

Chappell, Maxwell Elliott
Anadromous fish such as sockeye salmon return to their natal streams to spawn, during which they undergo significant physiological changes including the release of cortisol, a known immunosuppressive hormone. Our lab has proposed the Immunological Imprinting Hypothesis, which suggests that juvenile anadromous fish respond to pathogens specific to their natal site by producing protective long lived plasma cells (LLPCs) that constitutively produce antibodies against those pathogens. These LLPCs ar...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384152
The presence of misbranding and undeclared allergenic residues was the number one cause of food recalls in the United States, between 2012 to 2016. In this study, parvalbumin was used as a model to study the matrix effect on thermostability of this protein. In general, parvalbumin is thermostable; however, its thermostability varies among different fish species. Identification of new fish allergens is also another important factor for the development of immunoassays to determine allergen-specifi...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384151
Gestring, Kelly Brad
Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Bibliography: Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-56).
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384150
Norrgård, Johnny R
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar has a complex life cycle, including long migrations and habitat shifts for both juveniles and adults. As such, salmon populations are vulnerable to habitat degradation and fragmentation along their migratory routes. This makes management and conservation a complex task requiring knowledge of salmon ecology at different temporal and spatial scales. In this thesis I highlight the use of a holistic life-history based approach in the conservation and management of wild an...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384149
Huusko, R. (Riina)
Abstract Atlantic salmon is one of the most widely known migratory fish species whose populations have declined because of hydropower installations. Attempts have been made to preserve salmon stocks in regulated rivers by building fishways for adult fish migrating upstream, but downstream migration of salmon smolts has been almost totally ignored. Instead, captive breeding programmes and extensive stocking of hatchery-reared salmon smolts have been initiated to compensate for highly reduced nat...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384148
Haas, Andrea Rae
There is a growing awareness of the need to incorporate social goals into fisheries management, alongside ecological and economic aspects. Distribution of fisheries resources is increasingly included in social objectives of equity and fairness, such as those outlined in the 2003 FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. Concentration of fisheries access is an important aspect of distribution of benefits from the resource, and in Pacific Canada, the fish processing industry was limite...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384147
Sheehan, Stephen W.
A procedure for applying the concepts of Bayesian decision theory to salmon management is presented and illustrated with an application to the Babine system sockeye salmon fishery in British Columbia. The particular decision considered is the recommended escapement to aim for in a given year. The Babine fishery is described and the decision theory concepts are outlined. The procedure involves defining the relationship between the recommended spawning escapement and the number of adults returnin...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384146
Simms, Steven Eric
A computer simulation model was written to mimic the natural movement of salmon fry in Babine Lake, B.C.. Simulated distributions of fry were compared with field observations taken in 3 sampling periods during the summer and fall in 1967, 1968, 1971, and 1972, in order to evaluate the model's validity. Simulated distributions of fry, when random and heavily-biased movements were combined, were in reasonable accord with naturally observed distributions of fry in periods 1 and 2. In period 3 the m...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384145
Bendix, Marie Elaine
Some properties of the adenyl cyclase activity in the maturing testis of Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (chinook salmon) were characterized. The enzymic reaction was linear at 30° and at 15° for at least 60 min. The divalent cation requirement of the salmon testis enzyme was reexamined (33). The optimal concentration of Mg was about 10 mM and of Mn2+ was 5 mM; Mn2+ concentrations above 15 mM caused a marked decrease in enzyme activity. A higher maximal activity was achieved in the presence of Mn2+ tha...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384144
Lawrie, Sarah Joanne
In-stream fertilization is recognized as an effective rehabilitation strategy for increasing fish production in nutrient poor streams. Past research has focused on timings and concentration levels, and short term trials. Several alternative management schemes are possible, but only a limited number have been field-tested. Sixteen nutrient replacement schemes were developed based on an imitation of historical nutrient inputs such as inorganic and organic components of fish carcass, leaves an...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384143
Bornik, Zofia Birgit
