

Romaine, Zachary Joseph
Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in April, 2010, hard structures were constructed to deter oil migration into sensitive marsh areas behind Fourchon Beach, LA These hard structures created conditions for accumulation and burial of oil across an 8 foot deep beach vertical profile. Buried oil persists in these areas due to anaerobic conditions of beach groundwater. The objectives of this thesis are to compare the rate and extent of biodegradation of 3-ring PAHs in crude oil deposits from t...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359050
Skarzauskaite, Jurate
This Master Thesis “Overview of legal framework and territorial planning process for costalzone management” was done in the Master’s Programme in Sustainable Technology at theRoyal Institute of Technology.Cities in coastal areas and islands in particular have a special interest due to the particular rolethey may acquire as growth poles and gates to their hinterland in a broader process of spatial integration but also as centers of growing economic activities such as tourism, transport andfishing...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359049
Manyama, Kinsley
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Environ & Water Science) / Coastal aquifers present a key groundwater resource for freshwater supply in many coastal zones of Africa, and its availability is largely driven by the physical hydrogeological properties. An understanding of the aquifer properties in coastal areas is fundamental in that these aquifers present unique resource largely controlled to a very large extent by its geological and hydrological features and process. This study thus analysed information...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359048
Strong, John Daniel
Airports contribute about 5% of the gross domestic product and employ over 7 million people in the United States. The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to explore the strategies that airport managers need to increase nonaeronautical revenue. A generic strategy does not exist to assist airport operators in generating operating income. Aeronautical revenue does not always provide sufficient funding for airport operations and existing research does not consistently provide effecti...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359047
McAtee, Kaelin J.
<p> As sea levels rise, management strategies are needed to protect coastal wetlands from increased inundation. Sediment augmentation is a strategy in which a layer of sediment is sprayed across the marsh to raise the marsh's elevation and reduce inundation. This study looks at the short-term impact of sediment augmentation on vegetation and invertebrate communities. Abiotic measurements, invertebrate cores, and plant parameters were analyzed before and after augmentation in a before-after-contr...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359046
Kraaij, Tineke
Conventional knowledge of fynbos fire ecology is based on the summer-autumn fire regimes of the western Cape Floral Kingdom (CFK) where the climate is Mediterranean. However, the climate in the eastern coastal-CFK is milder and rainfall occurs year-round, with presumed effects on fire regimes. The Garden Route National Park (GRNP) has recently been established in the region, in a landscape where indigenous forests, fire-prone fynbos shrublands and fire-sensitive plantations of invasive alien tre...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359045
Hetherington, Eugene Douglas
Storm rainfall in the south coastal mountains north of Vancouver, British Columbia was investigated with the central goal of elucidating and quantifying orographic rainfall production and distribution using available meteorological information. Storm size ranged from 10 to 130 mm with all but one storm showing an orographic effect. Correlation analysis indicated significant relationships between the amount of orographic rainfall and the following storm parameters: wind speed component normal to ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359044
Lemon, David Douglas
Short period ( <1 hour ) oscillations are often seen superimposed on tidal curves at Port Renfrew, B.C. In order to determine the nature of these oscillations, time-series of sea-level variation were obtained in Port San Juan; their analysis revealed energy peaks at periods of 34.7 min. and 13.5 min. A theoretical model of wave excitation of a basin of variable depth fitted to Port San Juan by edge waves travelling on the shelf accounts reasonably for the observed frequencies. Bottom friction wa...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359043
Singh, Gerald Gurinder
Anthropogenic impacts to the environment are often co-occurring and cumulative. While research on cumulative environmental impacts has historically focused on biophysical attributes, anthropogenic activities also pose risks to ecosystem services. This dissertation evaluates the state of environmental impact assessment, particularly the characterization of cumulative impacts, and pilots new methods in two sites with varying data availability: coastal British Columbia (relatively high data availab...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359042
Tam, Jordan
In recent decades, attempts have been made to integrate social and ecological dimensions of change into understandings of resource sustainability, yet challenges persist. Complex dynamics in social-ecological systems fuel these challenges, rendering it difficult to anticipate and address problems arising from development or environmental change. This dissertation examines the ability of common-pool resource (CPR) theories to address and realize sustainable management. Traditionally, CPR systems ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359041
Trubilowicz, Joel William
Rain-on-snow, in which rainfall occurs upon a previously existing snowpack, complicates runoff response to rain events. In some situations the snowpack absorbs rainfall; in others, runoff is enhanced by significant snowmelt. Rain-on-snow has generated major floods around the world, particularly in coastal, mountainous regions such as southwestern British Columbia, where the rugged topography can cause rapid and varying transitions between rainfall and snowfall within the same watershed, and warm...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359040
McCloskey, Shane P. J.
