

Motion pictures , Social aspects , History , Sound motion pictures , Technology , Social aspects , Cinéma , Aspect social , Histoire , Films sonores , Technologie , Aspect social
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1683
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1682
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1669
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1668
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1667
出版: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada
System ID: 1666
Electrical & Computer Engineering , Switched Capacitor Filter , CDMA Wireless Receiver , Channel Selection , Low-Voltage and Low-Power Design , Fully Differential , Noise and Sensitivity Analysis
CDMA channel selection requires sharp as well as wide-band Filtering. SAW Filters which have been used for this purpose are only available in IF range. In direct conversion receivers this has to be done at low frequencies. Switched Capacitor technique has been employed to design a low power, highly selective low-pass channel select Filter for CDMA wireless receivers. The topology which has been chosen ensures the low sensitivity of the Filter response. The circuit has been designed in a mixed-mo...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1661
Health Sciences , pulse contour analysis , cardiac output , Doppler , carbon dioxide rebreathing , exercise , head-up tilt
The purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of two existing pulse contour analysis (PCA) models for estimating cardiac stroke volume from the arterial pressure waveform during kicking ergometer exercise and head-up tilt manoeuvres. Secondly, one of the existing models was modified in an attempt to enhance its performance. In part I, seven healthy young adults repeated two submaximal exercise sessions on a kicking ergometer, each with three different sets of steady-state cardiac output ...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1660
Computer Science , Web Crawling , Distributed System , Text Categorization
A <i>web crawler</i> is a program that "walks" the Web to gather web resources. In order to scale to the ever-increasing Web, multiple crawling agents may be deployed in a distributed fashion to retrieve web data co-operatively. A common approach is to divide the Web into many partitions with an agent assigned to crawl within each one. If an agent obtains a web resource that is not from its partition, the resource will be transferred to the rightful owner. T...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1659
Fine & Performing Arts , artist , audience , stylization , mass , production , of , image
This M. F. A. thesis exhibition consists of painting, sculpture, and video completed over the last five months. In support of the exhibition, an artist s statement outlines my exploration of the interaction between artist and audience, stylization and mass production of image.
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1658
Computer Science , probabilistic modeling , protein secondary structure prediction , expert resolution
A phenomenon as complex as protein folding requires a complex model to approximate it. This thesis presents a bottom-up approach for building complex probabilistic models of protein secondary structure by incorporating the multiple information sources which we call experts. Expert opinions are represented by probability distributions over the set of possible structures. Bayesian treatment of a group of experts results in a consensus opinion that combines the experts probability distributions usi...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1657
Biology , ethanol , BTEX , subsurface microorganisms , groundwater , biodegradation , microbial activity
Ethanol is used as fuel in neat form in some countries (Brazil and India) or blended with gasoline (Europe, Canada and the United States). The benefits of ethanol use include octane enhancement, a cleaner environment and a secure renewable energy supply. BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, p-xylene and o-xylene) are aromatic hydrocarbons present in gasoline. The fate of these compounds in the environment is of great health concern due to their carcinogenic (benzene) and tox...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1656
Chemistry , vibrational relaxation , molecular scattering , H2-Ar , H2-Ne , H2-He
Close coupling scattering calculations have been conducted for the para spin modification of H<sub>2</sub>-{He, Ne and Ar}. The XC(fit) potential energy surfaces for H<sub>2</sub>-Ne and H<sub>2</sub>-Ar have been used for calculations for these two systems, while a newly fitted version of the Schaefer and Kohler potential energy surface was used for the H<sub>2</sub>-He system. The fi...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1655
Computer Science , computational geometry , discrete geometry , algorithms , linkages
The results of this thesis concern folding of one-dimensional objects in two dimensions: planar linkages. More precisely, a planar linkage consists of a collection of rigid bars (line segments) connected at their endpoints. Foldings of such a linkage must preserve the connections at endpoints, preserve the bar lengths, and (in our context) prevent bars from crossing. The main result of this thesis is that a planar linkage forming a collection of polygonal arcs and cycles can be folded so that al...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1654