The Broughton Archipelago on the northeast coast of Vancouver Island has the highest density of salmon aquaculture in the province of British Columbia, with 27 farms operating in an area of 117 km2. The Archipelago has been a focus region for early developments of spatial resource databases; it was the site selected for conducting the 1997 Salmon Aquaculture Review; and it has been the origin of recent controversies over the (mis)use of local ecological knowledge of First Nations and other ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384142
Schreiber, Dorothee
My study deals with the controversy over salmon farming as a problem in the sociology of knowledge. I demonstrate the reality of social constructs of salmon farming by locating knowledge within people's everyday, lived experience. By thinking with and against one another, people are able to recreate the conditions under which salmon farming is possible in the first place. At the same time, the interactions through which these meanings about farmed salmon are constructed take place in historicall...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384141
Lin, Xiang
Episodes of hypoxia are becoming more common along the British Columbia (BC) coast especially in the late summer. When dissolved oxygen drops below optimum levels, fish survival, growth and reproduction are affected; moreover, hypoxia can be lethal to fish, resulting in economic losses to salmon farmers. As a first step towards addressing this challenge for BC salmon farmers, the objectives of this study were to characterize variation in hypoxia tolerance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) under c...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384140
Egorova, Yulia
The sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, is economically, ecologically and culturally important for British Columbia and Canada. Currently, ~75% of sockeye populations are declining with a precipitous decline reported in Rivers Inlet (RI). The purpose of this study was to investigate the variability of juvenile sockeye residence and growth in RI during their outmigration to the Pacific Ocean. The point of the marine entry was estimated by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometr...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384139
Harvey, Brian John
In the first experiment, sexually immature male and female coho salmon were exposed for 21 days to dietary DDT at a level of 10 or 100 parts per million (ppm), or to methoxychlor at a level of 100 ppm. Exposure to 100 ppm DDT was found to increase the level of liver microsomal Cytochrome P-450 from a control level of 1.32 ± .04 nmoles/1000 mg liver to a level of 1.98 ± .04 nmoles/1000 mg liver, a statistically significant difference (P<.001). None of the treatments were found to affect the hepat...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384138
Tompkins, Arlene Marie
Interactions between fish utilizing nearshore habitats of the Fraser River estuary were investigated by field observations and laboratory experiments. Chum salmon fry (Oncorhynchus keta) were the most abundant salmonid captured between April and June. Non-salmonid species captured included: threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), prickly sculpin (Coitus asper), and peamouth chub (Mylocheilus caurinus). Potential predators included: prickly sculpin, and northern squawfish (Ptychocheilus ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384137
Plantalech Manel-la, Núria
The migratory behaviour of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) postsmolts during their seaward migration was examined using acoustic telemetry. The first study focused on the swimming depths of eight post-smolts relative to the water-column salinity and temperature using depth sensitive acoustic transmitters. Individuals were released at the mouth of the Eio River and manually tracked during the first hours of their sea migration in a Norwegian fjord system. Vertical salinity and ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384136
Girard, Benoit
The method currently established to assess the quality of canned Pacific salmon relies on sensory evaluation. Among the sensory attributes of importance, odour plays a determining role in grade assignment. It would therefore be useful to obtain information about the volatile components which can be indicative of various quality criteria. This study was primarily undertaken: (1) to analyze the headspace volatiles of canned salmon with a rapid method, (2) to apply multivariate statistics on the he...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384135
Neufeld, Trev
In British Columbia the Floating Vertical Raceway (FVR) system has only recently been introduced as a technique to produce low cost salmonid smolts. A FVR is constructed of synthetic rubber sheeting and may be assembled at, and/or within, an existing off-shore marine net pen. The FVR is filled with freshwater or varying proportions of freshwater/saltwater and thereby floats on the denser saltwater. Mixed results have shown that inconsistent and unreliable designs can prevent successful applicati...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384134
Hajen, Walter Ernesto
Feed accounts for 40% to 60% of the operating costs of Pacific salmon farms. Presently, commercial diets for Pacific salmon in seawater are formulated according to the nutrient requirements of juvenile chinook salmon and digestibility information derived from studies on rainbow trout in fresh water. Information on feedstuff digestibility by Pacific salmon is completely lacking, regardless of life history stage. Hence, this thesis was undertaken to determine the apparent digestibility of organic ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384133
Ennevor, Bridget Carroll
