

Milette, Linda Leontine
Female attendance patterns and activity budgets of Alaskan Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were compared at two sites using scan sampling over two summer breeding seasons in 1994 and 1995 at Sugarloaf Island (a declining population) and Lowrie Island (a stable population). The goal was to document female behaviour and to determine whether there were behavioural differences between the two sites that were consistent with the hypothesis that Steller sea lions in the area of population ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378150
Furtado, Xavier Anthony
The Spratly Islands conflict is somewhat artificial. While longstanding issues of territorial sovereignty are certainly part of this dispute, it is the yet unconfirmed suspicion that oil and/or natural gas exist beneath the seabed that has made this issue so contentious and, on occasion, has forced some of the disputants to exchange gunfire on the high seas. The untried assumption that hydrocarbons exist beneath the Spratly archipelago is now treated as fact. Not only have numerous academic...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378149
Anderson, James Stewart
Two separate studies were conducted with Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in seawater. The first study investigated various in vitro and in vivo methods for the measurement of the quality of the protein in fish meals. The second study was designed to estimate the optimal dietary ratio of digestible protein (DP) to digestible energy (DE) for Atlantic salmon (0.5 -1.2 kg body weight). A second objective of the latter study was to investigate the effect of feeding diets varying in levels o...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378148
Azad, Md. Abul Kalam
The continued demand for sea-urchin gonads and overexploitation of natural stocks in many countries have stimulated interest in the aquaculture of various sea-urchin species. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop rearing protocols for larval and adult purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). The specific objectives of this thesis were to determine: (1) the effect of temperature and diet on adult gonad production and (2) the effect of temperature, microalgal diet, ration, and s...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378147
Singh, Gerald Gurinder
Sea otters are nearshore predators whose impacts have potential implications for the provision of ecosystem services on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Sea otter predation on herbivorous sea urchins can allow kelp beds to flourish. Increased kelp production can act as a food subsidy to mussels which can promote faster growth. Otters also depredate mussels, which can affect the habitat provision function of mussels and limit them to sizes that are vulnerable to other predators. In this thesis...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378146
Walker, Kristen Amy
Marine mammal research often requires marking and tracking animals to collect long-term ecological data, but these procedures may cause pain. The aim of this thesis was to assess the behavioural and physiological effects of invasive marking and tracking techniques used on marine mammals. This thesis consists of 7 chapters, beginning with a general introduction (Ch. 1) and ending with a general discussion (Ch. 7). Chapter 2 reviews the literature on short- and long-term effects of marking and tag...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378145
Wabnitz, Colette Catherine Chantal
The design of effective species management and recovery plans for sea turtle populations requires targets that are informed by an understanding of knowledge gained at the level of individuals/populations in the context of the wider goal of protecting an ecosystem's structural and functional attributes. In this thesis I present the first detailed investigation of the multiple levels at which sea turtles, particularly green turtles (Chelonia mydas), interact with ecosystems. I begin by develop...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378144
Bowles, Ella
Determining diets of pinnipeds by visually identifying prey remains recovered in faecal samples is challenging because of differences in digestion and passage rates of hard parts. Analyzing the soft matrix of faecal material using DNA-based techniques is an alternative means to identify prey species consumed, but published techniques are largely non-quantitative, which limits their applicability. I developed and validated a real-time PCR technique using species-specific mitochondrial DNA primers...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378143
Nendick, Laura J.
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Walbaum) stocks in the Broughton Archipelago BC have seen a general decline in recent years. This is thought to be due to parasitism by sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837), on pink salmon during early marine life stage. To investigate this, I measured swimming performance, an integrated measure of fish health, and post-swim body ion concentrations, a secondary stress response, of control and sea lice infected juvenile pink salmon (mass < 3.0 g). ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378142
Aguilar-Martinez, Silvestre
Nonlinear and linear regression models were developed to forecast the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) across the tropical Pacific ocean. The methods used were, Bayesian neural networks (BNN), support vector machines for regression (SVR) and linear regression (LR). The predictors of the models were a particular combination of the principal components of sea level pressure (SLP) and sea surface temperature (SST) data at lead times ranging from 3 to 15 months. Two data sets correspond...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378141
Kuker, Kathryn
Sea otters in the Western Aleutian Islands have experienced a drastic population decline since the 1990s and Estes et al. (1998) hypothesized that killer whale predation is responsible. This hypothesis has not been challenged nor tested empirically. The aim of this study was twofold: 1) to conduct a literature review of the evidence that killer whales caused the sea otter populations to decline, re-examining alternative explanations, and 2) to empirically test the "killer whale prédation hy...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378140
Southwood, Amanda Leah
Field and laboratory studies were conducted to determine the metabolic response to seasonal cold exposure in juvenile green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Field studies were conducted with turtles at Heron Island, Australia during the summer and winter. Field metabolic rate (FMR) of turtles was determined using the doubly labeled water technique, and diving patterns were recorded using data loggers. Laboratory experiments were conducted with captive-reared juvenile green turtles exposed to a...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378139
McPhee, Jan M.
