

Harestad, Alton Sidney
Eumetopias jubata is polygyncus. The sea-lions segregate during the breeding season into pupping colonies consisting of adult males and females, and non-pupping colonies consisting mainly of sub-adult males. All previous studies of the social behaviour E. jubata have been concerned only with pupping colonies. This study describes the social behaviour and organization of a non-pupping colony. The colony is located at Mclnnes Island, British Columbia (Lat. 52°16’ N., Long. 128°43’ W.). It consist...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377850
Hill, Steven
The overall objective of this thesis was to predict, model and measure low frequency acoustic backscatter from the sea surface zone (SSZ). In particular, the objectives were fourfold: to relate the acoustic backscatter Doppler spectrum to the directional waveheight spectrum (DWS) through a perturbation analysis; to develop instrumentation suitable for measuring the properties of acoustic backscatter from the SSZ; to design and implement signal processing hardware and software to process raw data...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377849
Pizzolato, Larissa Anna Vincenza
Declining sea ice area in the Canadian Arctic has gained significant attention with respect to the prospect of increased shipping activities along the Northwest Passage and Arctic Bridge shipping routes. Temporal trend and correlation analysis was performed on sea ice area data for total, first-year ice (FYI), and multi-year ice (MYI), and observed shipping activity within the Vessel Traffic Reporting Arctic Canada Traffic Zone (NORDREG zone) from 1990 to 2012. Relationships between declines in ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377848
Ladds, Bryan
There has been an increased interest in Romeʼs connections with the Far East over the course of the last 20 years. This has resulted in the publication of many articles and monographs about the Roman involvement in the Red Sea which was the key maritime region linking the Far East with the West. This thesis synthesizes the recent scholarship on the Red Sea trade in Late Antiquity by merging all of the most up to date information into a concise narrative. In order to accomplish this, three major ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377847
Love, Ryan
Projections of sea level rise for the east coast of North America at 2100CE were generated considering contributions from: ocean warming, land ice melting and isostatic land motion. The primary contribution of this study is the development of an improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) model that includes an assessment of model uncertainty using 36 ice loading histories, 363 Earth models and a new sea level proxy database comprising over 500 sea level index points. We find that, while there a...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377846
Weiler, Henry Sven
The work carried out for this thesis forms part of the air-sea interaction program, which has been under way since 196l at the Institute of Oceanography of the University of British Columbia. Measurements of fluctuations in the vertical and horizontal components of air velocity were made using hot wires in an X-array, in order to study the spectra of the fluctuations, and their co-spectrum over a range of mean wind speeds from 140 – 1000 cm./sec. in the boundary layer over the sea. In order to...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377845
Smith, Stuart Durnford
A thrust anemometer was designed to measure the three components of wind velocity fluctuations in the atmospheric boundary layer over the surface of the sea, and hence to evaluate directly the Reynolds stress of the wind on the sea. The anemometer was shown to be suitable for its intended purpose first by wind tunnel tests and then by comparisons with spectra from measurements in the field by cup and hot-wire anemometers. Spectra and cospectra of wind velocity fluctuations were calculated by an...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377844
Wiebe, John P.
