation ability of radionuclides <sup>51</sup>Cr, <sup>54</sup>Mn, <sup>57</sup>Co, <sup>60</sup>Co, <sup>65Z</sup>n, <sup>85</sup>Sr, <sup>109</sup>Cd, <sup>110</sup>mAg, <sup>113</sup>Sn, <sup>137Cs and <sup>241</sup>Am in two red algae species from the southern Baltic Sea - <i>Polysiphonia fucoides</i> and <i>Furcellaria lumbricalis</i> - was determined under laboratory conditions. <i>P. fucoides</i> demonstrated better bioaccumulative properties towards most of the investigated r...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0078-3234
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414205
Daniela Mariel Suarez, and Emilio Manca, and Marcos Crupkin, and Maria Elida Paredi
The aim of the present work was to investigate the physicochemical, biochemical and functional characteristics of both the myofibrils (MF) and actomyosin (AM) of squid mantle (Illex argentinus) and weakfish (Cynoscion guatucupa) muscles, and evaluate the influence of the addition of myofibrilar proteins from the squid mantle on the physicochemical and functional properties of those of the weakfish. After extraction, purification and characterization of the MF and AM of both species, emulsions of...
關鍵字: squid
出版: Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL)
ISSN: 1981-6723
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414204
María Constanza Gómez Lutz, and Arturo I. Kehr, and Liliana A. Fernández
Rice fields occupy large areas in Northeastern Argentina, and in Corrientes this widespead activity has become a feature in the landscape, as it is one of the main producing provinces. The aquatic Coleoptera is part of the fauna inhabiting these artificial environments but little is known about this group in irrigated rice fields. The aims of this study were to determine the diversity and species richness of coleopterans in a typical rice field, and to characterize the community of water beetles...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414203
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF)
ISSN: 1824-0119
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414202
H. Tuncay Kınacıgil, and Okan Akyol
關鍵字: sea
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414201
Juan José Alvarado, and Jorge Cortés, and Héctor Reyes-Bonilla
The 1982-83 El Niño event produced a high coral mortality (50-90%) in several localities in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, which resulted in an outbreak of the sea urchin populations of Diadema mexicanum A. Agassiz, 1863 in some reefs, leading to an increase in coral framework bioerosion. In Costa Rica, El Niño impact varied among three of the most important coral reefs localities, being higher in Cocos Island, moderate in Caño Island, and lower in Culebra Bay; D. mexicanum densities followed the...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414200
Léo Heller, and Maria Berenice Cardoso Martins Vieira, and Ludmila Ladeira Alves de Brito, and Daniella Pedrosa Salvador
Um tema chave no monitoramento dos sistemas de abastecimento de águas é a variação temporal e espacial nas concentrações de patogênicos, conduzindo programas de monitoramento baseados em amostras pontuais geralmente a subestimarem o risco de infecção. Em vista disto, o artigo apresenta pesquisa desenvolvida para verificar o comportamento da filtração lenta em areia, perante um aumento súbito na concentração de oocistos de Cryptosporidium e na turbidez da água, desenvolvida em unidades piloto. Os...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
ISSN: 1413-4152
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414199
Alyssa B. Novak, and Holly K. Plaisted, and Cynthia G. Hays, and Randall A. Hughes
Global declines in coastal foundation species highlight the importance of effective restoration. In this study, we examined the effects of source population identity and diversity (one vs. three sources per plot) on seagrass (Zostera marina) transplant success. The field experiment was replicated at two locations in Massachusetts with adjacent natural Zostera marina beds to test for local adaptation and source diversity effects on shoot density. We also collected morphological and genetic data t...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414198
Carlos Toledo-Hernández, and Claudia P. Ruiz-Diaz, and Liz M. Díaz-Vázquez, and Vanessa Santiago-Cárdenas, and Derick N. Rosario-Berrios, and Derek M. García-Almedina, and Loretta M. Roberson
Background The roles of gorgonian sclerites as structural components and predator deterrents have been widely studied. Yet their role as barriers against microbes has only recently been investigated, and even less is known about the diversity and roles of the chemical compounds associated with sclerites. Methods Here, we examine the semi-volatile organic compound fraction (SVOCs) associated with sclerites from healthy and diseased Gorgonia ventalina sea fan corals to understand their possible ro...