The development of a marking technique which could be effectively and efficiently used to mark large groups of salmonids, would be a great asset to fisheries management. Six experiments were thus conducted to investigate the feasibility of using the lanthanide elements to mass mark hatchery-production salmon. The lanthanides, introduced through the water supply, appear to be suitable since they demonstrate the characteristics of good elemental markers. Fish marked with these elements can be sati...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384132
Mazur, Carol Nelson
Digestible carbohydrate is commonly encountered by chinook salmon {Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in practical culture diets, although little is known regarding its utilization. This study was undertaken to examine (1) the effects of a high carbohydrate diet and (2) glucose tolerance in chinook salmon of selected British Columbia strains. Yearling chinook salmon of three strains were fed to satiation either a high or a low carbohydrate diet for 63 days. The diets were isonitrogenous, and contained r...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384131
Taylor, Eric Burke
Over its native range in the north Pacific, the chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum)) exhibits two life history patterns distinguished by the age at which juveniles migrate from their natal streams to the sea. Those that migrate seaward during their first 3 months of stream residence are "ocean-type" chinook, while those that migrate after 1 or more years in freshwater are "stream-type" salmon. Both types may be found within populations but they also distinguish populations dominat...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384130
Tallman, Ross Franklin
To test the hypothesis that temporal isolation due to differences in season of breeding could result in genetic divergence among chum salmon populations, I compared the reproductive environments, phenotypes and genotypic performances of early and late season breeding stocks of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta. These were autumn (AB) and winter (WB) spawners from one Vancouver Island stream (Bush Creek) and another winter spawning stock (W) from a nearby stream (Walker Creek). All stocks had simi...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384129
Collins, Lindley Simeon
In this study, a number of experiments were undertaken to investigate possible methods for effective improvement of the texture and flavour of canned late-run chum salmon. These included removal of the skin and bones from the fish, processing of the boneless-skinless steaks in retort pouches, brine treatment using two washes with an 8% salt solution for one hour each time, and a precanning treatment in which the boneless-skinless steaks were soaked in a solution of 10% tripolyphosphate and 2% br...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384128
Ledbetter, Max
Traditional fisheries models are based upon simplistic Poisson assumptions concerning fleet behavior. Fishing vessels are assumed to operate independently of one another and to sample the fish population in a random fashion. This dissertation provides a review of the major component processes contributing to the operation of fishing fleets and uses field data on salmon purse seiners to present tests of the hypotheses contained in the historical assumptions. Data pertaining to interference compet...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384127
Jones, Michael Lewis
Predation is widely assumed to make an important contribution to the determination of year class strength in Pacific salmon. For the most part, this assumption is based on little in the way of a functional understanding of predator-prey interactions involving juvenile salmon. As a first step towards addressing this shortcoming, this thesis presents the results of a field experimental study that evaluates functionally the interaction between a predator, prickly sculpins (Cottus asper) and chum sa...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384126
McCallum, Ian
Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of protein source and level in the diet of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) reared in fresh water tanks. The protein sources compared were a freeze-dried pollock muscle and euphausid mix (9:1)(FPE), three whole herring meals processed differently from the same lot of raw herring and a casein-gelatin mix supplemented with arginine and DL-methionine (CS). The protein sources were tested at three levels of dietary protein in isoca...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384125
Craig, Cheryl Lynne
This study was initiated to assess the influence of frozen storage of eggs from sexually mature female chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) on the physical properties of the membrane and the yolk. The effectiveness of several salts, sucrose, glycerol and ethylene glycol as cryoprotective agents for preventing any observed cryodamage to the eggs was determined. Electron microscopy was employed to gain an insight into the micro-structure of the chum egg envelope. In addition, whole eggs were subjected...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384124
Berringer, Patricia Ann
The exploitation of salmon resources was once central to the economic life of the Northwest Coast. The organization of technological skills and information brought to the problems of salmon utilization by Northwest Coast fishermen was directed to obtaining sufficient calories to meet the requirements of staple storage foods and fresh consumption. This study reconstructs selective elements of the traditional salmon fishery drawing on data from the ethnographic record, journals, and published obse...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384123
Wilson, Kenneth H.
