

ABSTRACT Loess consists of silt-dominated sediments that cover ~10% of the Earth's surface. In southern South America it occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, and its presence in southern Brazil was never studied in detail. Here is proposed a new lithostratigraphic unit, Cordão Formation, consisting of loess deposits in the southern Brazilian coastal plain. It consists of fine-very fine silt with subordinate sand and clay, found mostly in lowland areas between Pleistocene coastal b...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Academia Brasileira de Ciências
ISSN: 0001-3765
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426741
F. Grenacher
No abstract available.
關鍵字: seiner
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 0016-7312
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426740
F. Ozan Düzbastılar, and Adnan Tokaç
關鍵字: reef
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426739
C. Laufkötter, and M. Vogt, and N. Gruber, and O. Aumont, and L. Bopp, and S. C. Doney, and J. P. Dunne, and J. Hauck, and J. G. John, and I. D. Lima, and R. Seferian, and C. Völker
Accurate projections of marine particle export production (EP) are crucial for predicting the response of the marine carbon cycle to climate change, yet models show a wide range in both global EP and their responses to climate change. This is, in part, due to EP being the net result of a series of processes, starting with net primary production (NPP) in the sunlit upper ocean, followed by the formation of particulate organic matter and the subsequent sinking and remineralisation of these particl...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426738
Dobos Gustav J, and Saha Felix, and Rampp Thomas, and Choi Kyung-Eun, and Cramer Holger, and Lauche Romy, and Musial Frauke
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this preliminary trial we investigated the effects of dry cupping, an ancient method for treating pain syndromes, on patients with chronic non-specific neck pain. Sensory mechanical thresholds and the participants' self-reported outcome measures of pain and quality of life were evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifty patients (50.5 ± 11.9 years) were randomised to a treatment group (TG) or a waiting-list control group (WL). Patients in the TG received a ser...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1472-6882
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426737
Neira Roberto, and Lhorente Jean P, and Gallardo José A
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we used different animal models to estimate genetic and environmental variance components on harvest weight in two populations of <it>Oncorhynchus kisutch</it>, forming two classes i.e. odd- and even-year spawners.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The models used were: additive, with and without inbreeding as a covariable (A + F and A respectively); additive plus common environmental due to full-sib families and inbreeding (A + C + F); additive plus paren...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: BMC
ISSN: 0999-193X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426736
We analyzed a collection of 738 bird bones, representing a minimum of 71 individuals, found in a settlement of hunter-gatherers from the mid-Holocene, 5,000 years BP, in the coastal locality of Chan Chan, southern Chile. The camp was inhabited for over ca. 500 years, during which time a steady hunting pressure on the local marine resources was exerted, particularly on seabirds. The most abundant taxon (bones/number of individuals) was the red-legged cormorant Phalacrocorax gaimardi (551/44) whic...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: BMC
ISSN: 0716-078X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426735
Krasnov Aleksei, and Skugor Stanko, and Todorcevic Marijana, and Glover Kevin A, and Nilsen Frank
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The salmon louse is an ectoparasitic copepod that causes major economic losses in the aquaculture industry of Atlantic salmon. This host displays a high level of susceptibility to lice which can be accounted for by several factors including stress. In addition, the parasite itself acts as a potent stressor of the host, and outcomes of infection can depend on biotic and abiotic factors that stimulate production of cortisol. Consequently, examination of respons...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2164
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426734
Sinigalliano Christopher D, and Kish Jonathan, and Elmir Samir M, and Shibata Tomoyuki, and Garza Anna C, and Plano Lisa RW, and Gidley Maribeth L, and Miller Gary, and Withum Kelly, and Fleming Lora E, and Solo-Gabriele Helena M
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>including methicillin resistant <it>S. aureus</it>, MRSA, are human colonizing bacteria that commonly cause opportunistic infections primarily involving the skin in otherwise healthy individuals. These infections have been linked to close contact and sharing of common facilities such as locker rooms, schools and prisons Waterborne exposure and transmission routes have not been traditionally associated with <it>S. aureus </it>inf...
