

V. I. Karpenko, and L. P. Golodok, and M. V. Vodka, and A. A. Dyachenko, and L. A. Sirenko
The methods and a laboratory bench have been developed for research of the multienzyme systems of cyanobacteriae Mycrocystis aeruginosa. The bench allows regulating the luminous intensity and suspension agitation, studying the cells reproduction and conducting the chemical analysis of water. It has been established that algae can be used in a biofilter for reducing low concentrations of total iron in water to the levels which meet state standard (GOST 2874-82) requirements. Algae cells reproduct...
關鍵字: algae
出版: Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University
ISSN: 2310-4155
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419321
K. R. Barnhart, and I. Overeem, and R. S. Anderson
Sea ice limits the interaction of the land and ocean water in the Arctic winter and influences this interaction in the summer by governing the fetch. In many parts of the Arctic, the open-water season is increasing in duration and summertime sea-ice extents are decreasing. Sea ice provides a first-order control on the physical vulnerability of Arctic coasts to erosion, inundation, and damage to settlements and infrastructures by ocean water. We ask how the changing sea-ice cover ha...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419320
Andrew Bakun
Surface fronts and mesoscale eddies are two classes of ocean structures that engender significant pattern in the habitats of marine organisms. Both are sites where mechanical energy of the physical system may be accessible for augmenting trophic energy available to biological organisms. Accordingly, they may offer opportunities for exceptional local productivity and growth of species particularly adapted to excelling in such highly-productive rapid-growth/high-mortality situations. The major rel...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419319
K Laake, and I Seljeflot, and EB Schmidt, and P Myhre, and A Tveit, and J Norseth, and H Arnesen, and S Solheim
Objective Marine polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) may have cardioprotective effects and beneficial influence on the fibrotic process. We evaluated the associations between serum marine n-3 PUFA and selected biomarkers of fibrosis and cardiac remodeling in elderly patients with acute myocardial infarction. Setting From the ongoing OMega-3 fatty acids in Elderly patients with Myocardial Infarction (OMEMI) trial, 299 patients were investigated. Soluble ST2 (sST2), Galectin-3 (Gal-3) and t...
關鍵字: marine
出版: SAGE Publishing
ISSN: 2048-0040
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419318
M. Amzad Hossain, and Farida Yeasmin, and S.M. Mizanur Rahman, and S. Rana
Naphthalene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), was detected and quantified in the selected varieties of fishes collected from the Bangsai river, one of the contaminated rivers located at Savar near the Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh, during the period October 2009. Naphthalene, a carcinogenic compound, was analyzed by GC–MS as it was in the mixture of dichloromethane–hexane (1:1) crude extract of the flesh of fish samples collected from the aforesaid river. A suitable and...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 1878-5352
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419317
Helena A Rocha, and Daniel A Marinho, and Nuno D Garrido, and Liliane S Morgado, and Aldo M Costa
One of the key factors in the swimming teaching-learning process seems to be the variation of water’s depth.However, there are almost no studies about this topic and the existing ones usually follow a basic approach and with no control of the educational program used. It was our purpose to determine the effect of deep versus shallow water differences on developing pre-schoolers’ aquatic skills after 6 months of practice. Twenty-one Portuguese school-aged children of both genders (4.70 ± 0.51 yrs...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Desafio Singular
ISSN: 1646-107X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419316
Filonenko Igor, and Komarova Aleksandra
The aim of the research was to reveal the long-term trends in overgrowing the Lake Vozhe with coastal aquatic vegetation using the methods of spatial analysis based on satellite imageries. The results are to be used as a preliminary map for the verification of plant groups in the field conditions. The analysis of the images obtained from 1976 to 2014 showed that the area of the lake basin overgrown with helophytes had not changed. Coastal aquatic vegetation annually develops i...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Petrozavodsk State University