關鍵字: sea
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414197
A large number of Red Sea species are colonizing the eastern Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal, mainly following the Anatolian coasts and spreading westwards. Portunus pelagicus is one of the most common Red Sea swimming crabs, first recorded in the Levantine Basin in 1898. Four specimens of P. pelagicus were collected in different marine areas of Rhodes Island from 1991 to 2000, while three specimens of the lessepsian fish Apogon pharaonis, first recorded in the Mediterranean in 1947, were c...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414196
Edwin J. Niklitschek, and Audrey M. Darnaude
Background Mixture models (MM) can be used to describe mixed stocks considering three sets of parameters: the total number of contributing sources, their chemical baseline signatures and their mixing proportions. When all nursery sources have been previously identified and sampled for juvenile fish to produce baseline nursery-signatures, mixing proportions are the only unknown set of parameters to be estimated from the mixed-stock data. Otherwise, the number of sources, as well as some/all nurse...
關鍵字: fish
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414195
Zooplankton samples were collected in Annaba Bay (Algeria) from January 2009-March 2011 at three coastal sites differently affected by estuarine plumes and external currents. Aim of this survey was to analyze zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass and compare the results with previous studies to reveal possible populations and environmental changes. The mean zooplankton abundance varied between 1,200-6,000 ind. m-3 and biomass 6.70-25.70 mg DW m-3, according to the site. Copepods constit...
關鍵字: estuarine
出版: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
ISSN: 1108-393X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414194
Andreas Fahlman, and Andreas Fahlman, and Johnny Madigan
We measured esophageal pressures (n=4), respiratory flow rates (n=5), and expired O2 and CO2 (n=4) in five adult Patagonia sea lions (Otaria flavescens, body mass range 94.3-286.0 kg) during voluntary breaths while laying down. The data were used to estimate the dynamic specific lung compliance (sCL, cmH2O-1), the O2 consumption rate (VO2) and CO2 production rates (VCO2) during rest. Our results indicate that the resting tidal volume in Patagonia sea lions is approximately 47-73% of the estimate...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-042X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414193
Rebeca Granja Fernández, and María Dinorah Herrero Pérezrul, and Ramón Andrés López Pérez, and Luis Hernández, and Fabián Rodríguez Zaragoza, and Robert Wallace Jones, and Rubén Pineda López
There are numerous and important coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific, but scarce studies of brittle stars conducted in these ecosystems. In this regard, this work provides the first annotated checklist of brittle stars associated with coral communities and reefs in the Mexican Pacific and an illustrated key to identify the species. We also provide taxonomic descriptions, spatial and bathymetric distributions and some important remarks of the species. We report a total of 14 species of brittle sta...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Pensoft Publishers
ISSN: 1313-2970
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414192
Somayeh Rasooli, and Masoud Sattari, and Zohreh Ramezanpour, and Javid Imanpour Namin
Herbal medicinal products have attracted significant research interest in recent years. Considering the efficiency of algae products in controlling pathogenic bacteria and also easy access to large resources of algae, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of methanolic, chloroformic and aqueous extracts of Gracilaria salicornia against Aeromonas hydrophila, a heterotrophic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium found mainly in warm climate. Algae samples were collected from Qeshm Island...
關鍵字: algae
出版: University of Tehran
ISSN: 2322-5270
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414191
Andrés J. Jaureguizar, and Andrés C. Milessi
The temporal trend in the mean trophic level (mTL), fisheries-in-balance index (FIB), trophic categories landing (TrC) and landing profile (LP) of the exploited marine community (82 species) in the Argentinean-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (AUCFZ) were examined from 1989 to 2003. The total landings (Yt) (rs=-0.561; P< 0.05) and the Yt of carnivores and top predators has declined, while the Yt of herbivores, detritivores and omnivores has increased. Consequently, the mTL significantly decreased (...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414190
Richard R. Coleman, and Joshua M. Copus, and Daniel M. Coffey, and Robert K. Whitton, and Brian W. Bowen
Mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) continue to be understudied, especially in island locations spread across the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Pohnpei is the largest island in the Federated States of Micronesia, with a well-developed barrier reef, and steep slopes that descend to more than 1,000 m. Here we conducted visual surveys along a depth gradient of 0 to 60 m in addition to video surveys that extend to 130 m, with 72 belt transects and 12 roving surveys using closed-circuit rebreathers, to test for...
