

Francisco Leonardo Tejerina-Garro, and Mabel Maldonado, and Carla Ibañez, and Didier Pont, and Nicolas Roset, and Thierry Oberdorff
Freshwater is a basic need for the mankind. Effective biological tools (ecologically based, efficient, rapid and consistently applicable to different ecological regions) are needed to measure the "health" of rivers. Adapting such tools over a broad geographic area requires a detailed understanding of both the patterns of organisms assemblage composition and distribution within and among water bodies under natural conditions, and the nature of the major environmental gradients that cause or expla...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná (Tecpar)
ISSN: 1516-8913
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420978
Artamonova V.S., and Makhrov A.A.
We used salmonids, eel and cod to demonstrate the apparent influence of genotype on the migratory behavior of fish and their selection of habitat. These examples indicate that the connection between specific genotypes and certain patterns of migratory behavior is typical of fish. This should always be taken into account in stock structure analysis.
關鍵字: fish
出版: EDP Sciences
ISSN: 1961-9502
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420977
Shenzheng Zeng, and Zhijian Huang, and Dongwei Hou, and Jian Liu, and Shaoping Weng, and Jianguo He
Intestinal microbiota is an integral component of the host and plays important roles in host health. The pacific white shrimp is one of the most profitable aquaculture species commercialized in the world market with the largest production in shrimp consumption. Many studies revealed that the intestinal microbiota shifted significantly during host development in other aquaculture animals. In the present study, 22 shrimp samples were collected every 15 days from larval stage (15 day post-hatching,...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420976
Kerry-Ann van der Walt, and Ernst R. Swartz, and Darragh J. Woodford, and Olaf L.F. Weyl
No abstract available.
關鍵字: fish
ISSN: 0075-6458
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420975
Mark C Ladd, and Mark C Ladd, and Andrew A Shantz, and Andrew A Shantz, and Ken Nedimyer, and Deron E Burkepile, and Deron E Burkepile
AbstractCoral restoration is gaining traction as a viable strategy to help restore degraded reefs. While the nascent field of coral restoration has rapidly progressed in the past decade, significant knowledge gaps remain regarding the drivers of restoration success that may impede our ability to effectively restore coral reef communities. Here, we conducted a field experiment to investigate the influence of coral density on the growth, habitat production, and survival of corals outplanted for re...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420974
N. Dimova, and P.M. Ganguli, and P.W. Swarzenski, and J.A. Izbicki, and D. O’Leary
Study region: Hydrogeologic controls on seasonal land/sea exchange are investigated in Malibu, California, USA. Study focus: An assessment of regional groundwater/surface water exchange and associated biogeochemical transport in an intermittently open, coastal lagoon in California is developed using naturally occurring U/Th-series tracers. New hydrological insights for the region: Nearshore lagoons that are seasonally disconnected from the coastal ocean occupy about 10% of coastal areas worldwid...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2214-5818
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420973
Carmen Pedroza-Gutiérrez
En México al igual que en otros países en vías de desarrollo, la comercialización de productos primarios está dominada por intermediarios informales, su existencia se debe en gran parte a la incapacidad de los productores para llevar sus productos al mercado. En el caso de la pesca en pequeña escala también se observa este fenómeno. Considerando estos elementos, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el contexto informal, las formas de intervención y el impacto que estos intermediarios tienen s...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
ISSN: 2007-9028
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420972
Dandan Li, and Naoya Oku, and Atsumi Hasada, and Masafumi Shimizu, and Yasuhiro Igarashi
Exploration of rhizobacteria of the genus Burkholderia as an under-tapped resource of bioactive molecules resulted in the isolation of two new antimicrobial 2-alkyl-4-quinolones. (E)-2-(Hept-2-en-1-yl)quinolin-4(1H)-one (1) and (E)-2-(non-2-en-1-yl)quinolin-4(1H)-one (3) were isolated from the culture broth of strain MBAF1239 together with four known alkylquinolones (2 and 4–6), pyrrolnitrin (7), and BN-227 (8). The structures of 1 and 3 were unambiguously characterized using NMR spectroscopy an...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Beilstein-Institut
ISSN: 1860-5397
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420971
J. Peter H. Burbach, and Anita J. C. G. M. Hellemons, and Philip Grant, and Harish C. Pant
Homeodomain transcription factors regulate development of embryos and cellular physiology in adult systems. Paired-type homeodomain genes constitute a subclass that has been particularly implicated in establishment of neuronal identity in the mammalian nervous system. We isolated fragments of eight homeodomain genes of this subclass expressed in the stellate ganglion of the North Atlantic long finned squid Loligo pealei (lp) [Note: Loligo pealei has been officially renamed Doryteuthis pealei. Fo...
