

Scott, Robyn Elizabeth
The adoption of the retention system in much of coastal British Columbia, Canada, has brought with it concern over the windfirmness of the retained trees. The present state of knowledge concerning windthrow risk factors is inadequate for the purposes of risk prediction in partial cuts and in structurally complex forests, such as those that exist in Clayoquot Sound. This study examined the relationship between the occurrence of windthrow after partial-cut harvesting and various stand, neighb...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359650
Baldwin, Lyn Kelly
In the coastal temperate rainforests of British Columbia, forest fragmentation from logging has created three different landscape elements that vary in habitat quality for bryophytes: unlogged old-growth remnant forest patches, edge habitats and younger-aged forest stands. Bryophytes are an important component of these forest ecosystems, yet little is known about the impact of habitat fragmentation on bryophyte patterns of richness and abundance. In this thesis I examined the effects of thr...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359649
Humphreys, Elyn R.
Forest harvesting and succession have a major impact on the dynamics of carbon exchange between forests and the atmosphere. This thesis examines the differences in stand-level fluxes of carbon dioxide (C02) and the biophysical factors, which affect respiration and photosynthesis in three different coastal Douglas-fir stands at different stages of development after harvesting. The eddy covariance technique was used to measure stand-level CO2 fluxes in Douglas-fir stands established in 2000, ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359648
Kaplan-Hallam, Maery
In a world of growing interconnectivity, global scale social processes drive local-level change at ever-faster rates, shaping the challenges and opportunities faced by communities. Yet, literature on vulnerability and adaptation within social-ecological systems (SES) scholarship has largely centred on climate change and associated biophysical stressors. Key theoretical shortcomings are twofold. First, in SES scholarship, there has been limited engagement with non-climate anthropogenic drivers of...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359647
Capelle, David
This PhD thesis examines the marine cycling of the greenhouse gases methane (CH₄) and nitrous-oxide (N₂O) in coastal British Columbia waters. The primary objectives of the work were to increase spatial and temporal data availability in an under-sampled coastal region, and to examine the processes responsible for CH₄ and N₂O distributions, and their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions (e.g. O₂-availability). Using a novel high-throughput analytical system, based on purge and trap gas...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359646
Gustavsen, Julia Anne
Marine viruses are ubiquitous, abundant, and genetically diverse in natural waters. They play key roles in nutrient and carbon cycles. The composition of marine viral communities changes seasonally and repeats annually, and such patterns can be driven by their hosts in response to environmental changes. Moreover, environmental parameters can also directly affect the viral community through the decay of viruses, and differences in viral infectivity under different conditions. Marine viral communi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359645
Guichon, Shannon Heather Ann
This thesis explored the fungal communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal-dominated Cedar-Hemlock (CH) and ectomycorrhizal-dominated Hemlock-Amabilis fir (HA) forests on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada and examined the role of mycorrhizal inoculum potential for conifer seedling productivity. Objectives of this research project were to: (1) examine the mycorrhizal fungal communities and infer the inoculum potential of CH and HA forests, (2) determine whether understory plants in C...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359644
Vergara, Francisco
The BC Coastal forest industry has high production costs and the focus for improving efficiency has been to maximize capacity utilization. However, uncertainty in timber-grades and demand results in failure to meet client needs and excessive inventories. This research explores three major topics for improving forest supply chain performance: 1) how the error in timber grades negatively impacts customer demand fulfillment; 2) when lean and agile manufacturing environments, plus lumber demand patt...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359643
Drenner, Stephen Matthew
The reproductive migration of anadromous salmon through coastal waters is among the most challenging phases of their life cycle, yet our understanding of the mechanisms underlying this migration is limited. Thus, the objective of this thesis was to develop a better understanding of how environmental conditions and fish physiologic state influence behaviour and survival of homing anadromous salmon in coastal waters. Using a literature synthesis, I identified consistent behaviours across anadro...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359642
Kojima, Satoru
A vegetation-environmental relationships study, based on the concept and approach of biogeoclimatology established and developed by Krajina and his students, was conducted in Strathcona Provincial Park, British Columbia, where the vegetation showed special ecosystematic peculiarities resulting from a unique geological substratum. The purposes of the present study were, therefore, 1) to clasisify the vegetation in the park according to the methods of the Zurich -Montpellier school as modified b...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359641
Fedorenko, Alice Y.R.