ISSN: 2304-6465
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419315
Heather E. Adams, and Byron C. Crump, and George W Kling
Storm events can pulse nutrients and carbon from soils and provide an important subsidy to food webs in oligotrophic streams and lakes. Bacterial nutrient limitation and the potential response of stream aquatic bacteria to storm events was investigated in arctic tundra environments by manipulating both water temperature and inorganic nutrient concentrations in short (up to 4 days) and long duration (up to 2 weeks) laboratory mesocosm experiments. Inorganic N and P additions increased bacterial...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 1664-302X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419314
Sabine Marie Genicot, and Sabine Marie Genicot, and Agnès eGroisillier, and Agnès eGroisillier, and Hélène eRogniaux, and Laurence eMeslet-Cladière, and Laurence eMeslet-Cladière, and Laurence eMeslet-Cladière, and Tristan eBarbeyron, and Tristan eBarbeyron, and William eHelbert, and William eHelbert, and William eHelbert
Carrageenans are sulfated polysaccharides extracted from the cell wall of some marine red algae. These polysaccharides are widely used as gelling, stabilizing, and viscosifying agents in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Since the rheological properties of these polysaccharides depend on their sulfate content, we screened several isolated marine bacteria for carrageenan specific sulfatase activity, in the aim of developing enzymatic bioconversion of carrageenans. As a result of the screeni...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-2646
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419313
Kayanush Aryana, and Frank Greenway, and Nikhil Dhurandhar, and Richard Tulley, and John Finley, and Michael Keenan, and Roy Martin, and Christine Pelkman, and Douglas Olson, and Jolene Zheng
The rising prevalence of obesity and the vulnerability of the pediatric age group have highlighted the critical need for a careful consideration of effective, safe, remedial and preventive dietary interventions.  Amylose starch (RS2) from high-amylose maize (HAM) ferments in the gut and affects body weight.   One hundred and ten children, of 7-8 (n=91) or 13-14 (n=19) years of age scored the sensory qualities of a yogurt supplemented with either HAM-RS2 or an amylopectin starch.  The amylopectin...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: F1000 Research Ltd
ISSN: 2046-1402
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419312
S. Bouillon, and P. Rampal
We propose a method to reduce the error generated when computing sea ice deformation fields from synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-derived sea ice motion. The method is based on two steps. The first step consists of using a triangulation of the positions taken from the sea ice trajectories to define a mesh on which a first estimate of sea ice deformation is computed. The second step consists of applying a specific smoother to the deformation field to reduce the a...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1994-0416
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419311
Z. K. Njiru, and I. M. Ole-Mapeny, and J. O. Ouma, and J. M. Ndung'u, and W. Olaho Mukani
Trypanosomosis is one of the most important diseases affecting camel calves. It presents itself as an acute form and is usually fatal if treatment is not carried out. A study was initiated at Mogwooni ranch in Laikipia District of Kenya to survey the prevalence of trypanosomosis in camel calves of mixed breeds, and to evaluate the microhematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT), monoclonal antibody based card latex agglutination test (Suratex®), wet smear and mouse inoculation (MI) in the diagno...
關鍵字: pilot
ISSN: 1951-6711
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419310
H. Metawi
The study was conducted in the northwestern coastal zone of Egypt in order to explore the relative economic importance of small ruminant production. Based on water resources, the study area was divided into three agroecological sub­zones (AEZ): i) the rain-fed area (RA) in the west, ii) the dry area (DA) in the middle, and iii) the irrigated area (IA) in the east. Data collection was carried out through field surveys using a pre-tested questionnaire. Productivity ranged from 20.8 to 25.4 kg and ...
