

Hodge, Matthew Sotheron
Deformation features within Plio-Pleistocene Bredasdorp Group coastal aeolianites within the Southern Cape, South Africa, have been studied to resolve the neotectonic history of the region, estimate the recent to current upper-crustal stress field, and infer seismic hazard. Previous studies indicate possible Quaternary faulting within the Southern Cape, major faults within the underlying geology, and a horizontal maximum compressive stress (SHmax) orientated WNWESE to NW-SE. This study utilised ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359600
Goodwin, Candice Michelle
Includes bibliographical references. / Marine environments were investigated and actinomycetes were isolated on selective media. Thirty-four (34) actinomycete strains were isolated and identified: 21 Micromonospora strains, 10 Streptomyces strains, and 3 Pseudonocardia strains. A polyphasic approach was employed to determine the novelty of the isolates. Potentially, all 21 Micromonospora strains are novel, as revealed by an original identification scheme developed to assess quickly and easily th...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359599
Hucks, Katrina D.
<p> Coastal systems are facing many challenges including climate change, sea-level rise, storm surge, and erosion, all of which contribute to land loss. In Louisiana, this has led to the development of a coastal Master Plan supported by habitat suitability index (HSI) models to predict wildlife responses under various management scenarios. However, these models were not originally intended for this purpose and their functionality at large spatial scales is unclear. My goal was to use maximum ent...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359598
Kavela, Lukas Tangeni Taukondjo
This study investigated the potential application of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in water supply, taking cognisance of the water demand and supply in the Central Coastal Namibian (CCN) mines. NamWater does not meet demand for the existing and planned mines in the CCN. Primary objective was to investigate and analyse water demand and supply as well as the effectiveness of PPP as a solution by exploring its potential, successes and challenges. In order to obtain relevant information, litera...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359597
Kirsten, Kelly
Includes bibliographical references. / In recent decades an emphasis on understanding the long-term variability of ecosystems and their responses to environmental changes has been undertaken. This has mainly been achieved through the identification and analysis of fossil material in lake sediments. In the South Africa, the relative paucity of available sites and the semi-arid nature of the region have led to incomplete or discontinuous palaeoclimatic records. However, lakes along the southern Ca...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359596
Mbatha, Nonhlanhla Philile
Through an analysis of three rural communities in these provinces, this research sought to understand how and why benefits arising from the use of coastal resources in the fisheries and mining sectors are shared and distributed in the manner that they are.
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359595
Kirkby, Kenneth
As coastal development pressures continue to transform coastal regions into private havens for the benefit of a privileged few, conflicts over coastal access issues continue to increase. The southern Cape coast of South Africa is no exception to this phenomenon and the privatization of this coastal region is taking place at a rapid rate. Associated with this trend is the notable increase in large-scale golf estates developed along this coastline. Due to their size, their close proximity to the c...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359594
Blair, Iona
This study assesses the social and environmental legacy that is currently being left in the wake of diamond mining along the north west coast of South Africa as a result of almost century of diamond mining. This involves an inquiry into the political, economic and ideological forces that enabled the establishment of the extractive industry, and a critical assessment of the role the industry has come to play in the region.
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359593
Quick, Lynne
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references. / Despite significant advances in palaeoenvironmental research in southern Africa, the late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of the region remains incomplete as palaeoclimatic proxy records are temporally and spatially discontinuous. The southern Cape is a key focus area within this region as it encompasses the Fynbos Biome, a global biodiversity hotspot, as well as rare Afrotemperate forest patches and is therefore of great botanic...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359592
Kraus, Justin
Includes abstract. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-91). / This dissertation discusses the challenges to interorganizational collaboration in Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) projects in the developing world. After roughly 20 years of implementation, ICM is just beginning to systematically review its initiatives especially in the developing world. The early reviews of ICM initiatives that have been published note several challenges that are hindering the effectiveness of many ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359591
Krogh, Jeremy
Wastewater disposal often has deleterious impacts on the receiving environment. Low levels of dissolved oxygen are of particular concern. Here I investigate the impacts on dissolved oxygen and carbon chemistry of screened municipal wastewater in the marine waters off Victoria, B.C., Canada. I analyzed data from a series of undersea moorings, ship-based monitoring, and underwater remotely-operated vehicle video. I used these observations to construct a two-layer box model of the nearfield receivi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359590
Basirico, Laura Marie
The northern Gulf of Mexico and the coastal estuaries of south Louisiana have a history of contaminated sediments and their associated human and environmental impacts. Hydrocarbon chemical pollutants within five major estuaries of the Mississippi River watershed and three offshore shoaling regions were assessed. Ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and three toxic equivalencies served as benchmark toxicants to investigate the impacts to sediments collected in years 2012 to 2014. The sampl...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359589
Kyryliuk, Dmytro
No description available.