The potential use of heart rate to monitor energy expenditure in free-ranging Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) was investigated by establishing whether a relationship exists between heart rate (fa) and oxygen consumption ( V 0 2 ) in captive sea lions while swimming and resting. Four trained Steller sea lions (2 males and 2 females; mass 87.4 -194.4 kg; ages 16 months-3 years) were equipped with a datalogger and two dorsal electrodes to record ECG (from which f[sub H] was calculated)...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378138
D’Oriano, Filippo <1980>
Iberia Africa plate boundary, cross, roughly W-E, connecting the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Azores triple junction to the Continental margin of Morocco. Relative movement between the two plate change along the boundary, from transtensive near the Azores archipelago, through trascurrent movement in the middle at the Gloria Fracture Zone, to transpressive in the Gulf of Cadiz area. This study presents the results of geophysical and geological analysis on the plate boundary area offshore Gibraltar...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378137
Lepori, Chiara <1977>
Since the birth of the European Union on 1957, the development of a single market through the integration of national freight transport networks has been one of the most important points in the European Union agenda. Increasingly congested motorways, rising oil prices and concerns about environment and climate change require the optimization of transport systems and transport processes. The best solution should be the intermodal transport, in which the most efficient transport options are used f...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378136
Kumagai, Sacko
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were fed restricted iso-caloric amounts of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) or walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) for 8-9 days, four times a year. At these levels, the sea lions lost an average of 10.1% of their initial body mass while on both experimental diets for up to nine days, but at a significantly higher rate in winter and at a lower rate in summer. Decreases in body fat mass and standard metabolic rates during the trials were similar throughou...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378135
Compton, Paul. A.
For many years evidence has been accumulating from the Canadian Arctic that changes have taken place in the relative level of land and sea incidental to the growth and dispersion of the Pleistocene ice sheets. The effect of this glaciation was two-fold. The growth of the ice sheets led to a depression of the earth’s crust beneath the glaciated areas and to also resulted in a world-wide lowering of sea level, while the disappearance of the continental ice sheets resulted in an eustatic rise of se...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378134
Dumas, Karine
Ensemble of seasonal forecasts done with four atmospheric models over 26 winters and springs (1969-1994) are used to investigate the Northern Hemispheric model responses to SST anomalies and to compare them with observations. The response, for winter (DJF) and spring (MAM), is obtained as the regression of the 500hPa geopotential heights against the main modes of sea surface temperature (SST) variability over two different regions of the world oceans. The regression against the main mode o...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378133
Wang, Dong, 1963-
Analyses of 13 sediment cores and 2800 km of 3.5 kHz seismic profiles reveal that the majority of the sediments on the Labrador continental slope was deposited by hemipelagic settling and ice-rafting (53%), debris flows (7%) and turbidity currents (34%) during the Wisconsinan Glaciation. Only minor amounts (6%) are attributed to contour current activity and related processes. Eight sedimentary facies were differentiated which include (1) hemipelagic (H); (2) hemipelagic (HI) with ice-rafted detr...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378132
Toy, Brian
Present demands for fish meal by the aquaculture industry in British Columbia exceed domestic supplies. The development of fisheries and onshore processing for domestically underutilized fish species have been identified as means of increasing the supply of fish waste for reduction into fish meal (DPA Group, 1988; Silver and Macleod, 1991). Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), with its large biomass and recent changes in quota allocations, is considered the most promising species for domest...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378131