關鍵字: coastal
ISSN: 1951-6711
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419309
Ming Liu, and Xuequn Cheng, and Xiaogang Li, and Jiezhen Hu, and Yue Pan, and Zhu Jin
Macrocell corrosion test and accelerated alternating wet–dry experiment combined with marine field test were employed to study the corrosion behavior of HRB400 carbon steel, 1.5Cr steel, and 5Cr steel in a simulated concrete pore solution and mortar. The macrocell current significantly decreases in samples added with Cr compared with that in HRB400 steel. The corrosion rate is decreased by Cr but increased by Cl−; as a consequence, the corrosion rates of 1.5Cr and 5Cr steel are lower than that o...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 2214-5095
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419308
Abdul Sattar Khan, and Hamit Acemoglu, and Zekeriya Akturk
We designed and evaluated an objective structured biostatistics examination (OSBE) on a trial basis to determine whether it was feasible for formative or summative assessment. At Ataturk University, we have a seminar system for curriculum for every cohort of all five years undergraduate education. Each seminar consists of an integrated system for different subjects, every year three to six seminars that meet for six to eight weeks, and at the end of each seminar term we conduct an examination as...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Korea Health Insurance Licensing Examination Institute
ISSN: 1975-5937
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419307
Daniel G. Luck, and Zac H. Forsman, and Robert J. Toonen, and Sarah J. Leicht, and Samuel E. Kahng
Widespread polyphyly in stony corals (order Scleractinia) has prompted efforts to revise their systematics through approaches that integrate molecular and micromorphological evidence. To date, these approaches have not been comprehensively applied to the dominant genera in mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs) because several species in these genera occur primarily at depths that are poorly explored and from which sample collections are limited. This study is the first integrated morphological and ...
關鍵字: coral
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419306
Eurípedes Simões de Paula
ANTONIADIS-BIBICOU (Hélène). — Études d'histoire maritime de Byzance, à propos du "Thème des Caravisiens". Paris. S.E.V.P.E.N. Publicação da "École Pratique des Hautes Études. VIe section". Coleção "Bibliothèque Générale" . 1966.
關鍵字: maritime
出版: Universidade de São Paulo
ISSN: 0034-8309
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419305
Pakdaman H, and Amini Harandi A, and Gharagozli K, and Abbasi M, and Ghaffarpour M, and Ashrafi F, and Delavar Kasmaei H, and Amini Harandi A
Hossein Pakdaman,1 Ali Amini Harandi,1 Koroush Gharagozli,1 Mehdi Abbasi,1 Majid Ghaffarpour,2 Farzad Ashrafi,1 Hosein Delavar Kasmaei,1 Asghar Amini Harandi3 1Brain Mapping Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 2Iranian Center of Neurological Research, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran; 3Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Jiroft University of Medical Sciences, Jiroft, Iran Background and aim: Vascu...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Dove Medical Press
ISSN: 1176-6328
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419304
A. J. Rozbicka-Wieczorek, and K. A. Krajewska-Bienias, and M. Czauderna
The function of the brain is to exert centralized control over the other internal organs and tissues of the body. Thus, the objective of our studies was to evaluate changes in the concentration of fatty acids (FAs), cholesterol (CHOL), cholest-4-en-3-one (CHOL-4-3), tocopherols, malondialdehyde (MDA) and fatty aldehydes in the brains of lambs fed supplemented diets. Thirty male Corriedale lambs with a body weight of 30.5 ± 2.6 kg were allotted to five groups of six lambs and housed individually....
關鍵字: fish
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 0003-9438
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419303
Helen L. Naug, and Natalie J. Colson, and Avinash Kundur, and Abishek Santha Kumar, and Lada Tucakovic, and Michael Roberts, and Indu Singh
Objectives: Heavy vehicle transport workers have a high risk of obesity and obesity-related disorders including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Sedentary nature of their work makes a healthy work and lifestyle balance difficult to achieve. Educational interventions that promote behavioral changes have been shown to be effective in various group settings. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of metabolic risk factors among a population of urban bus drivers; to deliver a 3-...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
ISSN: 1232-1087
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419302
Şükran Çaklı, and Duygu Kışla
關鍵字: fishery
出版: Ege University
ISSN: 1300-1590
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419301
Manuel Mendoza-Carranza, and David J Hoeinghaus, and Alexandre M Garcia, and Ángel Romero-Rodriguez
Mangrove and seagrass habitats are important components of tropical coastal zones worldwide, and are conspicuous habitats of Centla Wetland Biosphere Reserve (CWBR) in Tabasco, Mexico. In this study, we examine food webs in mangrove- and seagrass-dominated habitats of CWBR using stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. Our objective was to identify the importance of carbon derived from mangroves and seagrasses to secondary production of aquatic consumers in this poorly studied conservation ...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419300
Safa Balekoğlu, and Aytekin Ertaş
Industrial plantations have substantially reduced the pressure on natural forests. There are approximately 80.000 hectares of industrial plantations, established with fast growing coniferous species, 77.000 hectares of which are maritime pine plantations in Turkey. Furthermore, approximately 16.000 hectares of maritime pine plantations, which amount to about 20 percent of all maritime pine plantations in Turkey, occur in Istanbul. The aim of this study is to determine the growth pattern of marit...