This study reports the occurrence of daily rings in the otoliths of Oncorhynchus nerka fry and examines their relationship to growth. In experiment 1, sockeye salmon fry were collected from the Fulton River spawning channel at Babine Lake, British Columbia in May 1978. The fish were reared for 26 days in enclosures in the spawning channel and were sampled every seven to ten days. Sagittae were removed from 25 fish from each sample, and the growth rings in one otolith from each fish were counted....
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384122
Godin, Jean-Guy Joseph
Anadromous pink salmon undergo several migratory movements between different habitats during their life history. These migrations are accurately timed on a seasonal basis. Annual rhythms or seasonally-timed events may result from interactions between daily rhythms and annual changes in environmental factors. Therefore, knowledge of daily behavioral rhythms in pink salmon may improve our current poor understanding of the seasonal timing of its migrations. Hence, the objective of this study was to...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384121
Barrett, Izadore
Experiments on the viability of salmonoid eggs and sperm under conditions of artificial storage were conducted at Lloyd's creek, Nelson creek and Cultus lake, B.C., from May to November, 1948. In May and June, preliminary experiments on the holding of Salmo gairdnerii kamloops eggs at Lloyd’s creek indicated the feasibility of the storage, especially at low temperatures. In October, further experiments at Nelson creek on Oncorhynchus keta eggs and sperm resulted in the development of a storage t...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384120
Neave, Ferris
Changes in population size are governed by the birthrate, the sex ratio and the death rate. In pink salmon the average egg-production per female is about 1700 and variations from this average are insufficient to account for observed changes in adult populations. The sex ratio is approximately 50-50. Survival during the freshwater phases of the life cycle has been found to vary from approximately 1% to 24%,the average survival being significantly different in different streams. Variation is rel...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384119
Robertson, James Grant
A dialyzing technique was developed to concentrate an estrogen hormone fraction suitable for separation by paper partition chromatography and spectrophotometry assay. Estrogens were not found in sexually differentiating salmon embryos. Small amounts of estriol, estradiol-17β and estrone added to the tissue could not be recovered. However, horse testes assayed by the same technique showed the presence of estradiol-17 β and estrone in concentrations of .097 and .143 mg./kg., respectively. The assa...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384118
Newstead, James Duncan
The development of the kidney of the pink salmon was traced from the earliest stages to the year-old finger-ling. The development of the pronephros has been treated separately. The mesonephros develops from the intermediate cell mass of the twelfth to the thirty-ninth segments. Differentiation of the unsegmented intermediate cell mass closely follows segmentation of the somites. The vascular strand is established beneath the hypochord by migration of cells from the intermediate mesoderm of eith...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384117
Ali, Mohamed Ather
A histological study of the eyes of juvenile sockeye, coho, pink and chum salmon in fresh water shows that the cones, external nuclear and plexiform layers of the embryos and alevins are poorly differentiated and do not attain normal histological or physiological proportions until the emergence of fry from the gravel. From a histo-physiological study it is evident that only the emerged fry and older stages are capable of retinomotor responses and that these become more marked with age. Differenc...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384116
Grajcer, Dov
Testosterone was isolated from both the "free" and conjugated steroid fractions obtained from plasma of spawned male and female sockeye salmon. Structure of the steroid was confirmed by several criteria including chemical transformation, a sulphuric acid chromogen and infrared spectra. Conjugation with glucuronic acid was established by use of saccharo-1:4-lactone, an inhibitor for β-glucuronidase. Position through which the conjugation occurs was not established. In other species conjugation i...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384115
Cameron, William Maxwell
[No abstract available] / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384114
Mossop, George Howard
[No abstract available] / Science, Faculty of / Physics and Astronomy, Department of / Graduate
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384113
Dill, Peter Arnott
Conditioning experiments demonstrated a significant, repeatable and reversable capacity for groups of yearling sockeye salmon (Oncorhvnchus nerka) to discriminate between perpendicular planes of linearly polarized light. Polarized light was also shown to influence orientation behavior when compared with orientation under unpolarized light. A limited number of fish orientated at a common angle (between 22.5 and 45 to the right of) with respect to the plane of polarization. Possible analysers of p...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384112
