

Cheon, Jeong Yeon
Deep foundations, such as piles and suction caissons, are used throughout an offshore oil and gas production facility in deepwater. Ideally, the values of geotechnical properties for foundation design are determined by results from geotechnical investigation programs performed at the site of the foundation. However, the locations for facilities are not known exactly when soil borings are drilled and the footprint of a facility in deepwater can be very large with numerous foundation elements spre...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373050
Kerkvliet, Hans
The objective of this Thesis is to develop a methodological framework to guide the decision maker in selecting a decommissioning method for offshore wind farms which is supported by the majority of relevant stakeholders. Initially, a literature review has been conducted to find out which methods are available to decommission an off-shore wind farm and which criteria can influence the outcome.Two methods have been found in literature, namely partial and total removal of the foundation. Furthermor...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373049
Christos, Stephen
In order to consolidate a sustainable renewable energy infrastructure, the Australian state of Victoria requires an advancement and development of any feasible renewable energy alternatives. There is a large onshore wind energy market in Victoria but the state currently has no offshore wind technology under consideration or proposal. Australia, and Victoria, has a vast coast line with desirable wind resources for offshore wind implementation. In order to definitively investigate the potential fo...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373048
Adolfsson, Emma, Lindgren, Peder
Offshoring concerns the relocation or a transfer of a company’s business activities to another country. When a company decides to offshore their business to another location it involves the transfer of products and knowledge which are both key activities in transfer projects. In today’s globalization it is difficult for companies to stay competitive in the marketplace. For this reason it is becoming more common that companies offshore parts of their business and opening affiliates abroad for the...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373047
Mondrago Quevedo, Monica
The geotechnical conditions of the soil can fluctuate greatly across the wind farm. This is an issue since geotechnical modelling is the base of the structural design of an offshore wind farm, and the efficient installation of the wind turbines depends on its accuracy. This paper deals with the characterization of the seabed, predicting the soil properties over the total affected area by a wind farm, with the challenge to reduce the required data samples in the site investigation under the numbe...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373046
Sjögren, Peter
Offshore wind converter platforms are complex installations that increase the competitiveness of offshore wind as an energy source. Prior research in the field of offshore platform project execution has focused on early project phases and planning as means to increase project reliability. Later phases such as fabrication, transport and installation have not received the same attention from academia and industry. Projects of this type frequently suffer both large and small deviations. The further...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373045
Ishutov, Sergey
<p>The THUMS-Huntington Beach fault branches from the Palos Verdes fault zone and south of that point forms the southwestern border of the Wilmington and Huntington Beach anticlines. Wilmington and Huntington Beach oil fields are located nearby, with timing and trapping mechanisms closely related to the evolution of the California Continental Borderland. The T-HBF, being part of Inner Borderland, is associated with change in vector of regional stress. Previously, this fault has been interpreted ...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373044
Choi, Young Jae, 1970-
Mooring systems for floating facilities that are used offshore to produce oil and gas, consisting of individual mooring lines and foundations, are currently designed on the basis of individual components and on a case-by-case basis. The most heavily loaded line and anchor are checked under extreme loading conditions (hurricane and loop current) with the system of lines intact and with one line removed. However, the performance of the entire mooring system depends more directly on the performance...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373043
Wang, Like, active 2013
Due to capillary pressure, reservoir heterogeneity, oil mobility, and lack of reservoir energy, typically more than 50 % of the original oil in place is left in the reservoir after primary and secondary recovery oil production. With relatively easy-to-get conventional oil resources diminishing and the price of oil hovering around triple digits, enhanced oil recovery methods, such as polymer flooding, have become very attractive ways to recover oil effectively from existing reservoirs. Enhanc...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373042