Feeding habits of two coexisting species of Chaoborus, C.trivittatus and C.americanus, were investigated in lake and in laboratory experiments, and by an extensive survey of larval crop contents. The field study showed that C.trivittatus has a two year life cycle, migrates dielly during the summer season down to 20 m, and is the more abundant of the two Chaoborus species. C.americanus has a one year life cycle and migrates at most over a distance of only 5 m. Seasonal abundance and distributi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359640
Xu, Qing
This project describes different possibilities for compatible development in a small rural coastal community, Miners Bay on Mayne Island, and uses computerized 3D tools to depict the development options in order to develop, test and revise the design. The site is the core of Miners Bay where the commercial and community center of Mayne Island has been located for more than 100 years. Mayne Island is part of the southern Gulf Islands chain of British Columbia. Its geographical location is in...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359639
Sadler, Kella Darleen
Rock outcrop ecosystems of the Gulf Islands in the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) biogeoclimatic zone of British Columbia were investigated at multiple scales with the following objectives: (1) to refine distribution information for constituent species, (2) to investigate landscape (i.e. site-level) features that influence the patterning of native and introduced plant species of rock outcrop habitats, including (a) geographic position (latitude), (b) geology (rock type), and (c) grazing intensity, (3...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359638
Daradick, Shannon Pearl
Green Tree Retention (GTR) was evaluated for its potential to retain soil microbial activity and nutrient availability after harvesting in the Coastal Western Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone of B.C., Canada. Soil samples were collected from four sizes (5, 10, 20, and 40 m diameter) of GTR patch at the centre, edge, and along a northerly transect to 30 m beyond the groups of live trees prior to and a few months after harvest. PRS™ Probes were used to determine the availability of nutrients; tota...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359637
Thrower, James S.
The procedure used to sample crown timber before harvesting in B.C. is designed to estimate net volume per ha using systematically located angle-count plots where trees are selected with probability proportional to basal area. The primary purpose of the sample is to provide information for timber valuation and stumpage appraisal. Timber value is the most important population parameter for stumpage calculation, but it is not explicitly considered in the sampling design. The objective of this stud...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359636
Costello, Allan
Genetic variation is widely recognized as a major component of species biodiversity, contributing greatly to the maintenance of adaptive potential in populations and their evolutionary response to change. Despite years of study and their obvious importance to evolution and conservation biology, however, the biological processes responsible for the maintenance of genetic variation in the wild are still poorly understood. Throughout this thesis, I have attempted to describe the historical an...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359635
Tarus, Hoseah Kibett
A two year field experiment was carried out in Delta Municipality approximately 30 km south of Vancouver, British Columbia on a Crescent silty clay loam. The study was designed to investigate the effects of seeding rate and time of N application on intensively managed winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. Monopol. In 1988-89, seeding rates were: 200, 250 and 300 seeds m⁻², while in 1989-90 they were 150, 300 and 450 seeds m⁻². Nitrogen treatments consisted of 0 or 225 kg N ha⁻¹ as ammonium nit...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359634
Bull, Gary
Industrial private forest landowners in British Columbia have traditionally viewed their forest lands as a raw material supply for their wood processing facilities. However, they are now experiencing social and political changes which are restricting the way their forests are managed. These changes have enormous implications for large forestry firms, such as Canadian Pacific Forest Products. A portion of their lands, the focus of this study, has been examined to assess the impact of these restri...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359633
Hunt, Derek Edward
The seasonal distribution of herbage growth has particular importance for the management of grazing animals since the major objective of most pasture utilization plans is to provide sufficient feed for continuous grazing for as great a portion of the year as possible. Providing a more even distribution of herbage production has obvious practical advantages. The main objective of this study was to examine the annual growth pattern of herbage in the South Coastal region of British Columbia as affe...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359632
Chung, Alexander Quoc Huy
Extreme weather events have become a common occurrence and coastal communities are adversely affected by it. Studies have shown that the changing climate has increased the frequency and severity of storms, surging sea levels, and floods, as was seen with Hurricane Sandy (2012) and Typhoon Haiyan (2013). The need to be proactive in preparing for these events, as a means of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, is evident. This study focuses on the formal definition, measurement a...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359631
Werring, John