關鍵字: fish
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414189
Martin eLlewellyn, and Martin eLlewellyn, and Sebastien eBoutin, and Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar, and Nicolas eDerome
Indigenous bacterial flora play a critical role in the lives of their vertebrate hosts. In human and mouse models it is increasingly clear that innate and adaptive immunity develop in close consort with the commensal microbiome. Furthermore several aspects of digestion and nutrient metabolism are governed by intestinal microflora. Research on teleosts has responded relatively slowly to the revolution in microbiomics. Nonetheless, progress has been made in biotic and gnotobiotic zebrafish models,...
關鍵字: aquaculture
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-302X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414188
Marina Miranda Lery Santos, and Maria Lúcia Rocha-Coutinho
O artigo apresenta parte dos resultados de um estudo realizado com seis mulheres oficiais formadas na primeira turma do curso de aviação da Aeronáutica. Seu objetivo foi investigar como elas vivenciam a experiência de uma carreira até então vedada a mulheres, como percebem a hierarquia e as relações de poder típicas dessa carreira, e quais os seus projetos profissionais e pessoais para o futuro. Utilizamos entrevistas semiestruturadas, que foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra; os textos resul...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
ISSN: 1413-294X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414187
Rao S, and Swathi PM, and Unnikrishnan B, and Hegde A
BackgroundInfants and young children are at an increased risk ofmalnutrition from six months of age onwards, when breastmilk alone is no longer sufficient to meet all their nutritionalrequirements and complementary feeding should bestarted. Hence this study was undertaken to assess thepractices of complementary feeding.MethodThis hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted attwo private hospitals – Dr TMA Pai Hospital Udupi and DrTMA Pai Hospital Karkala and a public hospital, RegionalAdv...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Australasian Medical Journal pty ltd.
ISSN: 1836-1935
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414186
Aysun Fırat Kop
關鍵字: fish
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414185
Radoičić Rajka, and Conrad André Marc
A dasycladalean alga, Salpingoporella nicolacarrasi spec. nov., is described from Santonian limestones of the Mur Formation outcropping in Novi Pazar, Mirdita Zone belt, SW Serbia. The alga, the main axis of which bears tightly packed whorls of numerous laterals, resembles the Triassic Salpingoporella sturi. Calcareous sparry calcite skeleton, likely first aragonitic, is more or less heavily destroyed by a special process of bio-erosion, described under the name of Mur1.
關鍵字: alga
出版: Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
ISSN: 0350-0608
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414184
Celalettin Aydın, and Raşit Gurbet, and Ali Ulaş
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414183
Minarčíková, Nikola , and Příhodová, Tereza, and Maliňaková, Jana , and Riegel, Karel, and Marková, Jindra, and Preiss, Marek
The authors describe a development of the Czech version of the Over-claiming Questionnaire (OCQ) in relation to the work of Delroy Paulhus. First, the authors created the longer version (OCQ-150) and subsequently the shortened version (OCQ-100), which contains 100 items in 10 knowledge-based categories. Each category includes 8 items, which exist and 2 items, which do not exist. By the calculation of the accuracy index and the bias index we can get information about how much a proband has a tend...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Czech-Moravian Psychological Society (CMPS)
ISSN: 1802-8853
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414182
S. Federico, and L. Pasqualoni, and A. M. Sempreviva, and L. De Leo, and E. Avolio, and C. R. Calidonna, and C. Bellecci
We present a study on the characteristics of the sea breeze flow at a coastal site located in the centre of the Mediterranean basin at the southern tip of Italy. This study is finalized to add new data on breeze circulations over a narrow peninsula and present a unique experimental coastal site at about 600 m from the coastline in a flat open area at the foot of a mountain chain located in a region of complex orography. We study the seasonal behaviour of the sea-land breeze circulation by analys...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1992-0628
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414181
Hanaa M. Farghally, and Doaa M. Atia, and Hanaa T. El-madany, and Faten H. Fahmy
One of the most common uses of geothermal heat is in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) where the water temperature is accurately controlled for optimum growing conditions for sustainable and intensive rearing of marine and freshwater fish. This paper presents a design for RAS rearing tank and brazed heat exchanger to be used with geothermal energy as a source of heating water. The heat losses from the RAS tank are calculated using Geo Heat Center Software. Then a plate type heat exchanger ...