關鍵字: squid
出版: The Company of Biologists
ISSN: 2046-6390
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420970
Valerie B. Morris
An analysis of early coelom development in the echinoid Holopneustes purpurescens yields a deuterostome body plan that explains the disparity between the pentameral plan of echinoderms and the bilateral plans of chordates and hemichordates, the three major phyla of the monophyletic deuterostomes. The analysis shows an early separation into a medial hydrocoele and lateral coelomic mesoderm with an enteric channel between them before the hydrocoele forms the pentameral plan of five primary podia. ...
關鍵字: sea
出版: The Company of Biologists
ISSN: 2046-6390
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420969
Antonio Acierno
關鍵字: sea
出版: Università di Napoli Federico II
ISSN: 1974-6849
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420968
Gabriella Esposito, and Claudia Trillo, and Alona Martinez Perez
<p>The globalization scenario has determined the rate of increasing of urban complexity: the city has become a process of densification and multiculturalism. The port cities, in particular, could be seen as the access points of a “melting pot” process, on the one hand, and as places where these dynamics have exacerbated problems and conflicts (Beguinot, 2009). This paper focuses on the potential of an approach centred on a maritime perspective in order to analyse and interpret conflicting dynami...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Università di Napoli Federico II
ISSN: 1974-6849
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420967
José Enrique Barquera-Lozada, and Gabriel Cuevas
It has been proposed that elemanes are biogenetically formed from germacranes by Cope sigmatropic rearrangements. Normally, this reaction proceeds through a transition state with a chair conformation. However, the transformation of schkuhriolide (germacrane) into elemanschkuhriolide (elemane) may occur through a boat transition state due to the final configuration of the elemanschkuhriolide, but this transition state is questionable due to its high energy. The possible mechanisms of this transfo...
關鍵字: boat
出版: Beilstein-Institut
ISSN: 1860-5397
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420966
Louis P. Sandjo, and Victor Kuete, and Maique W. Biavatti
This review focuses on pyridoacridine-related metabolites as one biologically interesting group of alkaloids identified from marine sources. They are produced by marine sponges, ascidians and tunicates, and they are structurally comprised of four to eight fused rings including heterocycles. Acridine, acridone, dihydroacridine, and quinolone cores are features regularly found in these alkaloid skeletons. The lack of hydrogen atoms next to quaternary carbon atoms for two or three rings makes the c...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Beilstein-Institut
ISSN: 1860-5397
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420965
Kim Heffernan
Purpose - Equine-assisted therapy (EAT) uses the horse and its environment to achieve therapeutic goals as designed by an allied health professional (Taylor, 2010). The benefits of these interventions affect areas such as motor skills (Bass et al., 2009; Silkwood-Sherer et al., 2012), sensory processing (Ward et al., 2013), learning, social interaction and socioemotional development (Bracher, 2000). It was felt that occupational therapists could offer valuable input in this area. This paper aims...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Emerald Publishing
ISSN: 2398-8819
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420964
Yuli Witono, and Mukhamad Fauzi, and Wiwik siti Windrati, and Achmad Subagio
Effect of ascorbic acid on gel formation of myofibril from big eye scad fish (Selar crumenophthalnus)were studied for its development as food ingredient. Myofibril was galled by the addition of various concentrations of ascorbic acid (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4%) and the gels were then characterized for its cooking loss, of the gel, but at 0.4% the cooking loss of gel increased significantly. Accordingly, the WHC of the gel changed insignificantly with the ascorbic acid addition below 0.3%, and de...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Bogor Agricultural University; Indonesian Food Technologist Association (IAFT)
ISSN: 1979-7788
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420963
M.М. Pavlovska, and I.Yu. Kostikov