The natural cycle of reproduction in Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons, a viviparous teleost, has been described and investigated experimentally. Laboratory manipulations of photo-period and temperature show that both are concerned with the environmental regulation of the cycle. The role of the pituitary was studied by the use of Methallibure, a chemical inhibitor of pituitary gonadotropic function. 3β— and 17β- hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were localized in the gonads by histochemical tests and t...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377843
Manton, Michael John
The theory of three distinct problems arising in geophysical fluid dynamics is considered. Part I concerns the generation of sea waves. The sea state and the air flow above the sea during active wave generation are discussed; in particular, it is shown that a significant fraction of the momentum flux from the air is transferred to the sea in the form of wave drag. Different mechanisms for transferring energy and momentum into a wave field are considered. Phillips' resonance model of the initial ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377842
Parampil, Sindu Raj
No description available.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377841
Kinnard, Christophe
Coupled climate and sea ice variability in the Arctic was investigated using a combination of modern, historical and proxy observations. In the Canadian Arctic, operational sea ice charts were homogenized into a spatially and temporally consistent gridded dataset. A complete climatic analysis of this dataset revealed the presence of dominant modes of sea ice variability related to driving climate patterns and atmospheric circulation indices such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and El Nin...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377840
Pope, Sierra Grace
For most of the 20th century, multiyear landfast sea ice (MLSI) existed in semi-permanent plugs across Nansen Sound and Sverdrup Channel and formed an incipient ice shelf in Yelverton Bay, Ellesmere Island in the northern CAA. Both plugs broke in 1962 and 1998, and several breakups within the last decade indicate that the plugs are becoming temporary seasonal features. The history of the plugs is reviewed using Canadian Ice Service ice charts, satellite imagery and a literature review. The weath...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377839
Sandström, Cecilia
Comparative study between Annie John and Wide Sargasso Sea.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377838
Liu, Joan C. H.
The design of coastal structures includes the key element of estimating crest elevation. A crest height designed to protect against specified return periods avoids damages due to overflowing and overtopping. In order to avoid overflowing, the design sea levels should be at least at the design flood level, also referred to as the extreme flood level, which is usually composed of tides and storm surges. The extreme flood level can be determined by several approaches, such as the Annual Maxima, Sim...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377837
Snively, Gloria Jean
Recent research in education has established that students at quite young ages bring to instruction beliefs which they construct from their own experiences, and that such beliefs are remarkably resistent to change. Although a growing body of research focuses on the nature of these beliefs, little attention has been given to the values underlying these beliefs and the way in which students’ beliefs and values may have an impact upon the ways in which they respond to and interpret instruction in s...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377836
Lupindo, Yamkela
The study has investigated the relationship between climate-change adaptation and the role of sense-of-place on people’s decisions regarding relocation, using Soweto-On-Sea and Veeplaas as case studies. The adoption of social science methods in the investigation led to the development of indicators, which themselves were derived from theories, which explained the building blocks of sense-of-place. These indicators: place attachment, place identity and place dependence, helped explain the connect...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377835
Asfahani, Khaled
A sequence of autonomous underwater glider deployments were used to characterize the spatial-temporal variability of the region over an eight month period from late September to May. Strongly stratified system was found in early fall with significant gradients in both temperature (T) and salinity (S), during winter T < 23°C and minimum S of 40.3 psu was observed and resulting in weakened stratification that enables deep convective mixing and upwelling of deep water by cyclonic circulations in th...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377834
Hudson, Debra Alison
Bibliography: p. 293-304. / The study examines the response of an atmospheric general circulation model (OCM) to a reduction in Antarctic sea-ice extent during summer and winter, with emphasis on non-polar and southern African climates. Following an evaluation of the OCM, the control and perturbation simulations are analysed. The controls are forced by prescribed, observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea-ice extents, while in the perturbation simulations sea-ice is reduced and replaced w...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377833
Metuge, Denning N
The back bone of international trade has always been international transport. Without good transport networks, the movement of goods and services from one frontier to another would be an uphill task, and would greatly hinder development in international trade. The impact of such poor transport networks would reflect negatively on economies that rely on international trade for the growth of their nations. Nevertheless, perfect transport networks would be useless if the performance of the business...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377832
Bauer, Susanne