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359588
Abbott, Katherine Mary
Coastal marshes can have high rates of carbon (C) accumulation associated with high primary productivity and sedimentation rates, and low rates of microbial decomposition. Mitigation for the loss of saline marshes by restoration and creation is becoming widespread; however, a greater understanding of the timescale and capacity for these new sites to function as C sinks is needed. For this study, we examined a chronosequence of six created coastal marshes ranging from 0 to 32 years old and two ad...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359587
Bondurant, Allen C.
<p> Thermokarst lakes are a dominant factor of landscape scale processes and permafrost dynamics in the otherwise continuous permafrost region of the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of northern Alaska. Lakes cover greater than 20% of the landscape on the ACP and drained lake basins cover an additional 50 to 60% of the landscape. The formation, expansion, drainage, and reformation of thermokarst lakes has been described by some researchers as part of a natural cycle, the thaw lake cycle, that has rewo...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359586
Svobodová, Hana
Land-based observations may contribute to an overall understanding of behaviour of large marine vertebrates and may help us understand how these animals react to climate change. I observed marine megafauna (cetaceans, Basking shark, and Sunfish) from Cape Clear Island situated in the south-west of Ireland. The study took place during the summer months (June - August 2008) because the majority of Leatherback turtles, Sunfish and other megafauna species are sighted in Irish waters in this period. ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359585
Olivier, Pieter Ignatius
Habitat loss and fragmentation drives the current extinction crisis. The processes through which it affects biodiversity, however, are complex and poorly understood. This is especially true for spatially complex regions that comprise a mosaic of land-use types, which often range from protected areas to dense human settlements. In such human-modified landscapes, it is important to determine the extent and impact of changing land-use patterns on biodiversity if we are to meet conservation targets ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359584
Alling, Vanja
Arctic rivers transport 31-42 Tg organic carbon (OC) each year to the Arctic Ocean, which is equal to 10% of the global riverine OC discharge. Since the Arctic Ocean only holds approximately 1% of the global ocean volume, the influence of terrestrially derived organic carbon (OCter) in the Arctic Ocean is relatively high. Despite the global importance of this region the behavior of the, by far largest fraction of the OCter, the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in Arctic and sub-arctic estuaries is...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359583
Gilbert, Matthew Edmund
When considering the large amount of work done on dune ecology, and that a number of the classical ecological theories originate from work on dunes, it is apparent that there remains a need for physiological and mechanistic explanations of dune plant phenomena. This thesis demonstrated that in the extreme coastal environment dune plants must survive both high rates of burial (disturbance), and low nutrient availability (stress). The ability of four species to respond to these two factors corresp...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359582
Smale, Malcolm J
A detailed feeding study of eleven inshore top predatory teleosts in the eastern Cape is presented. Material collected largely from line-caught fish was augmented by spearfishing. The predators were grouped according to habitat: pelagic, soft-sediment demersal and reef species. Pelagic fish examined were Lichia amia, Pomatomus saltatrix, Seriola lalandi, Atractoscion aequidens, Katsuwonus pelamis and Thunnus albacares. Stomach content analyses revealed that their prey varied according to size an...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359581
Smith, Martin Kyle Stratford
Under the guidance of the new coastal management policies within South Africa this thesis advocates a more integrated, co-operative approach to local coastal management. The project aimed to acquire baseline information on the local nearshore fishery and resource state and to propose a set of indicators that could be incorporated into the new management strategy. To gather the required information the project was split into two parts: 1) An assessment of the local linefisheries and 2) A comparat...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359580
King, Claire Margaret
The overall aim of this thesis, as required by the funders, was to provide research that would contribute towards the development of a bay management plan, specifically information on the local fisheries. The thesis therefore includes an assessment of the local shore-based linefishery in terms of catch and effort and socio-economics, and the development of indicators from this information with which to assess the sustainability of the fishery. Finally an implementation strategy for an integrated...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359579
Schroeder, Daniel Heiko
A large proportion of the human population, their settlements and socioeconomic activities occur on land directly adjacent to the coastline. The increased demand for coastal leisure and tourism has interfered with natural landscape features and their associated processes. The Cape St Francis/St Francis Bay peninsula located on the southeast coast of South Africa was rapidly developed and transformed from a little fishing village into an urban coastal developed area over a 50-year period (1961-20...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359578
Osburn, Toby W.