My dissertation examines western hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria lugubrosa Hulst) as an agent of disturbance in coastal forests of British Columbia. Western hemlock looper populations along coastal British Columbia have undergone seven episodes of outbreak from 1911 to 2004, leading to visible defoliation of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf) Sarg.)-dominated forests. My research investigates the causal factors that influence the timing of outbreaks, the impacts the resultant defolia...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359039
Culley, Alexander Ian
RNA viruses are major pathogens o f animals and plants and include viruses that are of enormous economic and public-health concern. In the ocean, RNA viruses infect organisms from bacteria to whales, but RNA virus communities in the sea remain essentially unknown. Although what we know of marine RNA viruses is restricted to a limited number of isolates, emerging data suggest that RNA viruses might be more abundant, and are more ecologically important, than has been suggested. Therefore the ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359038
Ellis, J. R. (Joanne Ruth)
Selected nutrient dynamics and the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on Twin Lakes, British Columbia, were examined for this research. Twin East Lake and Twin West Lake are small oligotrophic lakes with adjoining watersheds in the Insular and Coast Mountain region of British Columbia. They are currently being studied by the Fisheries Research Branch of the B.C. Ministry of Environment as part of a lake fertilization program and thus were chosen as a site for this research. The ef...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359037
Yu, Shaobing
Nitrogen is essential to obtain high yields of winter wheat in south coastal British Columbia, which includes Vancouver Island and the lower Fraser Valley. An accurate recommendation for N application is required to keep input costs down for most economical returns and to limit environmental problems related to leaching of excess N. The questions are how much, when and which form of N should be applied to winter wheat. The general objective of this study is to improve our understanding of winter...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359036
McGee, Ann Bradshaw
This research was designed to assess the response of the flora of forested sites to the methods employed by B.C. Hydro and Power Authority for the initial clearing of transmission line rights-of-way in coastal British Columbia. Seven immature forest vegetation units adjacent to, and seven early seral vegetation units on, the transmission line rights-of-way were identified. The environmental parameter most highly correlated with both the immature forest and early seral vegetation units was slope...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359035
Pilechi, Abolghasem
Field measurement and numerical modeling are the most popular and fundamental approaches for studying mixing pattern in rivers and coastal waters. Due to the limitations associated with both of these methods they should be used together to verify each other. Extensive field measurement was conducted on the effluent plume from the outfall of the Capital Region waste water treatment plant in the North Saskatchewan River. Tracer was injected at the outfall location and the mixing pattern was inv...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359034
Di Lucca, Carlos Mario
The transition from old-growth to second-growth British Columbia coastal Douglas-fir has resulted in reduction of log size and increased proportion of juvenile (core or crown-formed) wood. Determination of the zone of transition from juvenile to mature wood is critical to the definition of wood quality and timber value. Thirteen unpruned, two pruned second-growth, and two unpruned plantation-grown coastal Douglas-fir trees were sampled to analyze the hypothesis that the transition in relative d...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359033
Tischer, Evelyn
This is a study of the hydrologic behavior of a forested west coast mountain slope soil. Flow mechanisms were investigated using experimental results, mainly outflow hydrographs, and a simple model of saturated flow over a steep bed, described in the second chapter and called the kinematic wave model. The main experiments consisted of subjecting the forest plot to both concentrated and uniform irrigation. The rationale for using concentrated irrigation was that it was expected it would enhance...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359032
Beaudry, Pierre Guy
Rain-on-snow has been recognized as an event with potential for increasing flood and debris torrent hazards. However the effects of deforestation on increasing this hazard are not well understood. To better understand this phenomena a study was conducted in the Jamieson Creek experimental watershed near Vancouver B.C. Its primary objective was to determine the effects of forest harvesting on snow melt rates and subsequent runoff during rain-on-snow events. The energy balance of a snowcover and ...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359031
Noble, Willa Jane
Lichenological studies in western North America have lagged behind those of eastern North America and Europe. Several manuals, now mainly outdated, are available for the western United States; no descriptions or keys have ever been compiled for the British Columbia lichen flora. This flora of the Coastal Douglas-fir Dry Subzone in British Columbia, Canada, partially fills this void. The Coastal Douglas-fir Dry Subzone is a small area in the southwestern portion of the province composed of a na...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359030
Nicol, Thomas O.