The classification of cell types under agar culture was proposed. Six cell morphotypes were allocated. The statuses were identified depending on the reduction of monade attributes of cells. The variants of transition from one cell morphotype to another under dissolving mucilage were shown. The monade, cocciod, palmeloid and gloeocysta morphotypes approximately equally represented in all clades. The asterococcus and mucogleocysta morphotypes presented only in Reinhardtinia аnd Oogamochlamyd...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Novikoff A.V., State Natural History Museum NAS of Ukraine
ISSN: 2226-3063
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420962
Haider H. Alwasiti
Almost all religions incorporate some form of meditation. Muslim prayer is the meditation of Islam. It is an obligatory prayer for all Muslims that is performed five times a day. Although a large body of literature exists on EEG changes in meditation, to date there has been no research published in a peer-reviewed journal on EEG changes during Muslim prayer. The purpose of this pilot study is to encourage further investigation on this type of meditation. Results of EEG analysis in twenty-five tr...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Maejo University
ISSN: 1905-7873
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420961
John A. Fornshell
The scope of this key is restricted to the larvae of marine arthropods. The key is based solely on their morphology, patterns of body segmentation, numbers of appendages, and mode of locomotion. An effort has been made to treat all traditionally named larval forms, both planktonic and benthic. It is intended that this key be useful for a researcher working with archived museum specimens and therefore, does not include habitat information as a identifying trait, even though this information is us...
關鍵字: marine
出版: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
ISSN: 2224-4255
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420960
Juliano José Corbi, and Claudio Gilberto Froehlich, and Susana Trivinho Strixino, and Ademir dos Santos
Streams located in areas of sugar cane cultivation receive elevated concentrations of metal ions from soils of adjacent areas. The accumulation of metals in the sediments results in environmental problems and leads to bioaccumulation of metal ions by the aquatic organisms. In the present study, bioaccumulation of the metals ions Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn in aquatic insects in streams impacted by the sugar cane was evaluated. The results pointed out that the insects were contaminated by t...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Química
ISSN: 0100-4042
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420959
José Souto Rosa-Filho, and Carlos Emílio Bemvenuti, and Michael Elliott
This study aimed to predict the biological parameters (species composition, abundance, richness, diversity and evenness) of benthic assemblages in southern Brazil estuaries using models based on environmental data (sediment characteristics, salinity, air and water temperature and depth). Samples were collected seasonally from five estuaries between the winter of 1996 and the summer of 1998. At each estuary, samples were taken in unpolluted areas with similar characteristics related to presence o...
關鍵字: estuarine
出版: Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná (Tecpar)
ISSN: 1516-8913
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420958
A. A. Wyszogrodzki, and W. W. Grabowski, and L.-P. Wang, and O. Ayala
This paper discusses cloud simulations aiming at quantitative assessment of the effects of cloud turbulence on rain development in shallow ice-free convective clouds. Cloud fields from large-eddy simulations (LES) applying bin microphysics with the collection kernel enhanced by cloud turbulence are compared to those with the standard gravitational collection kernel. Simulations for a range of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentrations are contrasted. Details on how the parameterized turbulen...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420957
Shiping Wei, and Hongpeng Cui, and Zhenglong Jiang, and Hao Liu, and Hao He, and Nianqiao Fang
Biomineralization is a known natural phenomenon associated with a wide range of bacterial species. Bacterial-induced calcium carbonate precipitation by marine isolates was investigated in this study. Three genera of ureolytic bacteria, Sporosarcina sp., Bacillus sp. and Brevundimonas sp. were observed to precipitate calcium carbonate minerals. Of these species, Sporosarcina sp. dominated the cultured isolates. B. lentus CP28 generated higher urease activity and facilitated more efficient precipi...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
ISSN: 1517-8382
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420956
Stancheva, M., and Galunska, B., and Dobreva, A. D., and Merdzhanova, A.