Comparisons of the response of phytoplankton communities to different methods of nutrient addition used in past whole-lake fertilization studies, suggested that it might be possible to generate predictable changes in the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities of lakes by controlling the frequency, magnitude and N:P ratio of the autochthonous nutrient load. Results obtained by several workers in separate, but related, laboratory and small scale enclosure experiments supported this belief. The ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359630
Martin, Dale Elizabeth
Podzols, situated at high elevation within the Coast Mountains surrounding Vancouver, often have accumulations of organic material within the mineral soil either as mats above an impermeable layer or as channels running obliquely and horizontally through the B horizon. This organic material is "greasy" to the touch with few discernible mineral grains on hand texturing. The mats range in thickness from 1 cm to greater than 40 cm, are situated in seepage zones and are overlain by a well drained sa...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359629
Martin, Wayne Lloyd
The objective of this study was to describe the dynamics of post-clearcutting forest floor N on mesic sites in the wet subzone of the Coastal Western Hemlock biogeoclimatic zone. Post-clearcutting release of N was examined by measuring the following parameters for a chronosequence of five sites ranging in age from an old-growth forest to a 26-yr-old stand: forest floor N capital; rate of in situ mineralization of forest floor; rate of decomposition of cellulose; concentrations of inorganic-N an...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359628
Campbell, Alison
The plant communities of thirteen salt marshes along the coast of British Columbia are described and mapped, and a literature review on salt marsh ecological studies along the Pacific coast of North America is presented. Coastal marshes in B.C. were compared based on plant species composition. The plant communities of the northern B.C. marshes in this study were similar to southern B.C. marshes (excluding the Fraser River marshes) except that they lacked Distichlis spicata and Grindelia integrif...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359627
Orbay, Laszlo
Modification of the sawmill Woodroom #3, MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., at. Harmac became necessary because of its uneconomical operation. The key concept of the modification plan was to gain flexibility in serving seven overseas and U.S.A. markets. Stochastic components of sawmilling and the high cost of reconstruction make investment decisions complex and risky. A new computer simulation model was needed and developed to evaluate behaviour of the redesigned mill. In building the model, two major fac...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359626
Sarkar, Ashoke K.
Logging and sawmilling are the activities identified with B.C. and are integral parts of its economy. Forestries direct employment is about 72,000 and involves more than 6 billion dollars in economic activity. The annual log production from the coastal forest is about 31 million cubic metres. The mountainous nature of B.C.'s coast line makes the construction of continuous roads and railways difficult, if not impossible. Thus, water transport of logs is most popular way of transporting coastal lo...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359625
Woollacott, Gregory Christopher
Theory of ecological (biophysical) land classification is presented. The theory of integrated ecological land classification, mapping and analysis is applied to recreational land planning. An approach to recreational site-suitability analysis appropriate for reconnaissance level inventories and analyses of recreation capabilities is presented. Clague Mountain Park, Kitimat, B.C. served as a case study for applying the recreation site-suitability analysis approach developed. Landforms, identifie...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359624
Mac Siúrtáin, Máirtín Pádraig
Two major aspects of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) in coastal British Columbia were investigated: 1. The factors which influence the management of the Species; 2. The quantification of the variability of naturally regenerated stands and plantations of the species. Factors analysed were natural distribution, ecological classification, the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.), current management, genetic improvement, volume producing potential and economic importance of the sp...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359623
Binkley, Dan
A comparison of water chemistry profiles was made between a mid-successional 70 to 90 year-old forest and an early-successional 18 year-old forest at the U.B.C. Research Forest. Western hemlock, Douglas-fir and western red cedar dominated the older ecosystem, while the younger ecosystem was composed of Douglas-fir and red alder. The concentrations of nutrients and other chemicals were compared in throughfall, forest floor and mineral soil leachates, saturated zone-water and stream-water. The you...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359622
Hardy, Ruth Ellen
Issues related to resource allocation and ecosystem management are becoming of increasing concern to Regional Districts in the coastal zone of south western British Columbia. An approach to land use planning and management of the coastal zone is developed in response to this concern. It combines a landscape analysis with classification of the coastal zone into management categories. Management guidelines within which local communities can plan for growth and protect and maintain the coastal ecol...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359621
De Catanzaro, Jennifer Barbara