關鍵字: maritime
出版: İstanbul University
ISSN: 0535-8418
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419299
Gabriela Alessandra da Cruz Galhardo CAMARGO, and Mariana Gouvêa Latini ABREU, and Renata dos Santos CORDEIRO, and Letícia de Farias WENDEROSCKY, and Cristiane DUQUE
Abstract This pilot study aimed to evaluate the influence of smoking on clinical and microbiological parameters after nonsurgical periodontal therapy. Forty-eight subjects were grouped into smokers (SM, n = 24) and nonsmokers (NS, n = 24) and paired according to gender, age, ethnicity, and periodontal status. Both groups received oral hygiene education and scaling and root planing. Clinical evaluation was performed using plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing (BOP), pocket probing depth (PPD), g...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica
ISSN: 1806-8324
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419298
M. Peláez-Rodríguez, and S. Trivinho-Strixino, and M. V. Urso-Guimarães
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419297
Kumar Mohan, and Sadasivam Giji, and Pachaiyappan Abirami, and Muthuvel Arumugam
Objective: To explore the neurotoxic agent tetramine and characterized with cytotoxicity studies from the chief constituents of sea food Trochus radiatus (T. radiatus) and Thais rudolphi (T. rudolphi) for coastal people of India. Methods: Extraction was performed by following the method of Hashizume et al. (1987) with apposite modification. The extracted aqueous layer was chromatographed on a column of diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex and Sephadex LH-20. To analysis the toxic compound of T. radi...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419296
Nammunayathuputhenkotta Krishnankartha Praveen, and Kajal Chakraborty
Objective: To evaluate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential of the aqueous extract and polysaccharide fraction from two brown marine macroalga, Padina gymnospora (P. gymnospora) and Padina tetrastomatica (P. tetrastomatica) harvested from Gulf of Mannar of peninsular India. Methods: The antioxidant activity was evaluated using different in vitro systems, viz., 1,1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2, 2′-azino-bis-3ethylbenzothiozoline-6-sulfonic acid diammonium salt (ABTS), H2O...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419295
Stanley H. Weitzman, and Naércio A. Menezes, and Hans-Georg Evers, and John R. Burns
A new inseminating fish species of the family Characidae, Bryconadenos tanaothoros, from tributaries of the upper rio Xingu and upper rio Tapajós basins, Mato Grosso, Brazil is described as the type species of a new genus. This new species and the genus are characterized by a glandular organ on the anterior region of the anal fin of sexually mature males, curved lower jaw teeth, and an inseminating reproductive mode. This new genus is hypothesized as most closely related to Attonitus, a genus wi...
關鍵字: fish
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia
ISSN: 1679-6225
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419294
Rouba Zeidan, and Samar Rachidi, and Sanaa Awada, and Amal Hajje, and Wafaa Bawab, and Joseph Salamé, and Rachelle Bejjany, and Pascale Salameh
Objectives: Studies have correlated second hand smoke (SHS) with many diseases, especially respiratory effects. The goal of this study was to measure the impact of SHS on the respiratory symptoms and exhaled carbon monoxide. Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 50 young workers in restaurants serving waterpipes, 48 university students who sit frequently in the university cafeteria where cigarette smoking is allowed and 49 university students spending time in places where smoki...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
ISSN: 1232-1087
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419293
Y. Yao, and J. Huang, and Y. Luo, and Z. Zhao
Sea ice plays an important role in the air–ice–ocean interaction, but it is often represented simply in many regional atmospheric models. The Noah sea ice scheme, which is the only option in the current Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model (version 3.6.1), has a problem of energy imbalance due to its simplification in snow processes and lack of ablation and accretion processes in ice. Validated against the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) in situ observations, Noah underes...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1991-959X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419292
REIS, M V. S. de A., and WEITZEL, L.