Management , inventions , innovations , IAP , PIES , regression analysis , factor analysis
In over twenty years of operations the Canadian Innovation Centre has evaluated, through its Inventor s Assistance Program (IAP), the commercial potential of over 12,000 early stage inventions. Prior to 1989, the Canadian Innovation Centre (CIC) used a version of the Preliminary Innovation Evaluation System (PIES), developed by Gerald Udell at the Oregon Innovation Center in 1974, to evaluate the commercial potential of early stage inventions. Since 1989, the CIC has used a modified version of P...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1653
Electrical & Computer Engineering , eigenvalues , hyperbolic polynomials , singular values , self-concordant barriers , variational analysis , spectral functions
In this study two nonlinear analysis methods are proposed for investigation of nonlinear effects of high temperature superconductive(HTSC) thin film planar microwave circuits. The MoM-HB combination method is based on the combination formulation of the moment method(MoM) and the harmonic balance(HB) technique. It consists of linear and nonlinear solvers. The power series method treats the voltages at higher order frequencies as the excitations at the corresponding frequencies, and the higher ord...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1652
Electrical & Computer Engineering , Simulation , Virtual Worlds , Load Balancing , Distributed Computing
Over the last several years, there has been tremendous growth in online gaming (i. e. playing games over the internet). The Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) is one type of online game. An MMORPG is played within a virtual world. Users have an in-game representation, called an avatar, that they control. Typically there are over a thousand avatars in the virtual world at one time. Users use client software to connect to an MMORPG server over the internet. If just one server ...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1651
Physics & Astronomy , general relativity , quasilocal energy , Hamiltonian , naked black hole , gravitational tidal heating , pair creation of black holes
I modify the quasilocal energy formalism of Brown and York into a purely Hamiltonian form. As part of the reformulation, I remove their restriction that the time evolution of the boundary of the spacetime be orthogonal to the leaves of the time foliation. Thus the new formulation allows an arbitrary evolution of the boundary which physically corresponds to allowing general motions of the set of observers making up that boundary. I calculate the rate of change of the quasilocal energy in such sit...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1650
Mathematics , cryptanalysis , side channel , timing attack , power analysis , fault analysis
The traditional model of cryptography examines the security of cryptographic primitives as mathematical functions. This approach does not account for the physical side effects of using these primitives in the real world. A more realistic model employs the concept of a <I>side channel</I>. A side channel is a source of information that is inherent to a physical implementation of a primitive. Research done in the last half of the 1990s has shown that the information tra...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1649
Mathematics , crytography , encryption , broadcasting , tracing
When intellectual properties are distributed over a broadcast network, the content is usually encrypted in a way such that only authorized users who have a certain set of keys, can decrypt the content. Some authorized users may be willing to disclose their keys in constructing a pirate decoder which allows illegitimate users to access the content. It is desirable to determine the source of the keys in a pirate decoder, once one is captured. Traitor tracing schemes were introduced to help solve t...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1648
Mathematics , Maximum Cut Problem , VLSI Layout Problem , Semidefinite Programming , Convex Optimization
It is well known that many of the optimization problems which arise in applications are <I>hard</I>, which usually means that they are NP-hard. Hence much research has been devoted to finding <I>good</I> relaxations for these hard problems. Usually a <I>good</I> relaxation is one which can be solved (either exactly or within a prescribed numerical tolerance) in polynomial-time. Nesterov and Nemirovskii showed tha...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1647
History , Postwar , Canada
Psychology and the Construction of the Normal Family in Postwar Canada, 1945-1960, investigates the manner in which psychological discourse constructed notions of the normal postwar family in Canada. Despite their pronouncements to the contrary, I argue that the psychologists discussions of what constituted the normal family were shaped by and reflected their social values, and not so-called objective, scientific concerns. In psychological discourse, normal families were those that conformed to ...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1646
Philosophy , contractarian , ethics