Miller, Erin Noel
The combustion of fossil fuels results in the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, a known greenhouse gas. Evidence suggests that “most of the observed increase in global average temperatures…is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations” (IPCC, 2007). One solution currently being examined is carbon capture and storage (CCS). The advantage of CCS is that it does not require an actual reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions creat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373041
Pequeno, Mônica Alves
The dissertation examines the interaction between basement tectonics, salt tectonics and sedimentation during the Late Cretaceous basement reactivation in the center of the Santos Basin. The study area is a seismic volume 60 x 30 km² in area, augmented by 2D regional seismic lines. The results of seismic interpretation and structural restorations revealed important inversions in the Late Cretaceous, including inversion of an NNE-oriented aborted rift segment known as Merluza Graben. The followi...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373040
Huang, John Chih-Ming
Buckle arrestors are devices placed along an offshore pipeline for the purpose of arresting an incoming propagating buckle. Typically, buckle arrestors locally increase the pipe’s bending rigidity in the hoop direction. Spiral buckle arrestors are rods closely wound around the pipe for a number of turns and then welded at the ends to secure it in place. Spiral buckle arrestor have some key advantages to other designs in that they provide limited resistance to axial bending of the pipeline, and t...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373039
Musaeus, Simon Wolfgang
The U.S. market for geospatial services totaled US $2.2 billion in 2010, representing 50% of the global market. Data-processing firms subcontract labor-intensive portions of data services to offshore providers in South and East Asia and Eastern Europe. In general, half of all offshore contracts fail within the first 5 years because one or more parties consider the relationship unsuccessful. Despite the high failure rates, no study has examined the offshore vendor selection process in the geospat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373038
Eakin, Daniel Hoyt, Jr.
Arc-continent collision is associated with vigorous mountain building and terrane accretion on relatively short (<10 Ma) geologic timescales. It is believed to be an important mechanism for the growth of continents. Taiwan represents one of the few active examples of this process. As such, is the perfect natural laboratory to investigate the nature of the continent ocean boundary and the uncertain behavior of the accretionary prism and extended, transitional rifted margin crust during the collis...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373037
Netland, Øyvind
Offshore wind turbines are large, unmanned machines that are deliberately located in areas with strong wind. Access to the turbines is expensive and time consuming, and in periods of harsh weather, the turbines can be inaccessible. This is challenging for operation and maintenance of the turbines, and the same maintenance strategies that have been used successfully on land will not necessarily be viable offshore. This thesis suggests the use of a remotely controlled robot that can be used to ins...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373036
McCollum, Candice M.
Sediments located in the vicinity of salt structures in the northern Gulf of Mexico have highly complex structures and fluid dynamics associated with the dissolution and diapirism of salt. Past studies (Lin and Nunn, 1997; Bruno and Hanor, 2003; Richards, 2013) have shown that faults associated with salt structures can act both as migration pathways and barriers to the flow of formation waters. Bruno and Hanor (2003), Steen et al. (2011), and Richards (2013) also demonstrated that lithology was ...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373035
Senders, Marc
[Truncated abstract] The demand for offshore wind turbines is increasing in densely populated areas, such as Europe. These constructions are typically founded on a gravity foundation or a large 'mono pile'. Gravity foundations can only be used at locations where strong soils exist and water depths are limited. Costs associated with a 'mono pile' type foundation contribute to a very large percentage of the total investment costs. This research, therefore, focuses upon a different foundation for o...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373034
Zhou, Hongjie
The research carried out in this thesis has concentrated on the application of numerical solutions to geotechnical penetration problems in offshore engineering. Several important issues closely relevant to deep-water oil and gas developments were investigated, covering installation of suction caisson foundations, interpretation of fullflow penetrometers and shallow penetration of a cylindrical object (submarine pipeline or T-bar), all in clayey sediments such as are often encountered in deep-wat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373033
Last, William.