關鍵字: aquaculture
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1687-4285
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414180
Shunsuke eKoshio
In recent years studies on the mucosal immunity in fish species have shown much progress. Although there are some organs such as skin, gills, and gut which are directly associated with the mucosal immunity of fish species, this mini review emphasizes the general knowledge on the role and production figures of skin mucus and factors affecting the secretion of skin mucus of fish species. As the skin mucus of fish species is the first defense line for protection against invading microorganisms such...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-3224
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414179
Elizabeth C. Shaver, and Brian R. Silliman
Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on Earth, and provide critical ecosystem services such as protein provisioning, coastal protection, and tourism revenue. Despite these benefits, coral reefs have been declining precipitously across the globe due to human impacts and climate change. Recent efforts to combat these declines are increasingly turning to restoration to help reseed corals and speed-up recovery processes. Coastal restoration theory and practice has hist...
關鍵字: coral
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414178
G. Parard, and A. A. Charantonis, and A. A. Charantonis, and A. Rutgerson
Studies of coastal seas in Europe have noted the high variability of the CO<sub>2</sub> system. This high variability, generated by the complex mechanisms driving the CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes, complicates the accurate estimation of these mechanisms. This is particularly pronounced in the Baltic Sea, where the mechanisms driving the fluxes have not been characterized in as much detail as in the open oceans. In addition, the joint availability of in situ measurements of CO<sub>2</sub> and of se...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414177
Luiz A. Rocha, and Hudson T. Pinheiro, and Matt Wandell, and Claudia R. Rocha, and Bart Shepherd
A new species of the butterflyfish genus Roa is herein described from the Verde Island Passage in the Philippines, West Pacific Ocean. Roa rumsfeldi sp. n. was found on mesophotic coral ecosystems at Puerto Galera and Batangas, and sampled through technical mixed-gas rebreather diving at 100–130 m depth. This represents the fifth known species of Roa. The main differences between Roa rumsfeldi sp. n. and its congeners are the lower number of pored scales in the lateral line, lo...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Pensoft Publishers
ISSN: 1313-2989
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414176
E. Marmer, and F. Dentener, and J. v. Aardenne, and F. Cavalli, and E. Vignati, and K. Velchev, and J. Hjorth, and F. Boersma, and G. Vinken, and N. Mihalopoulos, and F. Raes
Ship emission estimates diverge widely for all chemical compounds for several reasons: use of different methodologies (bottom-up or top-down), activity data and emission factors can easily result in a difference ranging from a factor of 1.5 to even an order of magnitude. Combining three sets of observational data – ozone and black carbon measurements sampled at three coastal sites and on board of a Mediterranean cruise ship, as well as satellite observations of atmospheric NO<sub>2</sub> column ...
關鍵字: ship
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414175
Andrea Straatmann, and Fabianna Bahia, and Diana Pedral-Sampaio, and Carlos Brites
Sulfonamides are drugs extensively used in the management of AIDS patients. However, the use of sulfonamides is often associated with the development of allergic reactions, provoking the substitution of the drug (by another that may be less effective); alternatively attempts are made to desensitize the patient. OBJECTIVE: Compare two drug regimens (full vs. escalating doses) for the oral desensitization of AIDS patients allergic to sulfonamides. MATERIAL AND METHODS: AIDS patients with previous ...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1413-8670
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414174
Eduardo Barros Fagundes-Netto, and Luiz Ricardo Gaelzer, and Ricardo Coutinho, and Ilana R Zalmon
The effect of the Orion shipwreck on fish assemblage distribution near the reef was studied to the northeast of Rio de Janeiro with six different fishing gears: gillnets, mid-water longlines, circular traps, rectangular traps, vertical longlines, and bottom trawling. The study consisted of a pre-monitoring survey four months before the shipwreck in the area (A) and in two control areas (B and C). After 36 months, a total of 56 species were caught in the Orion reef area, 49 in control area B and ...