This study employed a qualitative case study method to evaluate the efforts of one university to conduct hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness planning activities and used the Federal Emergency Management Agency framework and selected writings of sociologist and disaster researcher E.L. Quarantelli as models for evaluating the institution's approach. The institution studied was assigned a fictitious name and the identities of the study participants withheld in order to protect the integrit...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359577
Renken, Katherine Anne
This dissertation is an investigation into the interplay between vegetation and aeolian processes in the coastal embryo dune environment at Padre Island National Seashore, Texas. Vegetation is a geomorphic agent, altering aeolian process dynamics. This research adopted a three-pronged approach to improving our understanding of ecogeomorphodynamics in the coastal environment. The first study analyzed large-scale spatiotemporal trends in the vegetation community of the embryo dune environment in o...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359576
Steinmuller, Havalend Ellen
Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and global eutrophication are anthropogenic stressors impacting the environment of specific interest in wetland systems. Wetlands occupy a critical interface between terrestrial and aquatic environments. Fertilizer use for agriculture and treated wastewater disposal has increased nutrient loading to wetlands. Conflicting results on impacts of nitrogen loading to coastal wetland soils have been reported, though most studies have investigated short-term impa...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359575
Dunn, Alison Leeds.
A line of pumping wells, 100-175 m from the shore in a shallow coastal aquifer east of Puerto Petasco, Sonora, Mexico, supplied salt water at a rate of 7,500 to 11,500 m³/day to a shrimp aquaculture facility. This water exhibited salinities as high as 41.5 parts per thousand (ppt) and the well farthest inland yielded the most saline water. Effluent was discharged from the facility at an average rate of 6,000 m³/day to two lakes 400 m inland from the wells. In 1979, the salinity in the first lake...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359574
Ganus, William Joseph,1936-
The development of an open pit phosphate mine in 1965 near Aurora, North Carolina, required groundwater withdrawals in excess of 50 million gallons per day for pressure relief from the underlying confined Castle Hayne aquifer. The effects of pumping from this limestone aquifer were widespread, extending over an area of more than 2,000 square miles in the first year before the pressure cone reached a stabilized condition. Salt water encroachment by lateral movement from downdip in the aquifer and...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359573
Esbah, Hayriye, 1969-
Tourism is an economic alternative to revitalise Turkey's economy. However, without good planning, it can turn out to be a big damage on natural resources of an area. Yumurtalik is a study area of this thesis. Yumurtalik is a small town (population, 3970) located on the east Mediterranean coast 74 kilometre from the fourth biggest city, Adana, of Turkey. Tourism is in beginning stage in the town, though possible boom is expected because of town's natural, historic resources and availability to a...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359572
Karl, Ricky J.