There is a problem within contractarian ethics that I wish to resolve. It concerns individualpreferences. Contractarianism holds that morality, properly conceived, can satisfy individualpreferences and interests better than amorality or immorality. W hat is unclear, however, iswhether these preferences are those individuals actually hold or those that they should hold. The goal of my thesis is to investigate this question. I introduce a version of contractarian ethicsthat relies on ind ividual p...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1645
Mathematics , Nilpotent , Lie , Algebras , Algebraically , Closed
This thesis is concerned with the classification of 7-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras. Skjelbred and Sund have published in 1977 their method of constructing all nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension <i>n</i> given those algebras of dimension < <i>n</i>, and their automorphism groups. By using this method, we construct all nonisomorphic 7-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras in the following two cases: (1) over an algebraically closed...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1644
Mathematics , numerical , linear , preconditioner , elliptic , PDE , wavelets
This thesis presents a new preconditioner for elliptic PDE problems on unstructured meshes. Using ideas from second generation wavelets, a multi-resolution basis is constructed to effectively compress the inverse of the matrix, resolving the sparsity vs. quality problem of standard approximate inverses. This finally allows the approximate inverse approach to scale well, giving fast convergence for Krylov subspace accelerators on a wide variety of large unstructured problems. Implementation detai...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1642
Electrical & Computer Engineering , mixed signal design flow , behavioral modeling , phase locked loops
Mixed-signal designs are becoming more and more complex every day. In order to adapt to the new market requirements, a formal process for design and verification of mixed signal systems i. e. top-down design and bottom-up verification methodology is required. This methodology has already been established for digital design. The goal of this research is to propose a new design methodology for mixed signal systems. In the first two chapters of this thesis, the need for a mixed signal design flow b...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1641
Mathematics , combinatorial designs , balanced tournament designs , partitioned balanced tournament designs
A balanced tournament design of order <I>n</I>, BTD(<I>n</I>), defined on a 2<I>n</I>-set<I> V</i>, is an arrangement of the all of the (2<I>n</i>2) distinct unordered pairs of elements of <I>V</I> into an <I>n</I> X (2<I>n</i> - 1) array such that (1) every element of &l...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1640
Computer Science , Adaptive application , mobile maps , quality of service
Mobile devices must deal with limited and dynamically varying resources, in particular, the network quality of service (QoS). In addition, wireless devices have other constraints such as limited memory, battery power, and physical dimensions. Applications that execute in such environments need to adapt to the dynamic operating conditions in order to preserve an acceptable level of service as close to 100% of the time as possible. Viewing and downloading digital spatial data on mobile devices has...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1639
Mathematics , graph theory , mathematics , combinatorics , Hamilton paths , generalized Petersen graphs
This thesis puts forward the conjecture that for <i>n</i> > 3<i>k</i> with <i>k</i> > 2, the generalized Petersen graph, <i>GP</i>(<i>n,k</i>) is Hamilton-laceable if <i>n</i> is even and <i>k</i> is odd, and it is Hamilton-connected otherwise. We take the first step in the proof of this c...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1638
Chemistry , Spectroscopy , Potential Energy Functions , Direct Potential Fit , Schrodinger Equation , Born-Oppenheimer Breakdown Correction Functions , Lambda-Doubling
The fully quantum mechanical direct-potential-fit (DPF) method has become increasingly widely used in the reduction of diatomic spectra. The central problem of this method is the representation of the potential energy and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown (BOB) correction functions. There are a number of problems associated with the existing method and potential forms. This thesis delineates these problems and finds solutions to some of them. In particular, it is shown that use of a different expansion...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1637
Computer Science , Computer networks , interval routing schemes , graph theory , multi-dimensional , characterization , bounds
Routing messages between pairs of nodes is one of the most fundamental tasks in any distributed computing system. An Interval Routing Scheme (IRS) is a well-known, space-efficient routing strategy for routing messages in a network. In this scheme, each node of the network is assigned an integer label and each link at each node is labeled with an interval. The interval assigned to a link l at a node v indicates the set of destination addresses of the messages which should be forwarded through l a...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1636
Computer Science , Phylogenetics , Evolution , Quartet Method , Combinatorial Algorithm , Maximum Likelihood