The aim of the present study was to measure and evaluate the total lipids, fatty acid profile, retinol content and alpha-tocopherol content in the edible tissue of four commercially important fish species from the Bulgarian Black sea: Sprat (<i>Sprattus sprattus), Round Goby (<i>Neogobius rattan</i>), Black Sea Horse Mackerel (<i>Trahurus medditeraneus ponticus</i>) and Shad (<i>Alosa pontica</i>). Fat soluble vitamins were analyzed simultaneously using an HPLC system. The highest content of ret...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0017-3495
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420955
Isaac R. Santos, and William C. Burnett, and José M. Godoy
We review the usefulness, limitations, significance, and coastal management implications of radionuclide measurements in Brazilian coastal environments. We focus on the use of radionuclides as tracers of sedimentary processes and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). We also discuss artificial radionuclide contamination and high natural radioactivity areas. The interpretation of 14C-, 137Cs-, and 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates has provided evidence that inappropriate soil use by urban and ag...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 1679-8759
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420954
Areechon, N., and Phakphong, S., and Visetson, S., and Purivirojkul, W.
Study on the efficiency of Citronella grass (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) extracts to control Zoothamnium sp. was conducted in the laboratory at Kasetsart University. Comparison between two methods of extractor, water distillation and soxhlet extractor, revealed that soxhlet extractor was about 225 times more efficient than the water distillation, based on the concentration that could give 100% mortality of Zoothamnium sp. in 24 hours (0.008 g/l from soxhlet extractor and 1.8 g/l from water di...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Prince of Songkla University
ISSN: 0125-3395
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420953
N.V. Costa, and D. Martins, and R.A Rodella, and L.D.N.C. Costa
A diversidade morfológica da superfície foliar existente entre as espécies de plantas e a presença de estruturas foliares, como tricomas, estômatos, cutícula e ceras, podem exercer grande influência na aderência e deposição das gotas de pulverização, assim como na absorção do herbicida. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar, em plantas daninhas aquáticas emersas (Brachiaria mutica, Brachiaria subquadripara e Panicum repens), o pH foliar, bem como a área de molhamento de gotas ...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Sociedade Brasileira da Ciência das Plantas Daninhas
ISSN: 0100-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420952
Camilo B García, and Cristian Camilo Contreras
Ecological studies on commercial important fish species are of great value to support resource management issues. This study calculated trophic levels of those Colombian Caribbean fish species whose diet has been locally described. Usable diet data of 119 species resulted in 164 trophic level estimates. An ordinary regression model relating trophic level and fish size was formulated. The regression slope was positive and significantly different from zero (p<0.05) suggesting a scaling of trophic ...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420951
Lísia Mônica de Souza Gestinari, and Cristina Aparecida Gomes Nassar, and Patrícia Valéria dos Santos Arantes
Na Reserva foram encontradas 121 espécies, sendo 27 de Chlorophyceae, 21 de Phaeophyceae e 73 de Rhodophyceae. Dentre estas espécies, 38 são novas referências para a ilha, sendo que Cladophora catenata (L.) Kütz. é pela primeira vez citada para o litoral do Rio de Janeiro. Não foram encontradas espécies endêmicas e nem flora específica de região insular. A comparação da flora da Reserva com a de regiões vizinhas indica alta percentagem de espécies em comum entre elas.<br>A survey in the Reserve ...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Sociedade Botânica do Brasil
ISSN: 0102-3306
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420950
Marina R. Brenha-Nunes, and Riguel F. Contente, and Carmen L.D.B. Rossi-Wongtschowski
ABSTRACT We present a protocol for measuring spatial variables in large (>50 m2) soft-sediment tide pool. Secondarily, we present the fish capture efficiency of a sampling protocol that based on such spatial variables to calculate relative abundances. The area of the pool is estimated by summing areas of basic geometric forms; the depth, by taken representative measurements of the depth variability of each pool's sector, previously determined according to its perimeter; and the volume, by consid...