Kumar, Amit, Gupta, Anil Kumar
Release of methane from large marine reservoirs has been linked to climate change, as a causal mechanism and a consequence of temperature changes, during the Holocene to Late Quaternary. These inferred linkages are based primary on variation in benthic foraminifer’s singnatures. This study examines and illustrates deep sea benthic foraminifera from Holocene to Late Quaternary sample from North Pacific Ocean IODP site 890B,Cascadia Margin. Deep sea benthic foraminifera has been quantatively ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378130
Yang, Shengxiong, Zhang, Haiqi, Wu, Nengyou, Su, Xin, Schultheiss, Peter, Holland, Melanie, Zhang, Guang-Xue, Liang, Jinqiang, Lu, Jing'an, Rose, Kelly
In April-June of 2007, a gas hydrate drilling expedition was carried out by using M/V Bavenit in Shenhu Area, the north slope of South China Sea. High concentrations of hydrate (>40%) were obtained in a disseminated forms in foram-rich clay sediments at 3 selected sites. The hydrate-bearing sediments ranged several ten meters in thickness are located in the lower part of GHSZ, just above the BGHSZ, and are typically characteristic of higher sonic velocity and resistivity, and lower gamma density...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378129
Wu, Nengyou, Yang, Shengxiong, Zhang, Haiqi, Liang, Jinqiang, Wang, Hongbin, Su, Xin, Fu, Shaoying
Gas hydrate is a very complicated reservoir system characterized of temperature, pressure, gas composition, pore-water geochemical features, and gas sources, gas hydrate distribution within the gas hydrate stability zone. Temperature, pressure and the gas composition of the sediments were suitable for gas hydrate formation in the gas hydrate reservoir system of Shenhu Area, north slope of South China Sea. The high-resolution seismic data and the gas hydrate drilling getting high concentrations o...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378128
Jiang, Shao-Yong, Yang, Tao, Ge, Lu, Yang, Jing-Hong, Wu, Neng-You, Liu, Jian, Zhang, Guang-Xue, Chen, Dao-Hua
Except for direct drilling and sampling of marine gas hydrates, the occurrence of gas hydrates has been identified generally by inference from indirect evidence, derived from geological, geophysical, and geochemical data. In this paper, we intend to discuss the geochemical anomalies of pore waters and their implications for gas hydrate occurrence in the northern continental slope of the South China Sea. The molecular concentration and isotopic composition of methane in sediments can provide clue...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378127
Haacke, R. Ross, Park, Keun-Pil, Stoian, Iulia, Hyndman, Roy D., Schmidt, Ulrike
Seismic reflection data from a multi-channel streamer deployed offshore Korea reveal evidence of hydrateforming gases being vented into the ocean. Numerous, localised vent structures are apparent from reduced seismic reflection amplitude, high seismic velocities, and reflector pull-up. These structures penetrate upward from the base of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and are typically several hundred metres wide, and only a few hundred metres high. Underlying zones of reduced reflectio...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378126
Fang, Wendong
Satellite-sensed Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data over eight summers (1984-1991) were used to analyze the summer SST patterns of variability off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the spatial variance for 133 nearly cloud-free summer images was performed. The first EOF mode, which resembled the mean of all images, showed a strong cool water band located at the northwest corner of Vancouver Island,...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378125
Smith, Jack Lloyd
The changes in reproductive parameters and hormones, and blood sodium during the final weeks of sexual maturation in wild coastal salmon, chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, and steelhead, O. mykiss, were documented for stocks spawning in two similar river systems on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Chinook were blood-sampled and sacrificed at intervals during migration from the ocean into brackish Nitinat Lake, through the completion of final maturation in Nitinat Ri...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378124
Romero-Royo, Montserrat, 1955-
No description available.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378123
Williamson, Jane Iles.