關鍵字: marine
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2180
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426733
Phillips Ruth B, and Davidson Evelyn A, and Chow William, and Lubieniecki Krzysztof P, and Boroevich Keith A, and Quinn Nicole L, and Koop Ben F, and Davidson William S
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genomes of salmonids are considered pseudo-tetraploid undergoing reversion to a stable diploid state. Given the genome duplication and extensive biological data available for salmonids, they are excellent model organisms for studying comparative genomics, evolutionary processes, fates of duplicated genes and the genetic and physiological processes associated with complex behavioral phenotypes. The evolution of the tetrapod hemoglobin genes is well studied...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2164
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426732
van Rhijn Lodewijk W, and Weber Wim E, and Staal Heleen M, and van Zundert Jan, and van Kleef Maarten, and Vles Johan S, and Vles Georges F, and Soudant Dan, and Graham H Kerr, and de Louw Anton J
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cerebral palsy (CP) may cause severe spasticity, requiring neurosurgical procedures. The most common neurosurgical procedures are continuous infusion of intrathecal baclofen and selective dorsal rhizotomy. Both are invasive and complex procedures. We hypothesized that a percutaneous radiofrequency lesion of the dorsal root ganglion (RF-DRG) could be a simple and safe alternative treatment. We undertook a pilot study to test this hypothesis.</p> <p>Methods</p>...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2377
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426731
Wakutsu Masaki, and Tsunoda Nobuyo, and Shiba Sachiko, and Muraki Etsuko, and Kasono Keizo
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fish oil is known to improve lifestyle-related diseases. These effects occur partly via activation of PPARs by the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids included abundantly in fish oil. We investigated fish oil functions on glucose and lipid metabolism that are both dependent on and independent of PPARs pathway.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mice were fed a diet containing 30 en% beef tallow (B diet) for twelve weeks to induce obesity. The mice were then divided into two g...
關鍵字: fish
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1476-511X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426730
Václav Bůžek
This study considers on the basis of comparative research on written, visual and material sources of interpretations of the symbolic meaning of the means used to represent Ferdinand I and his sons Maximilian II, Charles of Styria, and Ferdinand of Tyrol, during public rituals at their funerals in Vienna, Prague, Graz, and Innsbruck. In methodological terms it rests largely on the Kantorowicz concept of the King’s Two Bodies.
關鍵字: seiner
出版: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 1804-1132
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426729
Richéal M. Burns, and Jane Wolstenholme, and Bethany Shinkins, and Emma Frith, and Lauren Matheson, and Peter W. Rose, and Eila Watson
PurposeTo assess feasibility and health economic benefits and costs as part of a pilot study for a nurse-led, psychoeducational intervention (NPLI) for prostate cancer in order to understand the potential for cost effectiveness as well as contribute to the design of a larger scale trial.MethodsMen with stable prostate cancer post-treatment were recruited from two cancer centres in the UK. Eighty-three men were randomised to the NLPI plus usual care or usual care alone (UCA) (42 NLPI and 41 UCA);...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: SAGE Publishing
ISSN: 2284-2403
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426728
Sebahat Basyigit, and Ayse Kefeli, and Ferdane Sapmaz, and Abdullah Ozgur Yeniova, and Zeliha Asilturk, and Murat Hokkaomeroglu, and Metin Uzman, and Yasar Nazligul
The success of the current anti-Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) treatment protocols is reported to decrease by years, and research is needed to strengthen the H. pylori eradication treatment. Sequential treatment (ST), one of the treatment modalities for H. pylori eradication, includes amoxicillin 1 gr b.i.d and proton pump inhibitor b.i.d for first 5 days and then includes clarithromycin 500 mg b.i.d, metronidazole 500 mg b.i.d and a proton pump inhibitor b.i.d for remaining 5 days. In this stu...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Association of Basic Medical Sciences of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISSN: 1512-8601
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426727
Samara R. B. Damasceno, and Jocélia C. Rodrigues, and Renan O. Silva, and Lucas A. D. Nicolau, and Luciano S. Chaves, and Ana L. P. Freitas, and Marcellus H. L. P. Souza, and André L. R. Barbosa, and Jand-Venes R. Medeiros
Seaweeds are the most abundant source of polysaccharides such as alginates and agar, as well as carrageenans. This study aimed to investigate the gastroprotective activity and the mechanism underlying this activity of a sulfated-polysaccharide fraction extracted from the algae Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V. Lamour. (Gigartinales-Rhodophyta). Mice were treated with sulfated-polysaccharide fraction (3, 10, 30, and 90 mg/kg, p.o.) and, after 30 min, they were administered 50% ethanol (0.5 mL/25 g...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0102-695X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426726
Daniela R. P. Fernandes, and Nair S. Yokoya, and Yocie Yoneshigue-Valentin
Decontamination protocols in seaweeds are essential tools for ecophysiological studies in laboratory cultures. These protocols consist of a set of procedures and physical and chemical treatments that must be adjusted for each species. Thus, the effects of explant size and of combinations of physical treatments (brushing and cutting) and chemical treatments (sodium hypochlorite, detergent, seawater, distilled water, germanium dioxide) on the process of obtaining unialgal culture of two pigmentar ...