A mathematical model describing nearshore ocean currents is examined. The motivation for the problem is discussed and a derivation of the model equations presented. The model equations consist of a pair of coupled, nonlinear, parabolic partial differential equations. A numerical method, the Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme, is presented for solving the corresponding linear equations, and the convergence and stability of the method discussed. Methods for dealing with the nonlinear terms, a...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359029
Steyn, Douw Gerbrand
The rate of dispersion of atmospheric pollutants and the volume of atmosphere available for the dilution of pollutants are examined in an unstable suburban atmosphere at a coastal location. Within the framework of the statistical theory of diffusion, it can be shown that the non-dimensional dispersion functions σ[ sub y]/σ [sub v]t and σ[ sub z]/σ [sub w]t can be determined by integration of the Eulerian spectral functions multiplied by appropriately scaled sampling functions. This scaling, whic...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359028
Frank, Ronald Joseph
The coastal zone is one of British Columbia's most outstanding yet little studied attributes. The importance of recreation in British Columbia's coastal zone has been increasing dramatically in recent years while other land and water uses are also concentrated in this zone. As a result, resource use conflicts are becoming more frequent and there is an expressed need for suitability and capability information for the coastal zone. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a coastal zone classific...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359027
Cornwall, Ira Hugh Brooke
The Port of Vancouver, situated on Burrard Inlet in southwestern British Columbia, is of major importance both as a world deep-sea port and as a coastal port. This importance in a dual function results from: first, the wealth of forestry and fishery resources of coastal British Columbia; secondly, the ability of the port to forward to world markets the produce resulting from these resources; and finally, the fact that Vancouver is a major hulk grain exporting port. The port occupies all of Burr...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359026
Roche, Laurence
This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one deals with variation in a number of important silvicultural and taxonomic characteristics of Pinus contorta. Variation in bark and growth habit was studied in the field and recorded by means of photographs. The data obtained in this manner are supplemented by information concerning variation in both these characteristics in Lodgepole pine plantations in Europe. It is concluded that the Shore form of Lodgepole pine is extremely intolerant of shade,...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359025
Black, Edgar Clark
[No abstract available] / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359024
Orlóci, László
This thesis describes the biogeoclimatic zones on the southwestern British Columbia mainland and gives a detailed analysis of the vegetation-environmental patterns within the Coastal western hemlock zone. Ecosystem classifications are proposed utilizing coordination techniques and stratification. The major underlying causes of variations in the floristic structure among individual ecosystems are identified by four environmental gradients: regional climate, parent material, local climate (expos...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359023
Paillé, Gilbert
This study is based on 68 permanent sample plots long established throughout the Coastal Douglas fir Region of the Pacific Northwest, in both natural and planted stands of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). These plots, established by seven agencies, cover 27 acres of land and contain 13 thousand trees, of which 10 thousand had been located in the Cartesian system of coordinates. Trees were individually measured, usually every 5 years, during periods varying between 10 and 30 ye...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359022
Silva-Caso, Wilmer, Mazulis, Fernando, Weilg, Claudia, Aguilar-Luis, Miguel Angel, Sandoval, Isabel, Correa-Nuñez, German, Li, Dongmei, Song, Xiuping, Liu, Qiyong, del Valle-Mendoza, Juana