No description available.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378122
Bandekar, Namrata
Spatial intensity variation introduced by illumination changes is a challenging problem for image segmentation and classification. Many techniques have been proposed which focus on removing this illumination variation by estimating or modelling it. There is limited research on developing an illumination invariant classification technique which does not use any preprocessing. A major focus of this research is on automatically classifying synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. These are large sa...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378121
Sun, Yucong
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has gained increasing prominence as a means of accommodating the goals of sustainability in development planning since the 1990s. However, SEA faces considerable difficulties before it becomes a widely accepted and enduring practice. The concepts of SEA and sustainability are complex. SEA has necessarily to deal with a variety of planning and decision-making contexts, and in addition there is a problem of integrating SEA with planning. This combination of...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378120
Monzur, Rumana
Scholars tend to frame environmental problems and climate change as either a separate issue from national security or as loosely embedded in an overarching framework of human security. Since Barry Buzan’s seminal 1991 work, People, States and Fear, which argues that the traditional concept of security is too narrowly defined and is out of touch with reality, scholarship on human security has proliferated. Within the human security literature, environmental issues have received less attention due...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378119
Villarino Villarino, Ramón María
El estudio de la medida de la salinidad del océano junto con la humedad del terreno constituyen dos de las aplicaciones más importantes dentro del mundo de la teledetección que no han sido estudiadas hasta la fecha. Concretamente esta tesis se va a centrar en la primera de ellas. La concentración salina de los océanos está ligada al clima y, en consecuencia su conocimiento a nivel global en cada instante puede representar un buen índice de referencia a la hora de realizar las predicciones climát...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378118
Hereu Fina, Bernat
The discipline of ecology is habitually divided up into a whole range of different specialities, and this thesis forms part of what is commonly known as "community ecology" (Diamond and Case 1986). To be more precise, my work has centred on the degree to which the trophic relationships that exist between the organisms constituting a food web govern the structure and dynamics of the communities they form. I approached the subject from an experimental point of view and all the work was carried out...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378117
Vardelly, Indra Praveen Kumar
As part of the project thesis the candidate shall work on the following. 1. Document a literature survey of relevant reliability data sources and evaluate these with respect to applicability and quality. The data sources shall, as a minimum,include OREDA, MechRel and FIDES. 2. Give a brief technical description of a subsea pump and its topside counterpart and highlight similarities and differences, technical, as well as operational and environmental. 3. Carry out an FMECA with focus on the failu...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378116
Isaksson, Linnea
No description available.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378115
Piroddi, Chiara
In the northeastern Ionian Sea, two populations of dolphins, the short-beaked common dolphin and the common bottlenose dolphin, have been studied since 1993 by the Tethys Research Institute, Italy. Results show a low density of bottlenose dolphins, and a rapid decline in common dolphin numbers and encounter rates. I constructed an ecosystem model using Ecopath with Ecosim for the northeastern Ionian Sea to explain the two different abundance trends of these species of dolphins, and the trophic i...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378114
Jeanniard Du Dot, Tiphaine
The ability of animals to contend with unpredictable seasonal shifts in quality and quantity of prey has implications for the conservation of wildlife. Steller sea lions(Eumetopias jubatus) were subjected to different quantities and qualities of food to determine what physiological and endocrine responses would occur and whether they differed between season (summer and winter) or diet (high-lipid Pacific herring Clupeapallasi vs. low-lipid Walleye Pollock Theragra chalcogramma). Eight females w...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378113
Wheat trade accounts for one third of world grain trade and is expected to double by 2050.The KRU (Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine) countries account for approximately a quarter of the world wheat exports and are collectively considered one of the key wheat exporting regions. Ukraine became a member of the WTO only in 2008. Russia became an official member of the WTO in 2012. Kazakhstan is expected to follow Russia and reach an accession deal with WTO members shortly. As a result of WTO accession...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378112
Niiranen, Susa
Understanding the interaction of multiple drivers and their compounded effects on ecosystem dynamics is a key challenge for marine resource management. The Baltic Sea is one of the world’s seas most strongly impacted by effects from both human activities and climate. In the late 1980’s changes in climate in combination with intensive fishing initiated a reorganization of the Central Baltic Sea (CBS) food web resulting in the current sprat-dominated state. In the future, climate change is project...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378111