關鍵字: seaweed
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0102-695X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426725
J. Maramazi
Ecological characteristics a Barbus grypus, B.sharpoyi, Capoeta trutta, Mugil abu, Tenualosa ilisha and Johnius belangerii, occurring in Zohre river were studied, among fresh water fishes, B.grypus showed versatility in its habitats, thus occurring frequently in the river. In contrast. B.sharpeyi, a stenohaline fish, was found only in a limited section of river reaching to the estuary. C.trutta even so being stenohaline, covered a wider range of the river in comparison with B.sharpeyi, thus show...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Iranian Fisheries Research Organization
ISSN: 1026-1354
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426724
Luís F. A. Bernardo, and Luiz A. P. Oliveira, and Miguel C. S. Nepomuceno, and Jorge M. A. Andrade
Construction using refurbished shipping containers is a recent building system, with already many successful examples around the world. This system presents a huge potential in the field of sustainable construction provided by the recycling of used containers. This paper aims to contribute to a better knowledge of this construction system in what concerns to the structural project. The general constitution of two maritime shipping containers is presented as well as some aspects of their structu...
關鍵字: shipping
出版: Vilnius Gedinimas Technical University
ISSN: 1392-3730
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426723
Hoerdemann Mona, and Gédet Philippe, and Ferguson Steven J, and Sauter-Louis Carola, and Nuss Karl
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To compare the biomechanical in-vitro characteristics of limited-contact dynamic compression plate (LC-DCP) and locking compression plate (LCP) constructs in an osteotomy gap model of femoral fracture in neonatal calves. Pairs of intact femurs from 10 calves that had died for reasons unrelated to the study were tested. A 7-hole LC-DCP with six 4.5 mm cortical screws was used in one femur and a 7-hole LCP with four 5.0 mm locking and two 4.5 mm cortical screws...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1746-6148
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426722
Mejía-Falla Paola A, and Navia Andrés F, and Giraldo Alan
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stomach contents of 131 specimens of five elasmobranch species (<it>Mustelus lunulatus</it>, <it>Dasyatis longa</it>, <it>Rhinobatos leucorhynchus</it>, <it>Raja velezi </it>and <it>Zapteryx xyster</it>) caught in the central fishing zone in the Pacific Ocean of Colombia were counted and weighed to describe feeding habits and dietary overlaps.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-one prey items belonging to four major groups (stomatopods, decapods, mollusks and fish)...
關鍵字: elasmobranch
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1472-6785
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426721
Duncan Scott, and McPhee Julia C, and Schluter Philip J, and Zinn Caryn, and Smith Richard, and Schofield Grant
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most physical activity and nutrition interventions in children focus on the school setting; however, evidence suggests that children are less active and have greater access to unhealthy food at home. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the efficacy of a compulsory homework programme for increasing physical activity and healthy eating in children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The six-week 'Healthy Homework' programme and complementary teaching resource was dev...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1479-5868
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426720
Guettler Daniel, and Shtatland Timur, and Duchrow Timo, and Pivovarov Misha, and Kramer Stefan, and Weissleder Ralph
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The breadth of biological databases and their information content continues to increase exponentially. Unfortunately, our ability to query such sources is still often suboptimal. Here, we introduce and apply community voting, database-driven text classification, and visual aids as a means to incorporate distributed expert knowledge, to automatically classify database entries and to efficiently retrieve them.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using a previously developed ...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2105
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426719
Xia Yang, and Xin Ye, and Zhengyu Lin, and Yong Jin, and Kaixian Zhang, and Yuting Dong, and Guohua Yu, and Haipeng Ren, and Weijun Fan, and Jin Chen, and Qingfeng Lin, and Guanghui Huang, and Zhigang Wei, and Yang Ni, and Wenhong Li, and Xiaoying Han, and Min Meng, and Jiao Wang, and Yuliang Li
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to retrospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of microwave ablation (MWA) for the treatment of ground-glass opacity (GGO)–lung adenocarcinoma. Materials and Methods: From December 2013 to June 2017, a total of 51 patients (22 males and 29 females, mean age of 69.4 ± 10.1 years) were included in this study, with 51 lung adenocarcinoma lesions showing GGO (mean long-axis diameter of 18.7 ± 6.05 mm). They received a total of 52 sessions of percutaneous com...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0973-1482
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426718
Tri W. Nurani, and Prihatin I. Wahyuningrum, and Sugeng H. Wisudo, and Soraya Gigentika, and Risti E. Arhatin
The Indonesian Fisheries’ Management of the Indian Ocean (FMA 573) has great tuna resources, especially yellowfin and bigeye. There are various problems regarding activities of tuna fisheries in this area, and now is the time to initiate an integrated management. This research aims to evaluate the biological and technological aspects of tuna fishing activities in the FMA 573, and to design a management model on resources and fishing technology aspects of Indonesian tuna fisheries in the Indian O...