Rates of litter decomposition, nutrient release, and total forest floor turnover were measured on two replicates of three ecosystem types in the Coastal Western Hemlock Zone of British Columbia, in an attempt to establish whether or not ecosystem types could be differentiated on the basis of functional parameters. Litter bags of two mesh sizes and leaf tethering were used to compare weight losses and nutrient dynamics of specific litter components. The dry weight losses of conifer needles confi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359620
Glansholm, Helena
The coastline along Högklint and Gråberget, Gotland, Sweden, was examined in order to establish therate of cliff erosion, erosion patterns, as well as some of the driving factors of the erosional processes in the area. Picture comparisons of the coastline reveal some major geomorphological changes in the area over the last 100 years, and the coast is still changing. At present, gardens are slowly disappearing over the cliff edge, and during storms Buske fishing place is threatened to be destroye...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359619
Khan, Tariq-Ul-Hassan
Historically Bangladesh is a breeding ground for different climatic disasters due to its geographical location and the impacts are huge due to economic condition, high intensity of exposed population and dependency on nature. Climate change is causing an increase in the intensity and frequency of natural disasters. In Bangladesh, coastal areas are susceptible to cyclones, storm surge, salinity intrusion etc. and northern areas are susceptible to drought. In both these areas agriculture is the ma...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359618
Shurgalina, Ekaterina
Les vagues et les ondes internes de gravité ont un impact important surl’hydrodynamique et l’hydrologie de la zone côtière. Les vagues extrêmes sontparticulièrement intéressantes à étudier, car elles sont une menace sérieuse pour letransport maritime, les plates-formes pétrolières, les installations portuaires et leszones touristiques de la côte. Ces ondes entravent aussi les activités humainesdéveloppées à la côte. Les ondes internes non linéaires affectent la biosphèreaquatique, notamment le t...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359617
Mitchell, George Joseph
From September, 1951, until March 1952, field work was carried on to determine the distribution of wintering diving ducks on the coastal waters of southern British Columbia, and an attempt was made to discover and evaluate the factors causing distribution and movement. Diving ducks are influenced by the availability of food and other factors related to this availability. These factors include salmon and herring spawning, grain elevators, sewer outfalls, and changing tides. Local movements resul...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359616
Woodward, Eugene Douglas
[No abstract submitted] / Land and Food Systems, Faculty of / Graduate
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359615
Eis, Slavoj
A study of productivity and environment of forest plant communities was carried out in a selected area of the Coastal western hemlock zone. This study is a part of the composite ecological project on this zone, which includes investigations of soils and vegetation by George Lesko and Laszlo Orloci respectively. In the present investigation, climate, site productivity and environmental characteristics of the associations were statistically evaluated using correlation and regression analyses. The...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359614
Longmore, Roderick Hector
[No abstract available] / Land and Food Systems, Faculty of / Graduate
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359613
Jakoy, Andrew Geza
The experiments discussed in this thesis are part of a continuing research program testing the influences of chemical fertilizers on the survival, growth and cone production of Douglas fir in coastal British Columbia. This study was initiated in the early spring of 1963 by the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Limited, Trail, B. C, and the Faculty of Forestry of the University of British Columbia. The thesis summarizes the influence of several chemical fertilizers on the surviv...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359612
Bohn, Arne
The lower British Columbia mainland waterways are inhabited by two races of the prickly sculpin Cottus asper Richardson. One race lives in the lower part of rivers or in estuaries and spends at least part of its life, particularly during the spawning season, under tidal influence. This race is the "coastal". The other race, called "inland", is confined entirely to fresh water where it is found in scattered, more or less isolated populations. By investigating the effects of ambient salinity on t...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359611
Sinclair, Donald Coll
In the summer of 1964 a study was carried out on the impounded Buttle and Lower Campbell Lakes located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. An attempt was made to determine the effects of increased water level fluctuation on the limnology, particularly the bottom fauna, in areas with different substrate types. All data from two pre-impoundment studies were examined, and additional sampling carried out to provide a basis for comparison. In addition, several stations were chosen in each lake ac...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359610
Regan, Lance
During 1960-61 the abundance and distributions of four species of euphausiids (Euphausia pacifica Hansen, Thysanoessa spinifera Holmes, Thysanoessa longipes Brandt and Thysanoessa raschii M. Sars) and the developmental stages of one species, E. pacifica were studied each month in relation to temperature and salinity in Indian Arm, British Columbia, using the method of T-S-P diagrams. Euphausia pacifica probably is a resident species and as such was the most tolerant towards environmental condit...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359609
Osborn, John E.