Master's Report / Initially attributed to natural formation processes, shellmounds were eventually acknowledged as cultural products. They were presumed to be the remains of prehistoric hunter-gatherer subsistence practices and of no great antiquity. Scholarly analysis of shellmounds focused on human consumption and discard accumulation rates aimed at establishing population estimates and the antiquity of the mounds. The identified strata were considered to represent insignificant cultural chan...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359571
Friederic, Karin
Building on research conducted over the last ten years, this dissertation explores how local understandings and manifestations of gender violence are changing as women and men learn about human rights and gain access to state-based forms of justice. Wife abuse in coastal Ecuador is often explained as a result of machismo and an enduring culture of violence. I challenge this conception by demonstrating how political, economic and social processes normalize gender violence, and by showing how tran...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359570
Sherwin, Robert Winslow, 1945-
No description available.
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359569
Goodall, Jeremy Marshall.
The objective of this study was to describe the impacts of the density of Chromolaena odorata (chromolaena) on species composition in coastal grasslands and to investigate serial changes in the vegetation following the implementation of a burning programme. The thesis deals with key ecological concepts and issues, so a comprehensive literature review is included. Chromolaena invades coastal grasslands that are not burnt regularly (i.e. biennially). Grasslands that were not burnt for 30 years wer...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359568
Sudan, Pascal.
The northern KwaZulu-Natal coast is backed by a continuous aeolian dune cordon that rises in places, to a height of more than 100 metres and a width of 2 kilometres. This MSc thesis documents the geomorphology of the area, as well as the mineralogical, geochemical and textural variation of nine boreholes within a small part of the coastal dune cordon between Lake Nhlabane and Cape St.-Lucia. The results provide useful constraints on the identification of individual beach and aeolian dune sy...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359567
Duma, David Makhosonke.
The dissertation's point of departure and contention is that the Admiralty Reserve is one of the Coastal Resources facing degradation due to the fact that it is a common property owned by the State President on behalf of all citizens of South Africa. The environmental management function has become the unfunded mandate of local authorities therefore the administration, control and management of the Admiralty Reserve is the responsibility of local government in terms of various lease agreements. ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359566
Venter, Frank Leo.
The environmental factors affecting wood property formation of Eucalyptus spp. trees in two distinct geographic areas within South Africa were studied. Wood prop~rty data for trees from 43 sites (26 in Zululand and 17 in Mpumalanga) were collected from work conducted at the Forest and Forest Products Research Centre (FFPRC) at the CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in Durban. The wood properties considered included screened pulp yield, fibre length, wood density and active alk...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359565
Smith, Daniel.
The limited range of garrick/leervis Lichia amia, its popularity as a gamefish to all sectors of the marine recreational linefishery and the degradation of many estuaries which function as nurseries for this species, has aroused concern about the stock status of this species. In addition, other than a preliminary investigation conducted by ORI in 1992, relatively little research has been undertaken on this important recreational species. Considering the recreational value of L. amia and the need...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359564
Storm water runoff is a leading cause of degradation in the water quality of receiving water bodies. Although legislation requires that Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are performed and Environmental Management Plans (EMP) put in place for the construction of high density housing developments, there is generally very little evidence that real measures are developed to monitor and actually assess the extent of the impact that construction activities have on the environment during the ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359563
Boyes, Lauren J.
Monospecific stands of Acacia karroo establish naturally on disturbed coastal dunes in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. While the A. karroo successional pathway is successful in rehabilitating mined dunes at the Richards Bay Minerals mining company (RBM), the same pathway has become arrested in the coastal dune forest at Cape Vidal in the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park. This study examines the efficacy of the A. karroo successional pathway for restoring disturbed coastal dune forests. Dispersal of s...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359562
Mather, Andrew Alan.
Sea level rise and coastal erosion are two processes which may result in major problems for coastal cities around the world. This is particularly true for Southern and Eastern African cities as they struggle to meet their developmental challenges in addition to sea level rise and coastal erosion. This thesis focuses on three main areas, the analysis of the rates of sea level from tide gauges in the region, the extent of wave run-up on the beach and the development of a simple technical and manag...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359561
Mahaye, Antonia Thandi.