Redox zones are defined by steep gradients of changing concentrations and changing redox potential. They form a transition zone between oxic and anoxic/sulfidic conditions, where nitrate, manganese and iron reduction occurs. These redox zones can be situated in the sediment as well as in the water column. In the Baltic Sea both types are found. In the Bothnian Bay, the northernmost part of the Baltic Sea, the water column is well oxygenated and the redox zone lies within the uppermost sediment (...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377831
Osipov, Sergey
The climate in the Middle East is complex and remains poorly understood. Due to the vast Arabian Desert, it is very sensitive to radiative forcing. Mineral dust is the dominant aerosol in this region. High background dust loading and frequent dust outbreaks significantly perturb the radiative balance and contribute to climate variability in the Middle East. To assess the climatological impact of dust in the region, we derived the aerosol optical properties and used a standalone column model to ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377830
Morgan, Derek
This report investigates the potential for the culture of G. gracilis, an indigenous red alga, into the west coast mariculture farm Jacobs Bay Sea Products Pty. Various methods for cultivating Gracilaria as well as environmental parameters, which influence growth of Gracilaria, are disltussed below. From these optimal conditions for the polycultivation of G. gracilis are determined. Cultivation can take place either, in open waters, or on land. Open water systems are generally less intensive tha...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377829
Lau, Chi Chung Dickey
No description available.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377828
DeLeo, Danielle Marie
Biology / Ph.D. / Cold-water corals are an important component of deep-sea ecosystems as they establish structurally complex habitats that support benthic biodiversity. These communities face imminent threats from increasing anthropogenic influences in the deep sea. Following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout, several spill-impacted coral communities were discovered in the deep Gulf of Mexico, and subsequent mesophotic regions, although the exact source and extent of this impact is still under ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377827
Groenewald, Marc
The mysterious Sea Peoples are groups thought to have entered the Orient towards the end of the Late Bronze Age time period. Their impact on the region was seemingly influential and one of the contributing factors leading to the decline of the societal status quo in the region leading up to 1200 BCE. Their origins, cultural identity and long term impact on the area are all factors which have been difficult and complex to research. The challenges with regard to these peoples and any research conc...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377826
Van der Vyver, Ryan
Includes bibliographical references. / This thesis has taken a on a site specific design approach that was initially conceived in the idea of barriers within our city. The barrier or barriers in this instance is the post industrial landscape of Culemborg that currently acts together with the N1 freeway as a barrier between Woodstock, Salt River and Observatory to the surrounding coastal areas as well as access to the site itself. This place is a lost space that needs to be integrated into the ur...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377825
Seinen, Clint
Sea ice plays a key role in the global climate system. Indeed, through the albedo effect it reflects significant solar radiation away from the oceans, while it also plays a key role in the momentum and heat transfer between the atmosphere and ocean by acting as an insulating layer between the two. Furthermore, as more sea ice melts due to climate change, additional fresh water is released into the upper oceans, affecting the global circulation of the ocean as a whole. While there has been s...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377824
Nascimento, Francisco J.A.
Marine soft sediments are the second largest habitat on Earth. How animal communities in this habitat are structured is a central issue in marine ecology. Food is an important limiting factor for many benthic populations, and settling organic matter from phytoplankton blooms is of vital importance to them. This thesis discusses the effects of settling phytoplankton blooms on benthic meiofaunal populations in the Baltic Sea and how species interactions affect the fate of settled organic matter. E...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377823
Wijnberg, Allan Richard
Includes bibliographical references. / This thesis describes the development of a methodology for the quantitative assessment of design sea levels for southern Africa. In order to achieve this objective it was necessary to establish which ocean processes affected sea level in the sub-continent and develop a probabilistic model for the combination thereof. The methodology, is used to characterize regional design sea levels in terms of the west, south and east coasts. A site specific application i...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377822
Mayot, Nicolas
Le phytoplancton est un élément primordial dans les réseaux trophiques marins et il est un acteur principal dans les cycles biogéochimiques de la planète. Cependant, des incertitudes subsistent autour des facteurs environnementaux influençant sa saisonnalité ainsi que sa capacité à se développer. L’objectif majeur de cette thèse est d’étudier la réponse du phytoplancton à la variabilité interannuelle des facteurs environnementaux en Mer Méditerranée. Plus précisément, il s’agit de déterminer l’i...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377821
Dreano, Denis
Phytoplankton is at the basis of the marine food chain and therefore play a fundamental role in the ocean ecosystem. However, the large-scale phytoplankton dynamics of the Red Sea are not well understood yet, mainly due to the lack of historical in situ measurements. As a result, our knowledge in this area relies mostly on remotely-sensed observations and large-scale numerical marine ecosystem models. Models are very useful to identify the mechanisms driving the variations in chlorophyll concen...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377820
Qashqari, Maryam S.