Variations in western hemlock tree and stand growth were analysed to determine the relative importance of causative factors. Four phases in a stand's life-cycle were investigated (seedling establishment, juvenile growth, early stand formation, and middle-age). Detailed analyses of tree growth were made at the time of early stand formation (25 to 35 years). Stand growth and yield data (15 to 160 years) were analysed by multiple regression methods to ascertain the effects of varying density regime...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359608
Addison, John Walker
A comprehensive literature review of the factors affecting the survival of planted Douglas-fir seedlings is presented. Original data from operational planting trials was analyzed to determine the effect of some seedling, planting and environmental factors on survival. The use of 2+1 stock was found to result in increased survival of fall-planted seedlings, but not of spring planted seedlings. 1+0 stock showed comparatively good survival when spring-planted on sites with little brush and/or s...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359607
Willington, R. P.
This study was initiated to determine the impact of clear-cutting, slashburning and skidroads on deep (>3 feet) coarse glacial soils at low elevations (<1000 ft. above sea level) of coastal British Columbia. Infiltration capacity, as measured with double-ring, constant-head infiltrometers, was the main measure of physical-hydrologic soil condition. The relationships between infiltration capacity and soil variables, including aeration porosity, total porosity, bulk density, texture, organic matte...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359606
Schutz, David C.
Differences in food habits and spatial distribution of sympatric Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki clarki) in a small coastal lake were documented by Andrusak (MS 1968). Segregation was inferred to be of the interactive type hypothesized by Nilsson (1965, 1967). The object of this study was to describe feeding behavior of individuals from these sympatric populations, and to evaluate the importance of food exploitation to the segregation process. Individual and p...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359605
Choy, Emily Sarah
Seabird-derived nutrients enhance plant abundance in coastal ecosystems, increasing rates of primary productivity, and indirectly increasing consumer populations. However, at Cape Vera, concentrations of contaminants in the sediment of ponds below nesting colonies of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) are 10 to 60 times higher than in reference ponds (Blais et al. 2005). This pattern suggests that the colony concentrates hexachlorobenzene (HCB), total mercury (THg), and dichlorodiphenyltrichl...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359604
Korman, Joshua
Water samples at two salmon farms of diametrically opposed flushing characteristics in the Discovery Passage area were collected during the summer of 1988 at increasing distances downstream from the culture operations. The main objectives were to determine if salmon farms in this region are leading to elevated concentrations of total ammonia and dissolved organic carbon in the vicinities of the farms, resulting in higher concentrations of phytoplankton and bacteria. Elevated surface total ammon...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359603
Green, Robert Norman
Relationships between soil, physiographic, floristic, and stand properties were examined in second-growth stands on a range of imperfectly to poorly drained ecosystems on east Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. The major objective was to describe ecological factors associated with variation in tree growth, as expressed by site index of western redcedar. Cedar site index was found to be strongly correlated with soil nutrient content, particularly total N and exchangeable Mg, expressed on a ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359602
Tankard, Anthony James Tempest
This thesis examines the Late Cenozoic history and palaeoenvironments of the coastal margin between Elands Bay on the west coast and Die Kelders on the south coast. This study is introduced with a detailed discussion of eustatic sea level oscillation. The history of the existing ice sheets, sea floor spreading, isotopic composition changes of the oceans, and isostatic responses of the crust to varying loads are reviewed with regard to their bearing on sea level changes. A detailed account of the...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359601