Objective This study investigated an outbreak of Bartonellosis in a coastal region in Peru. Results A total of 70 (n = 70) samples with clinical criteria for the acute phase of Bartonellosis and a positive peripheral blood smear were included. 22.85% (n = 16) cases of the samples were positive for Bartonella bacilliformis by PCR and automatic sequencing. Of those positive samples, 62.5% (n = 10) cases were positive only for B. bacilliformis and 37.5% (n = 6) cases were positive to both My...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359021
Sanborn, Paul Thomas
Three related aspects of the genesis and chemistry of Ferro-Humic Podzols in coastal British Columbia were investigated: micromorphology, phosphorus forms, and biological aluminum cycling. Profile morphologies display horizon disruption by slope instability and windthrow, with a patchy distribution of organic matter in the solum. Maximum C concentrations often occur at the base of the B horizon above a root-restricting layer. Channel-like features formed by root growth and decomposition provi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359020
Cade, Barbara Jean
This two-part study was conducted to examine the VA mycorrhizae of winter wheat in South Coastal British Columbia. In the first part, colonization patterns at four sites were monitored through the October to August growing season, as were a variety of environmental factors which might influence these patterns. Fall colonization was observed at two sites, which were the most highly colonized at all five harvests. The other two sites were not colonized until late spring, and never attained high le...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359019
Scagel, Robert Francis
Only one species, Macrocvatls integrifolia Bory, is present in British Columbia coastal waters. It is found distributed along the whole coast in regions approaching open ocean conditions, but protected against the full ocean force, where the seawater has a specific gravity of over 1.018 at 15 degrees Centigrade and where a suitable rocky bottom, between three feet above to twenty feet below zero tide level, is available. The method of growth of the sporophyte, which is partly dichotomous and pa...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359018
Spencer, John F.
The coastal zone consists of a narrow resource complex occurring at the interface between the sea and land. It not only serves as a transition zone between the marine and terrestrial environments but is also a unique environment possessing qualities which emerge from the dynamic relationship between land and sea. Man has, throughout history, found the resources of this area to be highly desirable for a multiplicity of uses. Now, however, segments of society are expressing considerable dissatisf...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359017
Booth, Thomas
Certain criteria used to distinguish chytrid taxa are highly variable and unstable. This variability is evident from a study of ten single-spore isolates of an Entophlyctis species collected in Western Canada, Oregon, California and Nevada. The observed variations place these Entophlyctis isolates in different species, genera, subfamilies, families, and series, thus demonstrating that various current taxonomic dispositions and concepts are of questionable value. Zoosporic fungi, mainly Chytridi...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359016
Mackenzie, James M.
Increasing demands for the natural resources of British Columbia coastal forests have led to conflicts between resource users. In addition recent demand for intangible "non-economic" resources, such as outdoor recreation is creating added pressure upon the wildland resource base. The British Columbia Forest Service, although restricted to some extent by a narrowly-worded "wood production" statute, has attempted to resolve forest resource conflicts by administrative action such as the developmen...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359015
Lloyd, Kevin Alexander
This study was conducted to identify aspects of the ecology of the grizzly bear (Ursus aretos) and black bear (Orsus americanus) in coastal British Columbia for both research and management purposes. Information on the feeding ecology and habitat use of black and grizzly bears was collected during field studies conducted in 1976 and 1977. Trails were cut into the study area and systematically travelled to collect scats and other sign. Bears were trapped and subsequently monitored with telemetry....