An experimental methodology study of five common mounting techniques and procedures and three calculation methods helped determine the specific X-ray techniques to be used in the semi-quantitative estimation of clay minerals in the study of offshore Lake Agassiz sediments. The aqueous pipette-on-g1ass slide technique with calculation by the direct comparison method was chosen because it offered best and most consisitent results, ease and rapidity of obtaining results and best correlation possibi...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373032
Faiz, Tasnim Ibn
Although it is a sustainable source and there is abundant potential for energy, cost of energy generated from offshore wind is still high compared to other sustainable energy sources. Apart from the manufacturing cost of turbines, cost of energy is significantly affected by costs of transportation and installation operations of wind turbines and maintenance operations of turbine components. Through optimum selection of decision variables, such as turbine installation method and rated power outpu...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373031
Helgaker, Jan Fredrik
The objective of this thesis is to improve flow modeling through offshore natural gas pipelines. Gassco is a state owned Norwegian company responsible for the operation of 7800 km offshore natural gas pipelines located in the North Sea. The pipelines have a diameter of 1 m and can be up to 1000 km in length. Measurements of the state of the gas, such as pressure, mass flow, temperature and composition are available only at the inlet and outlet. To know the state of the gas between these two poin...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373030
Meisingset, Kristine Kiplesund
Many governments have initiated programs of energy production from renewable sources in response to climate changes induced by gases from burning fossil fuels. Use of wind energy is considered a sustainable way of reducing the carbon emission, and offshore wind power generation capacity is expected to grow significantly as the world is trying to make a transition to a lower carbon economy. Though the advantages of renewable energy on a global scale are not in doubt, the effects on the local envi...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373029
Razi, Pejman
Ageing mechanical, civil, aerospace, marine and offshore structures require continuous and accurate assessment on their integrity to avoid potentially hazardous failures. To further facilitate this crucial demand, a new technical terminology, generally referred to as structural health monitoring (SHM) has been coined in three past decades. SHM involves deployment of a sensory network on such structures in order to gather useful data, such that processing and interpreting the data through specif...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373028
Vefsnmo, Hanne Merete
Today the offshore wind energy industry needs financial support to be profitable.For offshore wind farms to be more competitive against other energy sources, thecosts must be reduced, and this may be achieved by increasing the efficiency ofoperation and maintenance. In this thesis operations research is used to developboth a deterministic and stochastic strategic model to determine the optimal fleetsize and mix for doing maintenance, by taking stepwise development into account.The results show t...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373027
Nourpanah, Nikzad
Steel pipelines are widely used in offshore oil/gas facilities. To achieve economically feasible designs, regulatory codes permit utilization of the pipelines well past their elastic response limit. This requires thorough integrity check of the pipeline subject to large scale yielding (LSY). Engineering criticality assessments (ECA) are used to justify the integrity of a cracked pipeline against fracture failure. The currently used ECA crack driving force equation was developed for load-controll...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373026
Banfield, Laura Ann
A seismic and sequence stratigraphic investigation of the Rio Grande system provides information conceming: (1) the distribution of depositional units relative to the last glacio-eustatic cycle (120,000 ybp to present); (2) the spatial and temporal distribution of sand-prone units; and (3) whether the control of eustasy and sediment supply (climate) on deposition can be differentiated. The combination of biostratigraphic data (foraminiferal abundances and extinctions), oxygen isotope stratigraph...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373025
Bhattacharjee, Subir
The dynamics of offshore structures subjected to random waves is investigated. The load modeling and response analysis are conducted by using a new approach. The problems of the wave kinematics simulation and of the dynamic response determination are treated in an unified approach using filter techniques and the state space analysis. Some interesting results on water depth characterization in connection with the two parameter spectra are derived. These permit the application of the linear wave t...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373024
Lu, Renjian
Nonlinearity is characteristic of many structural and mechanical systems. For the purpose of system identification, a frequency domain method is proposed. The unknown model of the restoring force or interaction force is represented in a set of base functions. The nonlinear system is decomposed into a number of no-memory nonlinear subsystems, each followed by a finite-memory linear system. These subsystems are then decoupled. A cross-spectrum technique is employed to identify the linear transfer ...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373023
Coterill, Katrina
This work tests the consistency of sequence stratigraphic methods by comparing the model documented in this study with previous models for growth faulted, siliciclastic environments. Interpretations derive from sequence stratigraphic analysis of high quality seismic integrated with well control and detailed biostratigraphy. Hierarchic cyclicity determines sequence type and facies distribution. Sequences with durations of approximately 5 My. include four components that fill and determine basin p...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373022
Holzhauer, Eva
The early effects of the global warming can be observed and people around the world are beginning to realize the seriousness of the situation. Reducing the CO2 emissions produced by fossil energy seems to be one of the main worldwide technological challenges at the time of writing. Hence, since the oil crisis in the 70s, a growing interest in renewable energies has been noticed. In Europe, the European Commission fixed a target: to produce 20% of the EU energy from renewable sources by 2020. Sim...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373021
Garcia-Molina, Gorgonio
The Yucatan Platform bisects the NW-SE Sierra de Chiapas fold belt of SE Mexico at right angles. The outcropping Sierra de Chiapas involves Mesozoic platform carbonates, but its northwestern subsurface continuation involves mostly Mesozoic basinal and slope facies sediments in the Villahermosa folds and their offshore continuation, the Sonda de Campeche folds. The main decollement level for the folds is a middle Jurassic evaporite sequence. The pre-salt "basement" of the area is poorly defined b...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373020
Powers, Lynn Frederick
No description available.