This paper aims to evaluate the use of machine learning techniques in a database of marine accidents. We analyzed and evaluated the main causes and types of marine accidents in the Northern Fluminense region. For this, machine learning techniques were used. The study showed that the modeling can be done in a satisfactory manner using different configurations of classification algorithms, varying the activation functions and training parameters. The SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization) algorithm...
關鍵字: navigation
出版: Faculdade Salesiana Maria Auxiliadora
ISSN: 1983-5604
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419291
I. L. Toscano Jr., and M.V. Rezende, and L. F. Mello, and L. Pires, and D. Paulillo, and S. Glina
ABSTRACT Objectives: To compare the response to tiocolchicine and verapamil injection in the plaque of patients with Peyronie's disease. Materials and Methods: Prospective, single-blind, randomized study, selecting patients who have presented Peyronie's disease for less than 18 months. Thiocolchicine 4mg or verapamil 5mg were given in 7 injections (once a week). Patients who had received any treatment for Peyronie's disease in the past three months were excluded. The parameters used were the I...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia
ISSN: 1677-5538
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419290
FA. Moraga, and N. Urriola-Urriola
Preliminary studies showed that dorsal artery contraction mediated by acetylcholine (ACh) is blocked with indomethacin in intertidal fish (G. laevifrons). Our objective was to characterize the cholinergic pathway in several artery vessels of the I. conceptionis. Afferent and efferent branchial, dorsal and mesenteric arteries were dissected of 6 juvenile specimens, isometric tension studies were done using doses response curves (DRC) for Ach (10–13 to 10–3 M), and cholinergic pathways were obtain...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419289
Viswanathan Karthik, and Thomas Ancy, and Dharmaraj Ramkumar, and Narayanasamy Mathivanan, and Rangarajan Badri Narayanan
Objective: To assess the multitudinal antimicrobial effects of recombinant lysozyme from Fenneropenaeus indicus (rFi-Lyz) in comparison with commercially available recombinant hen egg white lysozyme (rHEWL). Methods: Antimicrobial activity of the recombinant rFi-Lyz using several Gram positive, Gram negative bacteria and fungi in comparison with rHEWL has been evaluated. rFi-Lyz was expressed and purified using Ni2+ affinity chromatography. The effect of rFi-Lyz in the growth of yeast Cand...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Journal of Coastal Life Medicine Editorial Office
ISSN: 2309-5288
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419288
Mohammed Tewfik Bouroumi, and Malika Kacemi, and Walid Hamma
Algeria does not escape the problem of the climate change, its geographical position in zone of transition, and its dry and semi-arid climate, in fact a very vulnerable space. In Algeria, approximately two thirds of the population is concentrated on the coast which represents only 4 % of the territory. The Mediterranean coast, in particular in Algeria, is subjected to pressures: financial stakes, climatic risks, pollutions and conservation of the water. It is on the basis of the critical and obj...
關鍵字: coastal
ISSN: 2069-0509
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419287
Rodrigo A. Torres, and Rafael B. Feitosa, and Daniel C. Carvalho, and Matheus O. Freitas, and Mauricio Hostim-Silva, and Beatrice P. Ferreira
Fishing strategies are constantly changing to meet the needs for new or alternative food sources. Consequently, management of fishing activities regarding rates of exploitation is essential, as a number of resources have reached situations of overexploitation. The aim of the present study was to use DNA barcoding from the goliath grouper and other exploited epinephelids in order to provide procedures for DNA authentication to be used as evidence for combating putative illegal fishing. The specie...