Weisbart, Melvin
The major purpose of this study was to examine the physiological basis of the differences in the early life histories of pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, chum O. keta, coho O. kisutch, chinook O. tshawytscha and sockeye O. nerka. To this end, the following working hypotheses were tested: (i) the embryo, alevin and fry of pink and chum salmon are euryhaline, whereas the same life stages of coho, chinook and sockeye are stenohaline and (ii) the euryhalinity of pink and chum is due not to high tissue...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384111
Davis, John Christopher
The influence of temperature and activity on certain cardiovascular and respiratory parameters in adult sockeye salmon was studied. Cannulae were implanted in the dorsal aorta and buccal cavities of fish which were forced to swim in a tunnel-type respirometer until they fatigued. Three groups of fish were acclimated and tested at 5, 15, and 22°C respectively. Pressures recorded from the dorsal aorta and buccal cavity gave information about heart rate, blood pressure, pulse pressure, ventilation ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384110
Krummel, Eva M
When considering pathways of contaminants to pristine areas, the focus has been largely on atmospheric and oceanic transfer. In this study, sediment cores were used to study a far less investigated but very effective pathway of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to pristine ecosystems: the biotransport by migrating sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). To quantify the importance of salmon as a biotransporter of contaminants, surface sediments of lakes in Alaska and British Columbia spanning a w...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384109
Fralick, James Edward
The hypothesis was that salmon farming can be the basis for the establishment of a viable small business in British Columbia. The constraints on the establishment of a salmon farm imposed by government regulations, the availability of funds, and the market for pan-size salmon were presented and discussed. The pertinent biological knowledge associated with the rearing of captive salmon was summarized. A simple production model designed to produce approximately one-half million marketable, pan-si...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384108
Stacey, Duncan A.
British Columbia's salmon industry is currently one of the province's major sources of income. Its development from a primitive fishery to a highly organized industrial operation has had many phases, one of the most significant occuring in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this period several technological developments freed the industry from expensive and unreliable manual labour and laid the basis for the modern industry's organization. This study investigates the innovations made in...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384107
Neish, Gordon Arthur
The objectives of this study were to isolate and characterize the fungi associated with saprolegniasis of Pacific salmon and to determine the conditions which allow the infections to become initiated. The fungi isolated from the salmon were either sterile Saprolegnia species, or Saprolegnia species with affinities to the S. diclina-S. parasitica complex. Two morphologically and physiologically distinct strains were recognized in this latter group. Difficulties associated with the identificatio...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384106
Tervonen, V. (Virpi)
Abstract Natriuretic peptide hormones secreted from the heart are important in maintaining the volume and electrolyte balance and in regulation of blood pressure. The secretion of natriuretic peptides is stimulated by myocyte stretch and paracrine factors. However, the intracellular actions of these stimuli and the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the processing and secretion of natriuretic peptides are still largely unknown. In this study, a new model for studies of the natr...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384105
Heinimaa, S. (Sirkka)
Abstract This study investigated the ecophysiology of one of the world's northernmost Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in the River Teno. The juvenile years of salmon of same genetic background were studied in the wild and in the hatchery conditions. In addition, the maternal size effect on reproduction was studied in wild females. Benefit of body size was not only quantitative but also qualitative in reproduction success of the wild female salmon in the River Teno. Total number of eggs ...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384104
Hertz, Eric
Feeding ecology of organisms has a critical influence on ecosystem structure, function, and stability, but how feeding ecology of a single organism varies over multiple spatial and temporal scales in nature is unknown. Here, I characterize the factors driving and the implications of variability in feeding ecology of juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) over multiple spatial and temporal scales using stable isotopes and stomach contents. Significant variation in juvenile Chinook sal...
關鍵字: salmon
System ID: 384103