關鍵字: fishery
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1687-4285
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426717
Hohmann Stefanie, and Tetsworth Kevin, and Hohmann Erik, and Bryant Adam L
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Total knee arthroplasty is reported to improve the patient's quality of life and mobility. However loss of mobility and pain prior to surgery often results in disuse atrophy of muscle. As a consequence the baseline functional state prior to surgery may result in poorer outcome "post surgery" and extended rehabilitation may be required. The use of anabolic steroids for performance enhancement and to influence muscle mass is well established. The positive effec...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1749-799X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426716
D. A. Carozza, and D. Bianchi, and E. D. Galbraith
Environmental change and the exploitation of marine resources have had profound impacts on marine communities, with potential implications for ocean biogeochemistry and food security. In order to study such global-scale problems, it is helpful to have computationally efficient numerical models that predict the first-order features of fish biomass production as a function of the environment, based on empirical and mechanistic understandings of marine ecosystems. Here we describe the ecological m...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1991-959X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426715
W. F. J. Fortin, and W. S. Holbrook, and R. W. Schmitt
Breaking internal waves play a primary role in maintaining the meridional overturning circulation. Oceanic lee waves are known to be a significant contributor to diapycnal mixing associated with internal wave dissipation, but direct measurement is difficult with standard oceanographic sampling methods due to the limited spatial extent of standing lee waves. Here, we present an analysis of oceanic internal lee waves observed offshore eastern Costa Rica using seismic imaging and estimate the turbu...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1812-0784
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426714
Murugesan Subbiah, and Bhuvaneswari Sundaresan, and Kalandar, Ameer, and Sivamurugan Vajiravelu
Objective: To investigate the hepatoprotective activity of red algae Portieria hornemannii (Lyngbye) Silva (P. hornemannii) and Spyridia fusiformis Boergesen (S. fusiformis) by using the chromium treated rat liver as the animal model. Methods: The extract of red algae at a dosage of 0.200 g/kg of whole body weight was orally administrated to Cr (VI) intoxicated rats for 28 consecutive days. The effect of drug in rats was evaluated by comparing the degree of the production of enzymes respons...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426713
Homa Hamayeli, and Abdolhamid Namaki Shoshtari, and Mehdi Hassanshahian, and Majid Askari Hesni
Objective: To evaluate the antifungal and inhibitory activity of six different species of marine sponges and one species of sea anemone that were collected from the Persian Gulf on the growth of Candida albicans (C. albicans). Methods: Sea anemone and six different sponges were gathered from the Persian Gulf and extracted by methanol macerated with dichloromethane solvents. The activity of each extracts against C. albicans was determined by paper disc diffusion and agar well diffusion metho...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426712
HS Santana, and LCF Silva, and CL. Pereira, and J. Simião-Ferreira, and R. Angelini
Alterations in aquatic systems and changes in water levels, whether due to rains or dam-mediated control can cause changes in community structure, forcing the community to readjust to the new environment. This study tested the hypothesis that there is an increase in the richness and abundance of aquatic insects during the rainy season in the Serra da Mesa Reservoir, with the premise that increasing the reservoir level provides greater external material input and habitat diversity, and, therefore...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426711
Nikolaev A. M., and Alekseev M. Yu., and Samokhvalov I. V., and Legun A. G. , and Il'mast N. V. , and Rasputina E. N. , and Shustov Yu. A.