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373019
Taffese, Abel Assegid
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373018
Bagherieh, Omid
This thesis studies the application of gain-scheduling (GS) control techniques to floating offshore wind turbines on barge platforms. Modelling, control objectives, controller design and performance evaluations are presented for both low wind speed and high wind speed cases. Special emphasis is placed on the dynamics variation of the wind turbine system caused by plant nonlinearity with respect to wind speed. The dynamics variation is represented by a linear parameter-varying (LPV) model. The L...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373017
Bilodeau, Leanne Marie
Global mobility of the workforce and competition to attract and retain top talent compels organizations to develop healthy workplace environments that support employee engagement, well-being and retention. Within the education sector, many studies examine issues surrounding teacher retention, however, only a few studies were found that examine expatriate teacher turnover in international schools. While these studies contemplate the role of the workplace environment, they do not examine expatriat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373016
Cook, Catherine
This thesis is a case study application of international regime theory to offshore petroleum in Northeast Asia. The five states examined in the study include Russia, China, Japan, North Korea and South Korea. The Northeast Asian offshore petroleum reserves discussed in this thesis are located in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Realist, cognitivist and liberal regime theory is employed to analyze the offshore petroleum regime in Northeast Asia. Ea...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373015
Haeckel, Matthias, Reitz, Anja, Klaucke, Ingo
The Batumi Seep Area, offshore Georgia, Black Sea, has been intensively cored (gravity cores and TV-guided multi-cores) to investigate the methane turnover in the surface sediments. The seep area is characterized by vigorous methane gas bubble emanations. Geochemical analyses show a microbial origin of the methane and a shallow fluid source. Anaerobic methane oxidation rapidly consumes the SO4 2- within the top 5-20 cm, but significant upward fluid advection is not indicated by the porewat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373014
Ng, Joseph Y.
Over the past decade, numerical modelling of nonlinear wave-structure interaction problems has been an important topic of ocean engineering research, with practical applications relating to load and response predictions for large floating structures subjected to steep waves. With the increasing need to incorporate more accurate analyses of wave effects into existing offshore design procedures, the emphasis of recent hydrodynamic research has been on the development of numerical solutions to a wi...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373013
Kumar, Pushpendra, Das, H.C., Anbazhagen, K., Lu, Hailong, Ripmeester, John A.