關鍵字: shipwreck
出版: Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Facultad de Recursos Naturales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
ISSN: 0718-560X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414173
Pazhanivel Bharadhirajan, and Ayyaru Gopalakrishnan, and Kuzhanthaivel Raja, and Sambantham Murugan, and Ramalingam Vijayakumar, and Mohammad M. Rahman
Objective: To study the prevalence and mean intensity of copepod parasite Lernaeenicus polynemi infestation on Eleutheronema tetradactylum from Pazayar, Tamil Nadu, southeast coast of India. Methods: The fish was collected from Pazhayar landing centre from January to December 2012 and their biometric measurements were examined. Toal number of infected fish and total number of parasites were recorded. Results: Higher prevalence and mean intensity of infestation of 35.23% and 3.1 were respec...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414172
Letícia S. Machado, and Felipe Gonzatti, and Paulo G. Windisch
ABSTRACT Community structure and spatial distribution of epiphytic ferns in swamp forest remnants along the coastal plain of the state of Rio Grande do Sul were analyzed. A total of 440 trees were sampled in fifty-seven 10 x 10 m plots. Each phorophyte was divided into five ecological zones (strata), where all species of epiphytic ferns were recorded. A total of 34 species representing 18 genera in six families were recorded. Polypodiaceae was the most represented family with 17 species, and Mic...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Sociedade Botânica do Brasil
ISSN: 0102-3306
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414171
Mikhail G. Ezersky, and Anatoly Legchenko, and Lev Eppelbaum, and Abdalla Al-Zoubi
Since the early 80s, a progressively increasing number of sinkholes appeared along the Dead Sea coastal line. It has been found that their appearance is strongly correlating with the lowering of the Dead Sea level taking place with the rate of approximately 1 m/yr. Location of areas affected by sinkhole development corresponds to location of the salt formation deposited during the latest Pleistocene, when the Lake Lisan receded to later become the Dead Sea. Water flowing to the Dead Sea from adj...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Società Speleologica Italiana
ISSN: 0392-6672
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414170
Federico Fabbri, and Fernando Espino, and Rogelio Herrera, and Leopoldo Moro, and Ricardo Haroun, and Rodrigo Riera, and Nieves González-Henriquez, and Oscar Bergasa, and Oscar Monterroso, and Manuel Ruiz de la Rosa, and Fernando Tuya
Seagrass meadows perform essential ecosystem functions and services. Though the meadows are globally deteriorating, numerous regressions remain unreported as a result of data fragmentation. Cymodocea nodosa is the most important seagrass in shallow coastal waters of the Canary Islands. No study has so far investigated temporal population trends at the entire archipelago scale. Using data collected in the past 23 years by local companies, public authorities and research groups, the population tre...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414169
Tom C. L. Bridge, and Andrew S Hoey, and Stuart J Campbell, and Efin Muttaqin, and Edi Rudi, and Nur Fadli, and Andrew H Baird
Coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperature is a primary cause of coral reef degradation. However, bleaching patterns often show significant spatial variability, therefore identifying locations where local conditions may provide thermal refuges is a high conservation priority. Coral bleaching mortality often diminishes with increasing depth, but clear depth zonation of coral communities and putative limited overlap in species composition between deep and shallow reef habitats has led to the...
關鍵字: reef
出版: F1000 Research Ltd
ISSN: 2046-1402
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414168
L. S. Lebedeva, and O. M. Semenova, and O. M. Semenova, and T. A. Vinogradova, and M. N. Kruchin, and N. V. Volkova
The probability of heavy rains and river floods is expected to increase with time in the Northern Caucasus region. Densely populated areas in the valleys of small mountainous watersheds already frequently suffer from catastrophic peak floods caused by intense rains at higher elevations. This study aimed at assessing the flood characteristics of several small basins in the piedmont area of the Caucasus Mountains adjacent to the Black Sea coast including ungauged Cemes River in the Novorossi...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 2199-8981
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414167
H. W. Nel
Albeit the nomenclature theopolitics appears to be new to Old Testament studies, it has been and it is still being used extensively under other appellations. It is the postulate of this article that in the sphere of the historiography of Old Testament monarchical politics, the dialectic essence of theopolitics is unmistakable, namely the combination of two theoretically contradictory elements: the spiritual and the mundane aspects of human existence. In this article the claim in 2 Kings 22 a...
關鍵字: pilot
ISSN: 1018-6441
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 414166