關鍵字: fishing
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419286
S. Comeau, and S. Comeau, and P. J. Edmunds, and C. A. Lantz, and C. A. Lantz, and R. C. Carpenter
The threat represented by ocean acidification (OA) for coral reefs has received considerable attention because of the sensitivity of calcifiers to changing seawater carbonate chemistry. However, most studies have focused on the organismic response of calcification to OA, and only a few have addressed community-level effects, or investigated parameters other than calcification, such as photosynthesis. Light (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) is a driver of biological processes on co...
關鍵字: coral
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419285
Hugo eBerthelot, and Sophie eBonnet, and Sophie eBonnet, and Mercedes eCamps, and Mercedes eCamps, and Olivier eGrosso, and thierry eMoutin
The dinitrogen (N2) released as dissolved nitrogen (DN) has been compared in batch cultures of four marine diazotrophic cyanobacteria: the colony forming Trichodesmium IMS101 and the unicellular strains Cyanothece ATCC51142, Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 and WH0003. Two approaches were conducted for this purpose. The first approach consisted in the comparison of the total accumulation of fixed N2 in the culture (both in dissolved and particulate pools) with the net N2 fixation rates (i. e. the fi...
關鍵字: marine
出版: Frontiers Media S.A.
ISSN: 2296-7745
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419284
María Cristina Gambi, and Gabriella Conti, and Claudia S. Bremec
Polychaete distribution, diversity and seasonality were studied in relation to covering of the small phanerogams Cymodocea nodosa and Zostera noltii in shallow soft-bottoms off the island of Ischia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Samples were collected bimonthly from July 1988 to May 1989 from four stations, selected for seagrass meadows of different physiognomy and shoot density, and in a bare sandy bottom nearby, selected as a non-vegetated reference habitat. Two meadow compartments were considered: ...
關鍵字: seagrass
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419283
Francesc Sardà
The project, financed by the Directorate General XIV of the EC, has undertaken a comparative study on the biology and fisheries techniques of the Norway lobster in Mediterranean member states and adjoining Atlantic areas. The ultimate goal of the project has been to assess the conditions for a global regulation in the area and determine possible differences among exploited stocks. The areas selected are characterised by their importance in Norway lobster catch. The overall duration of the projec...
關鍵字: fishery
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419282
George Samoutis, and Elpidoforos Soteriades, and Dimitris Kounalakis, and Theodora Zachariadou, and Anastasios Philalithis, and Christos Lionis
Background The computer-based electronic medical record (EMR) is an essential new technology in health care, contributing to high-quality patient care and efficient patient management. The majority of southern European countries, however, have not yet implemented universal EMR systems and many efforts are still ongoing. We describe the development of an EMR system and its pilot implementation and evaluation in two previously computer-na've public primary care centres in Cyprus. Methods One urban...
關鍵字: pilot
出版: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
ISSN: 2058-4555
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419281
Ranga K. Dissanayake, and Pamoda B. Ratnaweera, and David E. Williams, and C. Dilrukshi Wijayarathne, and Ravi L. C. Wijesundera, and Raymond J. Andersen, and E. Dilip de Silva
Twenty distinct endophytic fungi were isolated from the surface-sterilized plant parts of Nymphaea nouchali and were identified using morphological and molecular techniques. At 300 µg/disc concentration, eight of the 20 fungal extracts exhibited antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Bacillus cereus (ATCC 11778) while two within the eight showed activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 9027) and Escherichia coli (ATCC 35218). Furthermore, investigation of th...
關鍵字: aquatic
出版: Taylor & Francis Group
ISSN: 2150-1203
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419280
Jesús Tomás, and Ángela Formia, and Mercedes Fernández, and Juan Antonio Raga
We report on a juvenile Kemp´s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii, captured alive by fishermen in the waters off Alicante (western Mediterranean, Spain) on October 15th 2001. The analysis of a 460 base pair fragment of the mt DNA control region revealed a perfect match with haplotype D previously described in this species. This is the second report of L. kempii in the Mediterranean basin.