The dedicated gas hydrate coring/drilling program was carried out under National Gas Hydrate Program (NGHP) in four Indian offshore areas (Kerala-Konkan, Krishna- Godavari, Mahanadi and Andman) during 28th April to 19th August, 2006. During NGHP Expedition 01, 2006, total of 39 holes were drilled/cored at 21 sites in these areas. The gas hydrates have been found to be present in large quantities in Indian offshore areas particularly in KG basin. More than 130 confirmed solid gas hydrate sam...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373012
Tomren, Martin
Modular Stacked DC (MSDC) is an electrical system architecture intended for use in offshore petroleum installations. The system is patented and announced by GE Oil and Gas, but has currently not been built for a full scale installation.This report describes the system architecture, significant components and functionality based on available publications.Further, the report illustrates how an MSDC system can be built in a stepwise expansion program to complete a network of interconnected oil plat...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373011
Stiernberg, James Thomas
Safety culture relating to offshore operations has shifted since the Deepwater Horizon blowout and resulting oil spill. This incident has prompted the research of high volume spills during all stages of hydrocarbon exploration and production. This study particularly covers the interactions of wells and offshore networks as they pertain to situations where a release of reservoir fluids to the environment is occurring. Primary concerns of this investigation are stream confluences, leak modeling, a...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373010
Storvold, Vegard Svarlien
This thesis suggests that an optimization model can be used as decision support when different subsea solutions are evaluated in order to increase hydrocarbon recovery and production lifetime of a field. The Marlim field in Campos Basin outside the coast of Brazil is used as a case, which is a field described as an aging field with increasing water production and declining profitability. The objective for the model is to maximize the net present value of a production asset by evaluating the inst...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373009
Molde, Håvard
Today, design of wind energy support structures is to a large extent a manual process. It requires a lot of experience, and the design tools are often based on simplified methods. As larger structures are being developed and installations move to larger water-depths, the need for efficient and accurate design tools increases. Simulation-based design is a promising technique that can help automate this process. In this study, Spall’s simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) metho...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373008
Andresen, Even Sunde
In this Master?s thesis an optimization model for finding the optimal design of a standby base operating in remote regions is presented. The research and development within optimization of standby vessel design is limited. The objective of this thesis has been to utilize the state of the art within the areas of maritime fleet optimization, ship design optimization and the analytical hierarchy process in the development of a working model. Application of emergency preparedness assessment processe...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373007
Lin, Shi-Jung
The trend in personal finance and retirement planning has changed, more and more investors have focused on the popular issue of wealth allocation across asset classes and specific investments. As a result, mutual fund investment companies have become an increasingly effective conduit for current income generation, capital appreciation, and the benefits derived through diversification. As time goes by, the amount of offshore funds introduced in Taiwan is increasing. We investors always want to as...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373006
The purpose of this investigation was to explore relationships between accidents and demographic variables, attitudes, values and opinions about safety held by workers, and to compare accident rates (and performance records) of workers. Identification of attitudes toward safety that differentiate safe from unsafe employees could assist organizations in enhancing the safety of the workplace through identification or specialized training of potentially unsafe workers This study utilizes field data...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373005
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta um método para calcular a resistência à fadiga de uma torre de perfuração considerando a elevação da superfície do mar, a dinâmica da plataforma na qual a torre está instalada e a dinâmica da própria torre. Modelos de ordem reduzida são utilizados para obter a elevação da superfície do mar e a dinâmica torre, e as incertezas nos parâmetros dos componentes do sistema podem ser incluídas na análise também. As análises podem ser feitas para vários estados de mar, confor...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373004
Jurewicz, Jacob M
Thesis: S.M. and S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2015. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (pages 135-138). / This thesis details the ongoing development of a new Offshore Floating Nuclear Plant (OFNP) concept that exhibits a promising potential for economic and rapid deployment on a global scale. The OFNP creatively combines state-of-the-art Light Water Reactors (LWRs) and floating platforms si...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373003
Lucas da Silva Almeida
Among the many social structures that cause inequality, one of the most jarring is on the use of loopholes to both launder money and evade taxation. Such resources fuel the \"offshore finance\" industry, a multi-billion dollar sector catering to many of those needs. These run under the logic of \"Dark Networks\" avoiding detection and oversight as much as possible. While there are legitimate uses for offshore services, such as protecting assets from unlawful seizures, they are also a well docume...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373002
Benhamida, Mohammed Ali
Ce mémoire de thèse constitue une contribution à l'investigation des génératrices destinées à une application éolienne en mer. Le but est de rechercher les solutions optimales dans un domaine de recherche vaste contenant entre huit et onze variables d'optimisation, tout en respectant un cahier de charge bien précis. Afin d'y parvenir, un modèle multi-physique a été développé permettant la détermination des distributions du champ électromagnétique et de température dans les topologies de génératr...
關鍵字: offshore
System ID: 373001