Mangrove plants are a productive ecosystem that provide several benefits for marine organisms and industry. They are considered to be a food source and habitat for many organisms. However, mangrove growth is limited by nutrient availability. According to some recent studies, the dwarfism of the mangrove plants is due to the limitation of nitrogen in the environment. Biological nitrogen fixation is the process by which atmospheric nitrogen is fixed into ammonium. Then, this fixed nitrogen can be ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377819
Elbagory, Abdulrahman Mohammed
Masters of Science / A chemical study on the total extract of the zoanthid Palythoa tuberculosa, collected from the Red Sea, resulted in the isolation of seven polyhydroxylated sterols viz: palysterols A-G, six of which are new. Their chemical structures were elucidated on the basis of their 1D and 2D NMR and MS spectroscopic data. Palysterols B and G demonstrated cytotoxic activity on three human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, HeLa, and HT- 29). Palysterol G, in particular, was able to induce apo...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377818
Kanai, Yoko
Department: Architecture.
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377817
Figueroa, Daniela
Climate change is expected to increase the precipitation ~30% in higher latitudes during the next century, increasing the land runoff via rivers to aquatic ecosystems. The Baltic Sea will receive higher river discharges, accompanied by larger input of allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) from terrestrial ecosystems. The salinity will decrease due to freshwater dilution. The allochthonous DOM constitute a potential growth substrate for microscopic bacterioplankton and phytoplankton, which...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377816
Malitska, Julia
After falling under the power of the Russian Crown, the Northern Black Sea steppe from the end of eighteenth century crystallized as the Russian government’s prime venue for socioeconomic and sociocultural reinvention and colonization. Vast ethnic, sociocultural and even ecological changes followed.  Present study is preoccupied with the marriage of the immigrant population from the German lands who came to the region in the course of its state orchestrated colonization, and was officially categ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377815
Kessouri, Fayçal
La Méditerranée est caractérisée par une grande variété de régimes trophiques qui s'explique par les apports fluviaux, les ratios azote/phosphore particulièrement élevés dans le bassin oriental, et par les processus hydrodynamiques en particulier le mélange vertical dans les régions situées au nord. Cette thèse qui s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet MerMEX, composante du chantier MISTRALS, a pour objectif l'étude des cycles biogéochimiques en Méditerranée. Elle s'appuie en particulier sur les obs...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377814
Sweijd, Neville Anthony
Echinoids are important grazers in the near-shore ecosystem and can significantly effect their ecology. The sea urchin Parechinus angulosus occurs inter- and subtidally along the southern African coast. Within this range it consumes an extremely wide variety of algae. Since algal cell walls have an almost species specific chemical composition, the question arises as to how it can digest the algae that it consumes. In order to investigate the digestive mechanisms employed by P. angulosus, an ultr...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377813
Gibson, Brandt Michael
We perform Ediacaran-style decay experiments on both sea anemones (Condylactis gigantea) and sea hares (Dolabella auricularia) in order to test between several proposed models of control on âdeath maskâ style preservation. Specifically, we test comparisons of rates of decay, patterns of decay, and better quantify the black âdecay haloâ precipitate noted in previous work. The results demonstrate a necessary threshold of dermal rigidity for âdeath maskâ style preservation, as well as potentially h...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377812
Adams, David Allan
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / Pursuing a ship-based missile defense capability could thrust the naval service into one of the most heated controversies of the past three decades: the congressional debate over the desirability--or danger--of erecting widespread ballistic missile defenses. To better understand the influences on congressional attitudes, this study examines five divisive congressional debates over missile defense. In contrast to traditional explanations th...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377811
O'Rourke, Aubrie
Natural products offer many possibilities for the treatment of disease. More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is ocean, and recent exploration and access has allowed for new additions to this catalog of natural treasures. The Central Red Sea off the coast of Saudi Arabia serves as a newly accessible location, which provides the opportunity to bioprospect marine sponges with the purpose of identifying novel antiviral scaffolds. Antivirals are underrepresented in present day clinical trials, as wel...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377810
Ortiz Medina, Juan F.