關鍵字: tide
出版: Pensoft Publishers
ISSN: 1984-4670
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420949
D. J. L. Olivié, and D. Cariolle, and H. Teyssèdre, and D. Salas, and A. Voldoire, and H. Clark, and D. Saint-Martin, and M. Michou, and F. Karcher, and Y. Balkanski, and M. Gauss, and O. Dessens, and B. Koffi, and R. Sausen
For the period 1860–2100 (SRES scenario A1B for 2000–2100), the impact of road transport, maritime shipping and aviation on climate is studied using an Atmosphere Ocean General Circulation Model (AOGCM). In addition to carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) emissions from these transport sectors, most of their non-CO<sub>2</sub> emissions are also taken into account, i.e. the forcing from ozone, methane, black carbon, organic carbon, sulfate, CFC-12 and HFC-134a from air conditioning systems in ...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420948
Martha Elisa Ferreira de Almeida, and José Humberto de Queiroz, and Neuza Maria Brunoro Costa, and Sérgio Luis Pinto Matta
OBJETIVO: Analisar as alterações lipídicas séricas e morfológicas hepáticas de ratos alimentados com diferentes fontes lipídicas (óleo de soja, gordura de peixe e porco, margarina e manteiga). MÉTODOS: Os 50 ratos Wistars utilizados no estudo foram divididos em cinco grupos, que durante 28 dias receberam dietas semissintéticas com diferentes fontes lipídicas: óleo de soja, gordura de porco, manteiga, margarina e gordura de peixe. Foram avaliados os pesos corporais, o consumo alimentar e o coefic...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
ISSN: 1415-5273
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420947
Metikala S, and Neuhaus H, and Hollemann T
Sanjeeva Metikala,1,2,* Herbert Neuhaus,1,* Thomas Hollemann1 1Department of Medical Molecular Biology, University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute for Physiological Chemistry, Halle, Germany; 2Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children&rsquo;s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: The formation of a functional cardiovascular system is an essential step in the early vertebrate embryo. Nevertheless, the effect of hypoxia on t...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 2324-1128
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420946
H. de Moel, and N. E. M. Asselman, and J. C. J. H. Aerts
Uncertainty analyses of flood damage assessments generally require a large amount of model evaluations. This is often hampered by the high computational costs necessary to calculate flood extents and depths using 2-dimensional flow models. In this paper we developed a new approach to estimate flood inundation depths that can be incorporated in a Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis. This allows estimation of the uncertainty in flood damage estimates and the determination of which parameters contribu...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1561-8633
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420945
José Benedito Ortiz Neto, and Armando João Dalla Costa
Inovações tecnológicas têm refletido positivamente para o crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico em todo o globo. Estudos apontam para as vantagens da ação conjunta de firmas e/ou instituições em busca de tais inovações, em detrimento das atividades isoladas. Neste trabalho, serão analisados os aspectos inovadores ocorridos dentro da exploração de petróleo realizada pela Petrobrás em águas profundas, segmento conhecido como Offshore. Como sustentação teórica dos fatores analisados, o referencia...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Fundação Getúlio Vargas
ISSN: 0034-7140
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420944
Kenneth D. Black, and Christopher J. Cromey
As aquaculture expands, regulation to prevent environmental damage is an essential requirement for sustainability. In this paper, we discuss three aspects of aquaculture regulation pertaining to 1) protection of other resource users, 2) protection of ecosystem structure (conservation), and 3) protection of ecosystem function (recycling). Some of the approaches taken to regulation of aquaculture in several countries are presented, emphasizing the need for these to be based firmly in a good scient...