Modern life is often accompanied by severe physical, intellectual and emotional stress as people battle to survive. Recreation activities provide people with an outlet to release this stress. In the past few years a great deal of attention was focused in the way people spent their leisure time. This study focuses on outdoor motorised recreation pursuits in the Lower Umfolozi and Hlabisa Districts of KwaZulu-Natal as one of the ways in which leisure time can be spent. Motorised recreation, which ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359560
Rawlins, Brian Kenneth
The Zululand coastal plain on the eastern seaboard of South Africa contains large quantities of readily available fresh water. Lake St Lucia, located within the plain, is a wetland habitat internationally recognised for- its environmental importance. Yet over the past few decades extensive forest developments have taken place within the lake catchment. The considerably higher transpiration rate of the fast growing trees planted there over those of grassland environments they replaced is well est...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359559
Mwandla, Ndodentsha Daniel
The repeal of the Separate Amenities Act, accompanied by general rise in standard of living among Blacks, greater mobility of people, and the demand for outdoor recreation have brought about the renewed influx of Blacks to seaside or coastal recreation areas. It is, therefore, in this light that this research is undertaken. The focus of the research is on both developed and undeveloped coastal resources whereby recreation needs and aspirations of Black recreators are identified with an aim of p...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359558
Harris, Shael Anne
This study focuses describing assemblages of fish larvae occurring in potential nursery habitats and elucidating the recruitment processes of fishes in the KwaZulu-Natal region. The composition, the degree of estuarine-association of all taxa, temporal and spatial abundance patterns, developmental stages and were examined in three large estuarine systems, a surf zone habitat and in the nearshore marine environment. In addition, two 24-h inlet studies were undertaken to ascertain diel patterns. R...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359557
Mkhwanazi, Millicent N.
The Maputaland coastal plain has the largest primary aquifers in South Africa. It has highly permeable sediments that promote rapid recharge to the aquifers and strong interactions with wetlands in the region. The hydrochemical study of the Richards Bay aquifers suggested that there is rising levels of dissolved minerals in the Science Center aquifer. This study was designed to determine the relationship between sediment mineral composition and the groundwater quality of the selected primary aqu...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359556
Ntuli, Siyabonga Robson
Coastal tourism development strategies are a new phenomenon in the world of community development and community conservation. The development of tourism products as compared to their conservation, is an ongoing debate, which has been tackled by many tourism scholars. The management of natural and cultural environments is of utmost importance in the development of ecotourism in places such as the Town of St Lucia, as well as in the St Lucia Estuary. This research study, therefore, sought to ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359555
Sinha, Nityanand
<p> Langmuir turbulence in the upper ocean is generated by the interaction between the wind-driven shear current and the Stokes drift velocity induced by surface gravity waves. In homogenous (neutrally stratified) shallow water, the largest scales of Langmuir turbulence are characterized by full-depth Langmuir circulation (LC). LC consists of parallel counter-rotating vortices aligned roughly in the direction of the wind. In shallow coastal shelves, LC has been observed engulfing the entire wate...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359554
Wagner, John Richard, 1949-
This study describes the resource management practices of a rural community located in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. Lababia, a community of 500 people, is located in a coastal rainforest environment and is dependant for its livelihood on swidden agriculture and fishing. Lababia is also the site of an integrated conservation and development project facilitated by a non-governmental organisation based in a nearby urban centre. / The key resources on which Lababia depends are managed as the c...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359553
Lantuit, Hugues
Climate change and warming have been linked to enhanced coastal erosion in the arctic. Specifically, permafrost is believed to be thawing at greater rates, and wave dynamics are expected to increase in intensity. As a result, thermokarst activity, which includes the occurrence of retrogressive thaw slumps, will be more frequent along arctic coasts. / The availability of airborne and spaceborne imagery in the arctic over the last fifty years has made possible the temporal analysis of permaf...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359552
Dayaram, Tanya.
Sustainability has become synonymous with development. The concept of integrated coastal management (ICM) was derived from sustainability theory. The planning profession has an impact on the development of coastal zones through land use plans. This study aimed to demonstrate through case studies, the pros and cons of applying technological methods for the purpose of creating better quality plans. Literature, precedent studies and a local example of dualities in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has p...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359551