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359014
Malherbe, Willem Stefanus
The impacts of climate change are disproportionally felt across the planet, with small island developing states some of the countries most at risk. Furthermore, climate change may compound existing problems such as over harvested resources, leading to knock-on effects on national economies. Both direct and indirect stressors may impact communities differently based on their level of exposure to stressors, their intrinsic sensitivity to these stressors, and their ability to adapt to stressors. Th...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359013
Greene, Caroline Ashley
Bibliography: p. 109-112. / The field of coastal management in South Africa, and the discourses which construct and are constructed by it, are in transition. Emerging front a history of a narrow scientific approach with goals related mainly to environmental conservation, coastal management has in the 1990s become far broader and more orientated towards socio- economic development. This forms part of a wider transition in the social practice of environmental management under South Africa’s new de...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359012
Moodley, Kirshnee
Coastal South African cities like Port Elizabeth are said to have a strong potential for wind energy. This study aims to model wind data in order to be able assess the power potential belonging to a given site. The main challenge in modelling wind direction data is that it is categorized as circular data and therefore requires special techniques for handling that are different from usual statistical samples. Statistical tools such as descriptive measures and distribution fitting, were re-invente...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359011
Strobach, Edward Justin
<p> The development of offshore wind energy is moving forward as one of several options for carbon-free energy generation along the populous US east coast. Accurate assessments of the wind resource are essential and can significantly lower financing costs that have been a barrier to development. Wind resource assessment in the Mid-Atlantic region is challenging since there are no long-term measurements of winds across the rotor span. Features of the coastal and inland terrain, such as such as th...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359010
Mwaipopo-Ako, Rosemarie Nyigulila R
Bibliography: leaves 250-268. / This study examines the natural resource utilisation and management patterns of people in the coastal village of Saadani in Tanzania, in light of the individuals' social and economic power. The study was conducted between August 1997 and March1999. It focuses on people's access to and control of natural resources both within and beyond the household. It was prompted by the need to examine how pressures arising from external factors such as shifts in macro-economic...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359009
Bērziņš, V. (Valdis)
Abstract This study is a re-analysis of the material from the wetland settlement of Sārnate, excavated between 1938 and 1959 by Eduards Šturms and Lūcija Vankina. The site, dated to the Neolithic of the East Baltic, is located on a former lakeshore in the littoral belt of the Kurzeme Peninsula, western Latvia. First, the many separate dwelling assemblages of material were arranged into three major groups on the basis of their pottery: dwellings with Comb Ware (undated), dwellings with Early Sā...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359008
Knevel, Irma Cornelia
South African dune fields are severely threatened by human expansion and in the long run the stabilisation of many dunes will be necessary. The alien grass Ammophila arenaria is the most important drift sand stabiliser at present in South Africa. Although not invasive, the current impact of A. arenaria on the dune systems of South Africa is considerable, and thus the stabilising benefit of the grass seemed to may be outweighed by its negative consequences. It is therefore preferable to use indig...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359007
Haller, Anjanette H. A
Arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) are mutually beneficial symbiotic associations between the roots of plants and certain Zygomycetous fungi. The role of AM fungi in coastal sand dunes has been explored in many parts of the world, though little work has been conducted in South African dune systems. This study aimed to investigate the presence and extent of mycorrhizal colonisation of a coastal sand dune in South Africa. The roots of five plant species (Scaevola plumieri, Arctotheca populifolia, Ipomoea...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359006
Fraser, Claire
A study of the dynamics and functions of a coastal dunefield at the Bushman’s River Mouth in Kenton-on-Sea was conducted to provide essential information for the formulation of a management strategy based on an ecosystem approach. Bi-monthly tacheometric surveys were undertaken at the Westbourne Road Car Park dunefield to investigate the sedimentological processes. Changes in the topography, the amount and rate of sand accretion were monitored. Accretion and progradation were the dominant long-t...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359005
Sandoval, Mario Pamatmat,1939-
No description available.
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359004
Lane, Emily M.
A multi-scale asymptotic theory is derived for the evolution and interaction of currents and surface gravity waves in water of finite depth, under conditions typical of coastal shelf waters outside the surf zone. The theory provides a practical and useful model with which wave-current coupling may be explored without the necessity of resolving features of the flow on space and time scales of the primary gravity-wave oscillations. The essential nature of the dynamical interaction is currents modu...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359003
Emnet, Philipp Johannes
Many chemicals used in everyday personal care products are today amongst the most commonly detected compounds in surface waters throughout the world. Collectively referred to as micropollutants, they include paraben preservatives, organic UV filters, alkylphenols, triclosan, and bisphenol-A. Micropollutants enter the aquatic environment predominantly via wastewater discharges. To date there has been only limited assessments on their presence and impacts in coastal environments. The wastewater t...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359002
Colenbrander, Darryl.
Coastal zone definitions are typically guided by the presence of absolute demarcations. As a result, the coastal zone becomes confined to, and identified as, an absolute space. This research challenges the ‘fixed’ nature of the coastal zone and suggests that there are a wide range of relational spaces that overlap and engage with each other to form the coastal space. These spaces and their sphere of influence extend beyond the ‘boundaries’ of what is legally defined as the coastal zone. Multiple...
關鍵字: coastal
System ID: 359001