Within the research of efficiency of Atlantic salmon the artificial reproduction, feeding rate, distribution and growth of farm-raised one-year-old Atlantic salmon have been examined. The fish has been released into nursery areas with different hydrological characteristics located in the Rivers Kola, Umba, Srednyaya and Akkim in the Murmansk region. The observations have being conducted for 1–5 months since the moment of fish release. In natural habitat, juveniles rapidly distribute downstream a...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: Murmansk State Technical University
ISSN: 1560-9278
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426710
Okan Akyol, and Fatih Perçin
關鍵字: fish
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426709
Abstract Despite being an important source of protein, fish consumption in Peru is low compared with other coastal countries. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify the core determinants of such consumption. We based our analysis on the framework provided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) where attitudes, subjective norms, past experience and health involvement determine the intention and frequency of fish consumption. Primary data were gathered through 159 consumers of fish in m...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
ISSN: 0101-2061
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426708
S. Egerer, and M. Claussen, and C. Reick, and T. Stanelle
Marine sediment records reveal an abrupt and strong increase in dust deposition in the North Atlantic at the end of the African Humid Period about 4.9 to 5.5 ka ago. The change in dust flux has been attributed to varying Saharan land surface cover. Alternatively, the enhanced dust accumulation is linked to enhanced surface winds and a consequent intensification of coastal upwelling. Here we demonstrate for the first time the direct link between dust accumulation in marine cores and changes in ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1814-9324
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426707
Pravin Kumar N, and Marimuthu K, and Vengkades Rao R, and Xavier R, and Kathiresan S, and Suresh CV, and Sreeramanan S
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the presence of antimicrobial activity in different organs/tissues (gills, blood, skin, liver, intestine, kidney, tissue and ovary) extract of snakehead fish Channa striatus. Methods: A total of 48 fractions from the organs and tissue extracts were obtained by solid-phase extraction and the fractions were assayed for antimicrobial activity. The screening of antimicrobial activity for all the fractions were tested against 8 human pathogens inc...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Editorial Office
ISSN: 2222-1808
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426706
Joachim Schlör
關鍵字: sea
出版: Karl Franzens-Universität Graz
ISSN: 2413-9181
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426705
Juliana de Souza Azevedo, and Leonardo Gomes da Silva, and Carlos Roberto Silveira Fontenelle Bizerri, and Marilvia Alencar Dansa-Petretski, and Neuza Rejane Wille Lima
Cyphocharax gilbert infested by Riggia paranensis shows parasitic castration. The prevalence of parasitism in C. gilbert varied among different environments, being higher in the middle rio Itabapoana. Fish were collected monthly using two cast nets (thrown 30 times during the day) and gillnets kept in the river during 12 hour, from sunset to sunrise, between September 1997 and August 2000. Infestation pattern was investigated on 1358 specimens. Most of them were infested (57.9%), with one or two...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426704
Gouagna Louis, and Rakotondranary Manpionona, and Boyer Sebastien, and Lempérière Guy, and Dehecq Jean-Sébastien, and Fontenille Didier
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Anopheles arabiensis</it> (Diptera: <it>Culicidae</it>) is a potential malaria vector commonly present at low altitudes in remote areas in Reunion Island. Little attention has been paid to the environmental conditions driving larval development and abundance patterns in potential habitats. Two field surveys were designed to determine whether factors that discriminate between aquatic habitats with and without <it>An. arabiensis</it> larvae also drive larva...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1756-3305
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426703
Henry Rebecca C, and Mavis Brian E
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper describes a pilot survey of faculty involved in medical education. The questionnaire focuses on their understanding of IRB policies at their institution, specifically in relation to the use of student assessment and curriculum evaluation information for scholarship.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An anonymous survey was distributed to medical educators in a variety of venues. Two brief scenarios of typical student assessment or curriculum evaluation activit...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1472-6920
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426702
Ibbetson Adrian B, and Adams Iain C, and Cock Don, and Baugh Phil
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development of an instrument accurately assessing service quality in the GP Exercise Referral Scheme (ERS) industry could potentially inform scheme organisers of the factors that affect adherence rates leading to the implementation of strategic interventions aimed at reducing client drop-out.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A modified version of the SERVQUAL instrument was designed for use in the ERS setting and subsequently piloted amongst 27 ERS clients.</p> <p>R...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1472-6963
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426701
Sridhar Settu, and Sharma Animesh, and Kongshaug Heidi, and Nilsen Frank, and Jonassen Inge
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Francisella</it> is a genus of gram-negative bacterium highly virulent in fishes and human where <it>F. tularensis</it> is causing the serious disease tularaemia in human. Recently <it>Francisella</it> species have been reported to cause mortality in aquaculture species like Atlantic cod and tilapia. We have completed the sequencing and draft assembly of the <it>Francisella noatunensis subsp. orientalisToba04 strain</it> isolated from farmed Tilapia. Comp...