In this thesis we present a novel algorithm, <I>HyperCleaning*</I>, for effectively inferring phylogenetic trees. The method is based on the quartet method paradigm and is guaranteed to recover the best supported edges of the underlying phylogeny based on the witness quartet set. This is performed efficiently using a collapsing mechanism that employs memory/time tradeoff to ensure no loss of information. This enables <I>HyperCleaning*</I> t...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1635
Mathematics , quantum , computation , adiabatic , algorithms
One of the most important quantum algorithms is Grover s search algorithm [G96]. Quantum searching can be used to speed up the search for solutions to NP-complete problems e. g. 3SAT. Even so, the best known quantum algorithms for 3SAT are considered inefficient. Soon after Grover s discovery, Farhi and Gutmann [FG96] devised a "continuous-time analogue" of quantum searching. More recently Farhi <i>et. al. </i> [FGGS00] proposed a continuous-time 3SAT algori...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1634
Biology , sulphate , net export , mass budget , acidification , climate
A series of studies was undertaken at Plastic Lake-1 (PC1) to determine the sources and controls on S cycling in small headwater catchments on the Precambrian Shield in south-central Ontario. Two observations were made about the S cycle in this region: (1) all streams exhibit highly coherent temporal patterns in SO4 concentrations and export, and (2) most catchments exported more SO4 in stream water than is received in bulk deposition during the past 2 decades. Synchronous temporal patterns in a...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1633
Mathematics , graph theory , mathematics , combinatorics , topology
The study of self-duality has attracted some attention over the past decade. A good deal of research in that time has been done on constructing and classifying all self-dual graphs and in particular polyhedra. We will give an overview of the recent research in the first two chapters. In the third chapter, we will show the necessary condition that a self-complementary self-dual graph have <i>n</i> ≡ 0, 1 (mod 8) vertices and we will review White s infinit...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1632
Civil & Environmental Engineering , Hydrological modelling , Energy balance , Land surface schemes , Soil moisture , Frozen hydrology , Soil physics , Remote sensing , Geographic Information SystemsIS
This thesis details the development and calibration of a model created by coupling a land surface simulation model named CLASS with a hydrologic model named WATFLOOD. The resulting model, known as WatCLASS, is able to serve as a lower boundary for an atmospheric model. In addition, WatCLASS can act independently of an atmospheric model to simulate fluxes of energy and moisture from the land surface including streamflow. These flux outputs are generated based on conservation equations for both he...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1631
Sport , Recreation & Leisure , voluntary simplicity , lifestyle , leisure , well-being , value orientation
Leisure typically has been regarded as a positive component in people s lives, and evidence points to its central rather than peripheral role in lifestyle. Further, studies of leisure suggest it is conducive to psychological well-being, to physical health, and to the stability of social groups. The extent to which people are able to reach this potential very much depends on leisure s role in lifestyle, the experience of leisure, and whether conditions in a consumption-oriented society facilitate...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1629
Mechanical Engineering , Particle Image Velocimetry , PIV , wind tunnel
This study investigated the applicability of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) as a velocity measurement technique for use in wind tunnel flows. To carry out the investigation, a small scale wind tunnel was designed and built to be used specifically with PIV. The tunnel employed a novel contraction geometry which was compared to six other contraction designs using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package. The wind tunnel configuration allowed for full optical access in the test secti...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1628
German Studies , heritage languages , immigrants , German , Kitchener , Waterloo , Canada , language shift , identity
This thesis investigates the assimilation and/or integration of German families in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario into Anglo-Canadian culture. By administering questionnaires to and interviewing members in three three-generational families (n=29), different factors involved in an effort to ascertain what factors, if any, determine one s decision to pass on or continue learning German. The thesis proposes that if participants have a positive attitude towards German, i. e. , they see some use or valu...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1627
Computer Science , Hardware Accelerated Rendering and Shading , Image-Based Rendering , Reflection Mapping , Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions , Monte Carlo Integration , Offset Surface Light Fields , Surface Light Fields , Light Fields , Lumigraphs , Texture Map
For producing realistic images, reflection is an important visual effect. Reflections of the environment are important not only for highly reflective objects, such as mirrors, but also for more common objects such as brushed metals and glossy plastics. Generating these reflections accurately at real-time rates for interactive applications, however, is a difficult problem. Previous works in this area have made assumptions that sacrifice accuracy in order to preserve interactivity. I will present ...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1626