One contemporary issue experienced worldwide is the climate change due to the combustion of fossil fuels. Microbial Electrochemical Systems pose as an alternative for energy generation. In this technology, microorganisms are primarily responsible for electricity production. To improve the performance it is reasonable to think that bacteria from diverse environments, such as the brine pools of the Red Sea, can be utilized in these systems. Samples from three brine pools: Atlantis II, Valdivia, an...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377809
Cochran, Jesse
The whale shark (Rhincodon, typus), is a large, pelagic, filter feeder for which the available information is limited. The Red Sea populations in particular are practically unstudied. An aggregation site was recently discovered off the western coast of Saudi Arabia. We report the use of passive acoustic monitoring to assess the spatial and temporal behavior patterns of whale sharks in this new site. The aggregation occurs in the spring and peaks in April/ May. Whale sharks showed a preference fo...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377808
Catania, Daniela
This study confirms the presence of Gambierdiscus sp., Ostreopsis sp. as well as other epiphytic benthic dinoflagellates associated with Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) in the Central Red Sea, highlighting the potential occurrence of CFP in this region. These species are reported for the first time in Saudi Arabian coastal waters. A total of 80 Turbinaria and Halimeda macroalgae samples were collected from coral reefs off the Saudi Arabian coast. Sample analyses indicated low average cell abundan...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377807
Acero, Arturo
Ariidae (Siluriformes), widely distributed in world tropical shelves, includes 150-200 species, one third endemic to the New World. Males practice mouthbrooding of eggs and embryos. To study the phylogeny of neotropical ariids, a morphological matrix [26 species (three outgroup, 23 ingroup), 56 characters) was used. The strict consensus tree of 12 parsimonious trees is 85 steps long. Ariidae includes two subfamilies. Galeichthyinae includes one species endemic to the eastern Pacific, Galeichthys...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377806
Buble, Goran
The rapid development of space geodesy over the last two decades has had a profound effect on geologic studies by allowing measurements of crustal motion with sub-millimeter per year precision. The focus of this work is to better understand microplate kinematics, intraplate deformation and sea level rise in Europe by use of Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements of crustal deformation. This is accomplished in three separate studies. The first study focuses on crustal motion and sea level r...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377805
Price, Daniel David Frederick
Satellite investigations have documented Antarctic sea ice area, but are restricted in their ability to provide volume, as the procedure to derive thickness is still under development. This procedure requires the measurement of sea ice freeboard, the segment of ice held above the ocean surface by buoyancy. This measurement can be made by satellite altimeters and in conjunction with density and snow depth information; sea ice thickness can be estimated via the hydrostatic equilibrium assumption. ...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377804
Corbella, Stefano.
In March 2007 the KwaZulu-Natal coastline was devastated by an extreme storm event. There is international concern that such events are associated with climate change. There is evidence of global changes in climate but there is still uncertainty as to whether they are anthropogenic or part of natural decadal (or longer) cycles. The increase in frequency and intensity of extreme storm events will impact on the sediment dynamics of coastlines and the associated risks need to be modelled and quanti...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377803
Berlin, Taylor Landry
The Indus Fan with a volume of 4.5 million km³ is the second largest submarine fan on Earth, only behind its neighbor to the east The Bengal Fan. It formed off the passive margin of Pakistan-India in the northern Arabian Sea. One of the more important aspects of the Indus Fan is its mostly complete sediment record of what has been eroded from the western Himalayan and Karakoram Mountains which act as the main source for the Indus River system. Since the initiation of the Himalaya about 50 Ma, se...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377802
Liste, Erika
This phenomenological study presents a map of spatial forces in Ivan Doig’s The Sea Runners. The investigation calls attention to forms of space-experience that come across as a sense of embeddedness in environment. Events, places, feelings, and moods materialize as being nested within greater events and places that are likewise nested in even larger ones. The study shows that experience, place, memory, hope, and narrative have nested structures. The embedding of narrated realities within larger...
關鍵字: sea
System ID: 377801