關鍵字: sea
出版: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
ISSN: 0214-8358
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419279
Jhih-Cheng Wang, and Steven K. Huan, and Jinn-Rung Kuo, and Chin-Li Lu, and Hung Lin, and Kun-Hung Shen
A possible means of decreasing prostate cancer mortality is through improved early detection. We attempted to create an equation to predict the likelihood of having prostate cancer. Methods: Between January 2005 and May 2008, patients who received prostate biopsies were retrospective evaluated. The relationship between the possibility of prostate cancer and the following variables were evaluated: age; serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, prostate volume, numbers of prostatic biopsies, di...
關鍵字: logistic
出版: Elsevier
ISSN: 0929-6646
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419278
Rudabeh Rufcahei, and Seyed Hossein Hoseinifar, and Monireh Faeed
 Introduction: The intestinal microbiota of fish belongs to different species compare to terrestrial animals, mainly Gram-negative bacteria are predominant. Despite importance as probiotic, gram-positive bacteria like Lactobacillus Sp. are minor constitutes of gut microbiota. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of modulation of Kutum intestinal microbiota and elevation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) levels through administration of yeast based prebiotic. Materi...
關鍵字: fish
出版: University of Isfahan
ISSN: 2322-5173
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419277
J. M. Moriarty, and C. K. Harris, and K. Fennel, and M. A. M. Friedrichs, and K. Xu, and C. Rabouille
Observations indicate that resuspension and associated fluxes of organic material and porewater between the seabed and overlying water can alter biogeochemical dynamics in some environments, but measuring the role of sediment processes on oxygen and nutrient dynamics is challenging. A modeling approach offers a means of quantifying these fluxes for a range of conditions, but models have typically relied on simplifying assumptions regarding seabed–water-column interactions. Thus, to evaluate the ...
關鍵字: offshore
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1726-4170
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419276
P. Oddo, and A. Bonaduce, and N. Pinardi, and A. Guarnieri
The sensitivity of the dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea to atmospheric pressure and free surface elevation formulation using NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) was evaluated. Four different experiments were carried out in the Mediterranean Sea using filtered or explicit free surface numerical schemes and accounting for the effect of atmospheric pressure in addition to wind and buoyancy fluxes. Model results were evaluated by coherency and power spectrum analysis with tide gauge ...
關鍵字: sea
出版: Copernicus Publications
ISSN: 1991-959X
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419275
Isabel M. Smallegange, and Isabelle B.C. van der Ouderaa, and Yara Tibiriçá
Background The trade in manta ray gill plates has considerably increased over the last two decades. The resulting increases in ray mortality, in addition to mortality caused by by-catch, has caused many ray populations to decrease in size. The aim of this study was to ascertain how yearling and juvenile growth and survival, and adult survival and reproduction affect reef manta ray (Manta alfredi) population change, to increase our understanding of manta ray demography and thereby improve conserv...
關鍵字: reef
出版: PeerJ Inc.
ISSN: 2167-8359
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419274
Chen WENWEI, and Huang GUANGRONG, and Jia ZHENBAO, and Hong YAO
Abstract The aqueous enzymatic extraction (AEE) of oil from shrimp processing by-products was investigated. Four kinds of proteases, including alkaline protease, neutral protease, flavor protease and compound protease, were applied to hydrolysis shrimp processing by-products. The results showed that flavor protease was the best hydrolysis enzyme for shrimp processing by-products to obtain high oil recovery. The influences of four factors, including enzyme amount, liquid/solid ratio, hydrolysis ...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
ISSN: 0101-2061
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419273
R. Sousa, and L. Gouveia, and A. R. Pinto, and V. Timóteo, and J. Delgado, and P. Henriques
Abstract Length and weight relationships and descriptive statistics are reported for six shrimp species caught off the Madeira archipelago between 1983 and 2014 using bottom and floating traps from depths ranging from 50 to 1,300 m. The parameter b ranged between 2.36 for Plesionika ensis and 2.97 for Plesionika williamsi. All species showed a pattern of negative allometric growth. To the authors’ knowledge all weight-length relationships presented herein are recorded for the first time from th...
關鍵字: shrimp
出版: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia
ISSN: 1519-6984
來源: DOAJ
System ID: 419272