關鍵字: marine
出版: University of the Philippines
ISSN: 0115-7809
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420943
Carolina Campos Esteves, and Florence Nunes Brandão, and Carlos Gustavo Alves Siqueira, and Sirley Alves da Silva Carvalho
OBJETIVOS: analisar a influência do zumbido na qualidade de vida dos pacientes; verificar a relação entre grau de incômodo do zumbido e presença de perda auditiva concomitante. MÉTODO: estudo observacional transversal com amostra de conveniência. Foram aplicados anamnese e questionário com enfoque das características clínicas do zumbido em 22 pacientes. Para análise dos dados, foi aplicado o Teste exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de 5% (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: dos 22 pacientes, 7 ( 31,...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: CEFAC Saúde e Educação
ISSN: 1516-1846
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420942
Janusz Błaszkowski, and Beata Czerniawska
155 rhizosphere soil and root mixtures were collected from under Ammophila arenaria colonizing maritime dunes of the island Bornholm (Denmark) to determine arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of the phylum Glomeromycota co-existing with this plant. In the laboratory, each mixture was divided into two parts. One part was used to establish a pot culture with Plantago lanceolata as the host plant to initiate sporulation of fungi that had not produced spores in field conditions. In the second part, t...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Polish Botanical Society
ISSN: 0001-6977
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420941
Sharath Asokan, and R Saravana Kumar, and Pamela Emmadi, and R Raghuraman, and N Sivakumar
Background: Oil pulling therapy has been used extensively as a traditional Indian folk remedy for many years for strengthening teeth, gums, and jaws and to prevent decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums and dryness of throat, and cracked lips. Aims: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of oil pulling with sesame oil on halitosis and the microorganisms that could be responsible for it and to compare its efficacy with chlorhexidine mouthwash. Materials and Methods: Group I (oil pulling) ...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications
ISSN: 0970-4388
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420940
Hudson Tercio Pinheiro, and Agnaldo Silva Martins, and João Luiz Gasparini
Visual records, radio interviews and onboard observations of the fishing activities during a 58 days scientific expedition to Trindade Island and the Martin Vaz Archipelago were obtained from February to April 2007. The regular activities of four different fisheries were observed: pelagic longline, bottom line, trolling and handline. These fisheries caused mortality of at least seven species with some level threat, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature list. The establi...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná (Tecpar)
ISSN: 1516-8913
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420939
D. Lowe, and J. Ryder, and R. Leigh, and J. R. Dorsey, and G. McFiggans
Measurements of significant concentrations of IO, I<sub>2</sub> and BrO in a semi-polluted coast environment at Roscoff, in North-West France, have been made as part of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) campaign undertaken in September 2006. We use a one-dimensional column model, with idealised I<sub>2</sub> emissions predicted using macroalgael maps and tidal data from the littoral area surrounding Roscoff, to investigate the probable causes for these observati...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420938
Ana Carolina Villares Barral Villas Boas, and Fabiane Ferraz Silveira, and Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva
Na Terapia Comportamental, o Treinamento em Habilidades Sociais (THS) é utilizado como forma de promover repertórios socialmente desejados que maximizem os ganhos nas interações e possibilitem relações sociais e profissionais mais satisfatórias. Neste trabalho, pretendeu-se verificar os efeitos de uma intervenção em grupo através da avaliação de mudanças comportamentais identificadas após o programa. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma clínica-escola e dele participaram quatro universitários com qu...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Universidade Federal do Paraná
ISSN: 1981-8068
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420937
Shuki Ushio, and Shotaro Uto, and Koh Izumiyama, and Haruhito Shimoda, and Masaru Ayukawa
Characteristics of sea-ice conditions in Lutzow-Holmbukta, Antarctica, have been investigated using the ice navigation log from the icebreaker Shirase, which has made a voyage almost at the same season and in the same sailing route every year since 1983. The vessel is considered as a suitable monitoring platform for sea ice. Not only basic information such as ice thickness and snow depth, but also ramming icebreaking data have been analyzed. In particular, the penetrating distances by ramming re...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: National Institute of Polar Research
ISSN: 0085-7289
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420936
Yasyukevich Yu.V., and Mylnikova A.A., and Ivanov V.B.