Frankel, Anna
Little is known about the genetic mating system of the Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii. Jensen et al. (2006) found a positive relationship between the incidence of multiple paternity (MP) and the estimated population size of rookeries. In the high density Kemp's ridley Rancho Nuevo rookery, Kichler et al. (1999) estimated 81% of nests were multiply sired (Wang 2004). If MP is positively related to nesting female density, then MP in Kemp's ridley should be lower on a low-density nes...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378110
Hakimhashemi, Amir Hossein
Die relativ hohe seismische Aktivität der Tote-Meer-Störungszone (Dead Sea Fault Zone - DSFZ) ist mit einem hohen Gefahrenpotential verbunden, welches zu einem erheblichen Erdbebenrisiko für die Ballungszentren in den Ländern Syrien, Libanon, Palästina, Jordanien und Israel führt. Eine Vielzahl massiver, zerstörerischer Erdbeben hat sich in diesem Raum in den letzten zwei Jahrtausenden ereignet. Ihre Wiederholungsrate zeigt Anzeichen für eine zeitliche Abhängigkeit, insbesondere wenn lange Zeitr...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378109
Seney, Erin Elizabeth
The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii, is recovering from devastating declines that reduced nesting activity from a single-day estimate of 10,000- 40,000 females in 1947 to fewer than 300 during all of 1985. Nesting beach monitoring is crucial to estimating population size and reproductive activity, but in-water data are essential for understanding population dynamics and evaluating management strategies. Hook-and-line, stranding, and nesting records, satellite telemetry, and diet an...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378108
Briggs, Holly Beth
Recent studies indicate a 70% decrease in the Alaskan Steller sea lion (SSL) population (ca. 5% per year) since the early 1980's. In accordance with a 1997 status classification of the Western Steller sea lion (WSSL) stock as endangered, the "critical habitat" for the species was to be defined. This habitat has now been designated to include 10-20 nautical mile buffer zones around most rookeries and haulouts in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) and Aleutian Islands. However, these zones were based on lim...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378107
Wang, Hui-Chen
Little is known of trace metal concentrations and their possible role in the mortality of critically endangered Kemp??s ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii). Research described herein characterized concentrations of seven trace metals ?? Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn ?? in the blood and carapace tissue of captive Kemp??s ridleys for use in assessing levels of these metals in wild counterparts. Concentrations of same trace metals were characterized in post-pelagic through adult life stages of...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378106
Metz, Tasha Lynn
Post-pelagic juvenile and subadult Kemp's ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) (20-40 cm straight carapace length) utilize nearshore waters of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico as nursery or developmental feeding grounds. This study utilizes 10 years of entanglement netting data to characterize long-term abundance and distribution of Kemp's ridley sea turtles at index habitats in this region. Netting surveys were conducted during April-October 1993-2002, primarily at Sabine Pass, Texas and Cal...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378105
Stephens, Sarah Holland
The critically endangered Kemp's ridley sea turtle experienced a dramatic decline in population size (demographic bottleneck) between 1947 and 1987 from 160,000 mature individuals to less than 5000. Demographic bottlenecks can cause genetic bottlenecks where significant losses of genetic diversity occur through genetic drift. The loss of genetic diversity can lower fitness through the random loss of adaptive alleles and through an increase in the expression of deleterious alleles. Molecular g...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378104
Aldogan, Serhan
The wind waves have significant effects on small craft and fisheries. Therefore, wind wave climate has an important role in the design and operation of fishing harbors and harbors for small craft. The purpose of this study is to identify the wind wave climate along the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea coastline of T&uuml / rkiye. For this purpose, wind wave data for a certain period is obtained from ECMWF for the analysis. Moreover, the data will be analyzed for locations selected along the...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378103
Ikis, Didem
Temporal and spatial variations in the Sea of Marmara based on monthly averages of chlorophyll a, which is the major indicator of phytoplankton biomass and primary production, recorded by SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua sensors at nearly 100 stations have been analyzed for the period of 1997-2007. Majority of phytoplankton blooms occur during the winter and spring seasons, followed by a smaller secondary bloom during the fall season. The majority of high magnitude blooms occur at the Eastern part of the ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378102
Yigiterhan, Oguz -
The Black Sea, with its oxic, suboxic and anoxic layers, provides a unique environment for studying how biological and geochemical processes affect the composition of particulate matter. The elemental composition of particles in the Black Sea is controlled by their origin and sources. Particles from rivers are dominated by aluminosilicate material that has compositions similar to the earth&rsquo / s crust. In general this material is relatively unreactive. Biological processes in the upper oxic ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 378101