關鍵字: fish
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1471-2164
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426700
Spriggins Anthony J, and Willis-Owen Charles A, and Konyves Arpad
<p>Abstract</p> <p>We reviewed the outcomes of 30 consecutive primary unicompartmental knee arthroplasties (UKA) performed by a single surgeon for medial compartmental osteoarthritis. Fifteen Allegretto knees were implanted without computer navigation and 15 EIUS knees were implanted with navigation. We compared the survivorship, radiological and clinical outcomes of the two groups at an average of 8.9 years and 6.9 years respectively. The patients were assessed clinically using the Oxford Knee ...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1749-799X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426699
Beena Jimmy, and Jimmy Jose, and Zainab A. Al-Hinai, and Intisar K. Wadair, and Ghalia H. Al-Amri
Objectives: This pilot study aimed to assess the medication adherence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in three wilayats (districts) of the Al Dakhliyah governorate, Oman, and to identify the probable reasons for medication non-adherence. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based pilot survey was conducted among T2DM Omani patients between February and June 2012 to assess their medication adherence and the relationship between their socio-demographic characteristics and adheren...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Sultan Qaboos University
ISSN: 2075-051X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426698
Larsson B, and Ronningen K
關鍵字: fish
出版: BMC
ISSN: 0999-193X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426697
de Vries Nanne K, and de Nooijer Jascha, and De Vet Emely, and Brug Johannes
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cardiovascular diseases are caused by multiple behavioral factors, including different dietary factors. We examined to what extent fruit, vegetable and fish consumption are related, and whether behavioral determinants vary across these dietary behaviors from a Transtheoretical model perspective.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data were collected among 1142 participants (T0; response rate 46%) selected from an Internet panel, who were followed-up one-week later (T1; N ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: BMC
ISSN: 1479-5868
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426696
Guande LUN, and Yancong LIU, and Peng YI, and Chengkai LI, and Xiaoli MA, and Yang QU
Based on engineering practice of the picking-up and laying-down processes of offshore pipelines, a finite element model was established. On the basis of the model, methods and steps of the picking-up and laying-down operations were determined, and the impacts of currents and seedbed friction on the two operations were studied. The shape and stress distribution of the pipeline under the influences of longitudinal current, lateral current and seabed friction when picked up and laid down were analy...
關鍵字: ocean
出版: KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.
ISSN: 2096-4803
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426695
Elliott White, and David Kaplan
Coastal wetlands perform a unique set of physical, chemical, and biological functions, which provide billions of dollars of ecosystem services annually. These wetlands also face myriad environmental and anthropogenic pressures, which threaten their ecological condition and undermine their capacity to provide these services. Coastal wetlands have adapted to a dynamic range of natural disturbances over recent millennia, but face growing pressures from human population growth and coastal developmen...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 2332-8878
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426694
William I. Atlas, and William G. Housty, and Audrey Béliveau, and Bryant DeRoy, and Grant Callegari, and Mike Reid, and Jonathan W. Moore
Introduction: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples states that indigenous people have a fundamental right to contribute to the management of the resources that support their livelihoods. Salmon are vital to the economy and culture of First Nations in coastal British Columbia, Canada. In this region, traditional systems of management including weirs – fences built across rivers to selectively harvest salmon – supported sustainable fisheries for millennia. In the late-19th centur...
關鍵字: salmon
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 2332-8878
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426693
Yessito Corine Houehanou, and Carmelle Mizéhoun-Adissoda, and Salimanou Amidou, and Iléana Désormais, and Martin Houénassi, and Pierre-Marie Preux, and Benoit Marin, and Dismand Houinato, and Philippe Lacroix
Background: Faced with the growing burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) including atherosclerotic in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the development of appropriate prediction tools, based on large cohorts, appears useful for prevention. Objective: The objective of the pilot project TAHES (Tanvè Health Study) was to explore the feasibility of a large cohort study focused on CVD and risk factors in Benin. Methods: We implemented a prospective cohort over 2 years. The sample consisted of all people age...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 1654-9880
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 426692