We present a new technique for estimating the absolute vertical and slant total electron content (TEC). The estimation is based on single-frequency joint phase and pseudorange GPS/GLONASS measurements at single stations. Estimated single-frequency vertical TEC agrees qualitatively and quantitatively with the dual-frequency vertical TEC. For analyzed stations a typical value of the difference between the single-frequency vertical TEC and dual-frequency ones generally does not exceed ~ 1.5 TECU wi...
關鍵字: navigation
ISSN: 2500-0535
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420935
Hiroyuki Ujiie, and Nobuhiko Kizu
The sensitivity of radio communication for VHF/UHF bands was checked on the sea ice and the coastal regions in the southern regions of Syowa Station. The measurement was carried out by the Communications equipments actually used during the field observation and the sensitivities on measuring points clarified. The result of UHF and VHF bands will be useful for field party in that area.
關鍵字: coastal
出版: National Institute of Polar Research
ISSN: 0085-7289
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420934
Pratiksha Behera, and Sofia Mahapatra, and Madhusmita Mohapatra, and Ji Yoon Kim, and Tapan K. Adhya, and Vishakha Raina, and Mrutyunjay Suar, and Ajit K. Pattnaik, and Gurdeep Rastogi
Coastal lagoons are represented by steep gradients in physical, chemical, and biological parameters and are regarded as one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. These lagoons are at an intermediate position between the freshwater and marine water systems. Huge amount of influx of organic matter and nutrient load with the freshwater inputs can be seen in such lagoons. The increased influx of organic matter and nutrients fuel in the lagoon increases the chance of eutrophication. The sed...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Science Planet Inc.
ISSN: 2560-8304
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420933
Kafayat A. Fakoya, and Martins A. Anetekhai, and Shehu L. Akintola, and Abdulwakil O. Saba, and Mikhail A. Abass
The Gorean snapper, Lutjanus goreensis is an important component of artisanal fisheries and trawl landings in the Gulf of Guinea. Despite its economic importance, there is a dearth of information on size structure and life history strategies of the species. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to provide baseline data on the life stages, exploitation status and habitat use for the species in Nigeria. Monthly samples were obtained from artisanal and trawl catches in Five Cowrie Creek and ...
關鍵字: coastal
出版: Vicerractoría Investigación
ISSN: 0034-7744
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420932
Kaneko-Ohtaki A, and Machida S, and Sugawara T, and Kurosaka D
Aki Kaneko-Ohtaki, Shigeki Machida, Takeshi Sugawara, Daijiro KurosakaDepartment of Ophthalmology, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine, Iwate, JapanAbstract: We report our findings in a case of ophthalmoplegia caused by a transorbital penetrating brainstem injury. An 8-year-old boy was accidentally injured by a broken fishing fiberglass pole which penetrated through the right orbit and entered the brainstem. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a linear wound that entered and passed through...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1177-5467
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420931
Claudio Martín Jonsson, and Hiroshi Aoyama
<abstract language="eng">The input of agrochemicals in the aquatic compartment can results in biochemical injuries for living organisms. In this context, the knowledge of alterations of enzymatic activities due the presence of agriculture pollutants contributes for the elucidation of the mechanisms of toxicity, implementation of economic methods for monitoring purposes and establishment of maximum allowed concentrations. In the present work, the above considerations are discussed, and data conce...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Química
ISSN: 0100-4042
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420930
V. E. Irish, and S. J. Hanna, and M. D. Willis, and S. China, and J. L. Thomas, and J. L. Thomas, and J. J. B. Wentzell, and A. Cirisan, and M. Si, and W. R. Leaitch, and J. G. Murphy, and J. P. D. Abbatt, and A. Laskin, and E. Girard, and E. Girard, and A. K. Bertram
<p>Ice nucleating particles (INPs) in the Arctic can influence climate and precipitation in the region; yet our understanding of the concentrations and sources of INPs in this region remain uncertain. In the following, we (1) measured concentrations of INPs in the immersion mode in the Canadian Arctic marine boundary layer during summer 2014 on board the CCGS <i>Amundsen</i>, (2) determined ratios of surface areas of mineral dust aerosol to sea spray aerosol, and (3) investigated the source regi...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1680-7316
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 420929