Health Sciences , spine stability , lumbar spine , low back , spine compression , motor control
In developing a method of quantifying stability in the lumbar spine Cholewicki and McGill (1996) have also broached the notion of sufficient stability, where too much stiffness (and stability) would hinder motion. Thus people highly skilled at maintaining stability may use different and optimal strategies, where <i>sufficient</i> stability is maintained. The purpose of this work was to explore the contributors to <i>sufficient</i> stability...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1625
Mathematics , graph , graph property , vertex partition , graph colouring , hereditary , induced-hereditary , compositive , complexity , uniquely colourable graphs , uniquely partitionable graphs , unique factorisation
The study and recognition of graph families (or graph properties) is an essential part of combinatorics. Graph colouring is another fundamental concept of graph theory that can be looked at, in large part, as the recognition of a family of graphs that are colourable according to certain rules. In this thesis, we study additive induced-hereditary families, and some generalisations, from a colouring perspective. Our main results are:
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1624
Planning , constructive technology assessment , constructed wetlands , ecological engineering , ecological modernisation , ecological planning , ecological technology , ecotechnology , environmental management , environmental planning , social experiments , social learni
Human production needs are met through the use of modern technology that is increasingly recognised as a threat to the planetary ecosystem and social sub-system. In light of this recognition, there is evidence that a planned transition towards more sustainable technological infrastructure is occurring across various production sectors. This change is often associated with re-orientating technology based on the concept of sustainable development and national-level strategies such as <i&amp...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1623
Sociology , health , culture , old order mennonites , old order amish , perspective , mental health , physical health , history , beliefs , practices , Family Life , community , qualitative , text analysis , hermeneutics
Our cultural orientation informs our fundamental understandings of health. It has the potential to guide how we define health, how we understand the determinants of well-being, and how we respond to illness. For researchers, the recognition of this reality is central to not only how we interpret our findings, but also to the ways in which we develop the approach, questions, and methods central to our research. The Old Order Mennonites and Amish are a culturally, ethnically, and religiously disti...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1622
Chemical Engineering , Stress , Geomechanics , Porous media , Water Saturation , Capillarity , Strength , Stability , Water Hammer
It is widely known in oil industry that changes in fluid flow conditions such as water breakthrough or unsteady flow due to well shut-in can lead to sand destabilization, with a possible consequent sand production. In this research, different flow situations are incorporated into stress and stability analysis for the region around a wellbore producing oil from weak or unconsolidated sands, and the analyses involve strength weakening, stress redistribution, and decrease of rock stiffness. Two mai...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1621
Sport , Recreation & Leisure , culinary , cuisine , cultural , tourism
Culinary tourism is emerging as an important component of the rapidly growing cultural tourism market. It introduces tourists to new flavours and different traditions associated with the preparation, serving, and consuming of foods and beverages. Although food has been strongly linked to tourism in some European and Asian destinations for years, culinary tourism is a relatively new phenomenon in North America. Current research tends to focus on only one aspect of culinary tourism, wine, with mos...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1620
Mathematics , Perfect Hash Families , Combinatorial Structures , Cryptography , Probability Methods
Let <b>A</b> and <b>B</b> be finite sets with |<b>A</b>|=<i>n</i> and |<b>B</b>|=<i>m</i>. An (<i>n</i>,<i>m</i>,<i>w</i>)-<i>perfect hash</i> family</i> is a collection <i>F</i>...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1619
Computer Science , algorithms , graph theory , graph drawing , parameterized complexity , upward planarity
We can visualize a graph by producing a geometric representation of the graph in which each node is represented by a single point on the plane, and each edge is represented by a curve that connects its two endpoints. Directed graphs are often used to model hierarchical structures; in order to visualize the hierarchy represented by such a graph, it is desirable that a drawing of the graph reflects this hierarchy. This can be achieved by drawing all the edges in the graph such that they all point ...
出版: University of Waterloo
System ID: 1618